Heyy everybody! Your comments were all SO nice, thank you so much for that. Well I finally finished this chapter and I really like it, and I think y'all will too. I am considering this the last chapter of the story. Thank you all so much for your kind words and messages, I really have appreciated them all. I'm probably going to write a one or two shot from later in the lives of the characters, so keep an eye out for that (I may even write a sequel to the story if a good idea strikes me :) ) Thank you all so much once again. And without anything further, here you go:

Disclaimer: I do not own anything pertaining to L&O:SVU :(


It had been eight months since the custody case over Lucy happened, and everybody was happily back in Manhattan. Everything was back to normal and everybody was glad for that. There had been nothing from Brayden, and life was good.

Olivia climbed into the limo carefully, knowing that her life was about to change for the better today. As she got settled she looked around the small vehicle and saw them all looking back at her with big smiles on their faces.

As the car started to move she started to look back on what started it all today.

Olivia walked into the apartment building all but exhausted from the day, but excited since Elliot had invited her over, she had decided to fight the exhaustion for a little longer. She waited for the elevator doors to open on Elliot's floor before making her way out and down the hall.

Before she could knock on the door, Elliot opened it and pulled her inside, claiming her lips quickly. When the two finally broke apart, Olivia looked around the apartment to see it decorated very romantically.

"Did you hire a maid Mr. Stabler?" She teased, noticing two fancy place settings on the dining room table along with a very neat and clean rest of the apartment, trying to see the extent of the cleanliness before being pulled back.

"Ah ah ah, you will just have to wait." He teased as they heard the doorbell ring. "Dinner's here." Olivia laughed at the fact that he had gone through all the trouble to make the apartment look nice and make it seem like he had done everything himself, but ordered takeout to go with it.

"Thank you for not burning down your building with your cooking." Olivia teased as the two walked into the dining room and pulled out their Chinese food.

When they had finished their meals the two sat and talked for a few minutes. Elliot started to stare deeply into her eyes, causing her to know something was about to happen.

"Olivia Benson," Elliot said as he knelt out of his chair and onto one knee. "I feel like we've known each other for ever, I love you, and you love me, so…will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Olivia looked at her partner with tears in her eyes as she nodded uncontrollably.

"YES! Yes of course Elliot! I love you!"

Olivia was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of Casey and Alex joined by Maureen, Kathleen, and Lizzie screaming in the limo. "Olivia and Elliot, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love, then comes, marriage, then comes Livvie with a baby carriage!" Olivia blushed at the last line.

She laughed at her two friends' song. "Would you two calm down? You're a bad influence on the girls." She said as she looked down at Lucy, who was sitting next to her. "They are all crazy aren't they baby?"

"They are mommy!" Lucy replied with a big smile.

As they all calmed themselves a bit, Olivia began staring out the window as she started to think about the secret she was currently hiding.

"So he is the brother of the suspect," Olivia clarified what Melinda had just said, "Doesn't Haynes have an older brother?" She asked her partner who nodded.

"Let's go meet the other Mr. Haynes then, shall we?" Elliot said as the two began to leave.

"Oh, Olivia, can I talk to you for a second?" Melinda asked before the two detectives got out the door.

"Sure…?" She responded with a questioning look. "I'll meet you at the car El." Olivia said, knowing what Melinda was needed to talk to her about after thinking for a second.

"Okay." Elliot said, getting the hint and leaving.

The two women waited until they knew Elliot was gone before talking again. "So what's up Melinda?" Olivia asked.

"The test you asked me to run," She started. "was positive. Congratulations." Melinda shared the good news.

"You mean…I'm pregnant?" Olivia asked, making sure they were on the same page.

"Yep." She replied. "Lucy's going to have a brother or sister." She smiled.

That was three weeks ago, and the secret had been burning a hole in her mind ever since. She and Elliot had decided to hid the news until they got back from their honey moon, and they had stuck to the decision well.

"Olivia," Alex said softly, holding her own tears back. "We're here."

Olivia looked around and noticed their limo had pulled up to the church. "Well, then let's get inside before it snows." She said, only partly laughing because it was supposed to snow later in the day.

The group of girls all climbed out of the limo with Olivia last, needing a little help with the dress. When she was out of the car she looked at everybody in their beautiful chocolate brown strapless dresses with the purple sashes, then Lucy in her short sleeved purple dress and brown sash dress.

The group made their way into the church, passing a mirror in the hallway causing Olivia to gasp for a second. Her hair was perfect, her makeup was flawless, and her long flowy white dress looked even more perfect now than it had when they left.

"Ready Olivia?" Cragen asked as he walked up to meet her.

"Yes, I am." She replied, taking one last look in the mirror before turning again.

Everybody lined up in front of Olivia and Cragen in front of the closed double doors. Everybody smiled as Lucy danced down the aisle first throwing the petals she had been given, followed by Lizzie, Kathleen, Maureen, Casey, and then Alex before it was Olivia and Cragen's turn.

As the two began to walk, Olivia's eyes focused in on Elliot's. The two were smiling as they stared into each other's eyes, waiting to meet. Finally Olivia and Cragen made it to the end of the aisle, where Cragen handed Olivia over to Elliot and took his seat.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered…" The priest began as Elliot and Olivia continued to stare into one another's eyes.

"I do." Olivia heard Elliot say confidently before her.

"I do." Olivia repeated, feeling Elliot squeeze her hands quickly.

"Then, I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The two heard before pulling each other into one of the best kisses they had ever shared. The applause surrounded them proudly as they pulled apart.

"I love you Mrs. Stabler." Elliot softly whispered before they turned to face their audience.

"Elliot!" Olivia screamed from their bedroom. "Elliot! It's time!" She screamed again, hearing the footsteps quickly come down the hall.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he ran into the closet for her bag.

"What do you think?" She yelled before freezing and holding in her scream for the sake of her daughter in the living room.

"Okay okay!" He surrendered as he rushed out of the closet and to her side. "Ready to go then?"

She nodded quickly as he helped her off the bed. "I hate you and your super sperm, by the way!" She said to him when she was standing.

"I love you too honey." He said as he kissed her quickly before leading her out of their bedroom and into the living area. "Lucy, baby, can you get your shoes on quickly please?"

"Yes I can." She said proudly. "Cause I'm four!" She added like she had been for the past few months, since her birthday.

"Okay, thank you." Elliot responded. "Liv, which shoes do you want?" He asked rushing back for some.

"Elliot! It's the middle of summer, and my feet are as swollen as my stomach!" She yelled back at him.

"Flip flops it is then!" He responded as he placed them on the floor before grabbing his shoes, slipping them on, grabbing the keys, and picking up Lucy.

"Let's go!" He said as he led them to the car.

"Elliot! There you are! What's going on? How is she? What are they? How are they?" Elliot was bombarded with questions as he walked into the waiting room.

He laughed at them all, "They are all doing fine. Olivia is tired, but she is fine." He answered.

"DAD! That doesn't answer the last two questions!" Maureen yelled, causing Elliot to laugh again.

"Well, you all have two new sisters." He replied, watching everybody's excitement at the new additions. "Codie and Amalee." He happily said their names.

"But Codie a boy's name…" Lucy said, causing everybody to laugh.

"It can be a girl's name Luce." Kathleen said as she picked up her step sister.

"Lucy," Elliot said as he walked up to his daughters. "Your mommy wants you to see the girls first, do you want to?"

"Yea!" She replied loudly.

"All right then, but you have to be quiet okay?" He told her as he took her from Kathleen's arms. She nodded at the request and zipped her lips. "We'll be back." He said to everybody else before returning to Olivia's room.

And there it is...tell me what you think about anything and everything :) Until next time :)