Hey guys! Just wanted to clear some things up before you read this chapter. Yes it is the same plot/story line as the last chapter but this chapter is in Travis' POV instead of Katie's.
Hope you enjoy!

It was 5:30 AM and Travis Stoll was in a fantastic mood. Usually Hermes kids aren't the, well, happiest kids in the morning. Everyone at camp had known that fact since the itching powder incident. The Hermes kids didn't mean to have the whole camp itching for a week but, hey, don't wake up a kid with a jar of Itching Powder: Now spreads by just a touch!sitting right next to his head.

The reason for Travis' peculiar mood was simple, he was pulling a prank. And not just any prank, the king of all pranks. And not just on any cabin, on the Demeter cabin. Katie's cabin.

Just the mention of the name Katie had Travis' heart racing in his chest. Travis has had a major crush on Katie ever since he saw her walk into the dining hall next to Chiron on his second day of camp. Being the 8 year old trouble maker he was then, he got to know this beautiful daughter of Demeter the only way he knew how, by pranking.

As soon as he started pranking her and her cabin he knew he wouldn't be stopping any time soon. He love the way her beautiful green eyes flashed with anger, the way her plump pink lips pressed together in frustration, and the way her little nose wrinkled in annoyance. She was like a determined little kitten trying to fight lion.

And that was what brought him here to the roof of the Demeter cabin, unwrapping 500 chocolate bunnies on Easter morning.

An hour later Travis lead his snickering and giggling half-siblings quietly down to the commons area, a courtyard in the middle of all the cabins. Campers who were starting to
wake up and wander to the dining pavilion stopped and stared in disbelief.

In no time, a large crowd had gathered. Connor and Travis were standing near the middle of the crowd waiting for a certain daughter of Demeter to come out of her cabin.

Travis being 6'4" had no trouble seeing over the crowd. He saw a small girl with big green eyes come out of the cabin. Her eyes widened and she ran back in the cabin.

Travis grinned. This was going to be good.
Travis was getting so impatient that he had started bouncing on his toes. His ADHD was not serving him well at the moment. To distract himself he started wrestling and joking around with Connor which had them both out of breath and laughing so hard they were doubled over in minutes.

This is the position these mischievous brothers found themselves in when they glanced around to see that they had been deserted in the center of the commons area as the rest of the crowd moseyed around 30 feet away.

Travis stopped laughing and looked up to see a very angry Katie Gardner walking his way. His breath caught in his throat when he saw what she was wearing. The only thing he could think was, damn.

He thought he faintly heard Connor say something along the lined of, "Yeah, um… I'll be right over here if you need me. Have a nice chat!" but he was too busy staring to be sure.

Snap out of it! He thought to himself, you are cool and collected. He quickly modified his facial expression to amused as he evenly returned her stare.

She stopped a good 10 feet ahead of him, so he sauntered up to her closing the gap in hope that their whole conversation wouldn't be heard by the entire camp. Silently to himself Travis admitted that there might have been an ulterior motive somewhere along the lines of wanting to be closer to her. But he would never admit that out loud.

"Hi there Katie-Kat, is there anything I can do for you?" He congratulated himself on the casual tone he seemed to pull off and smirked at the faint blush that colored Katie's cheeks when he called her by her nickname.

Katie took a deep breath and said with frustration seeping into her words, "Why, in the name of Hades, did you put chocolate bunnies on my cabin's roof?"

He smirked at her, "Well it is Easter, thought I'd help you get into the spirit."

"Get into the spirit? Gods dang it Travis don't you get it?-"

He snorted, "Why no Katie-Kat, please do explain!"

"This isn't funny anymore! Do you seriously think you can get away with offending a Goddess?"

Say what now? Travis thought shocked. "Offending a Goddess? I think that's a bit rash-"

"Rash? You don't think vandalizing plants belonging to the Goddess of the Harvest would offend her at all?"

"Oh please vandalizing? It was a joke!" Travis insisted.

"Joke!" Katie cried, "We Demeter kids poor our hearts, souls, and hard work into every plant that we care for! So I'm sorry if I'm mad that you just threw away so much of our time because of one 'joke'."

"I forgive you." Travis stated seriously. She did say she was sorry after all.

"What?" Katie said incredulously.

"Well you said sorry for overreacting so I forgave you." Travis explained. He thought it was pretty straight forward.

Katie stomped her foot in frustration, "Oh my gods, Stoll you know what I mean!"

Travis stepped closer and said evenly, "Do I, Gardner, do I really know what you mean?"

"Travis, will you stop messing around? This is a matter of the pride of my cabin and the reputation of my mother. I will not just stand around and do nothing while-"
Travis' mind started to wander off in the middle of her rant. A little piece of her straight brown hair had fallen out of her messy bun and now hung in front of her eyes. He wanted to brush it behind her ear so badly so he could see her emerald orbs better. Whenever he looked at her he couldn't help but get lost in her eyes. From this close he could see every single fleck of dark green in them. They seemed to be drawing him in. He smiled at that thought.
"I will not put up with you and your devil spawn brother anymore!" Travis took another step toward Katie. He needed to be closer to her. He needed to be able to see every aspect of her beautiful and perfect face.

As he stepped forward an uneasy look passed over Katie's face. Travis was close to her. Extremely close.

Travis saw Katie's eyes dropped to his lips and he couldn't help but do the same. Her lips looked so plump and had a dark pink color. His heart lurched as he found himself doing what he had wanted, but had forbidden himself, to do for 9 years. He was ever so slowly leaning towards Katie Gardner.

Katie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, bringing Travis bad to reality. She lifted her petite hand and started poking Travis in the chest. Each time her finger met his chest, a shiver was sent down his spine. "You are the most annoying, maddening, irritating, frustrating, infuriating, nauseating, repulsive-"

And right then Travis did something he had wanted to do for 9 years. He did something he had never had the courage to do. He did something he just couldn't stand not doing for another second. He thought, what the hell, why not?, wrapped his arm around Katie's waist, pulled her into his body, and kissed her with all he had.

The first thing her noticed was that Katie was kissing him back. The second thing was that her lips tasting like strawberries, warm sweet strawberries that you eat with sugar in the middle of the summer. He was thoroughly enjoying the feel of her soft, warm body pressed up against his chest and her sweet lips moulding around his.

He could've stayed kissing her forever. However, she placed her small hands on his chest sending a shock through his body, and shoved as hard as she could. Of course this only caused Travis to take one step back with his arm remaining around Katie's small waist.

Katie looked flabbergasted. "What in the name of-" But Travis wasn't going to let her go that easily. He pulled her back into him, causing her back to arch, cupped the back of her head with his free hand, and kissed her more urgently. He had waited 9 years for this, so he wanted to get the most out of it that he could.

Travis felt as if his mind was clouding over, like it was being intoxicated by the sweet taste of the beautiful women before him. After a few more seconds Katie let out a small sigh causing Travis' heart to lurch again and his insides grin as she wrapped her arms around Travis' neck. He felt her small fingers tangle themselves into his curly locks and he surpressed the urge to let out a small groan.
The fact that Katie had such an effect on Travis was a surprise even for him. He absentmindedly wondered why he could kiss so many Aphrodite girls but the only girl that caused him to react like this was one beautiful daughter of Demeter.

They remained in this position kissing enthusiastically for another minute or so until Travis reluctantly pulled back out of breath.

He watched with a huge grin on his face as Katie gazed at him then looked around with a bewildered expression. She returned her incredulous gaze to him causing Travis' smile to broaden because of her slightly pink cheeks and swollen lips. He had had that effect on her and it made him the happiest man on earth.

Realizing that he should probably leave the crime scene before the victim came to, he said, "Later, Gardner," sent her a quick wink, and turned to saunter back to his cabin. He couldn't help but notice that his first few steps were in absolute silence. He almost laughed out loud at the fact that he caused around 100 ADHD kids to all stand, shocked, in complete silence.

After a few seconds Travis figured Connor couldn't take it anymore because he started up a slow and loud clap. Before Travis knew it, everyone in the commons area was clapping, whooping, and wolf whistling.

When he reached the door to his cabin, Travis turned around. And just because he was thoroughly enjoying being the center of attention, Travis bowed and sent one last wink to a still shocked and red faced Katie.

And just like that, he turned and entered his cabin.
If they had walked into the Hermes cabin, they would have seen a 17 year old boy jumping on his bed and dancing around the cabin, unable to keep his enthusiasm contained inside his body. That is until one minute later when he would stop, out of breath, and spread out on the wood floor. He would let out a very loud shout of glee and think to himself, I think I'm in love with Katie Gardner.

If they walked into the Demeter cabin they would have seen a 17 year old girl sitting on her bed thinking about a certain boy's soft lips; the fact that where you find hate, love isn't too far off; and smiling like a maniac. That is until one minute later when she would realize that there was still melted chocolate on the roof. She would groan dropping her head into her hands and think, Oh. Crap. Here comes the hate again.

Just one last thing, I wanted to point out that Travis is not a wimp for not asking Katie out for 9 years! haha in my world he was just trying to deny his feelings because everyone (*cough cough* Connor) expected him to be dating some Aphrodite girl (psh Drew)

Anywhoo thanks so much for reading! Please feel free to comment with any suggestions or advice!