Hey Everyone! This is extremely important, so read it. (Please!)

While working on my other story, Kitchen Duty, I had a brillient idea for a sequal to this story.

So this is the important part:

Would you like there to be a sequel?

It's really up to you people here. It's really just an idea I am humoring at the moment. But, if you people want it, I'd be happy to write it. So give me your opinion. It'll be different than this story, but still centered around Jason, Piper, and Leo. It'll also have a similar, yet different idea about it. It'll still be in third POV, and it'll take place right after this one. I really don't want to give away to much, both because I don't want to to give too much away and out of fear that someone will take the idea. (Yeah, I know. I should trsut people better, but I know authors who have had ideas stolen before. And it sucks.)

So, just leave it in a review. And try to explain why or why not. I'll update this chapter soon (which means within the next week) with thr results. I'm really excited about this idea, and I hope you are too.

Also, I'd just like to again thank everyone who read and reviewed this story. It reallys means a lot to me how much you people liked it. So, Thank You and goodnight!

I'm not really sure if this is needed, but I don't really feel like being sued, so here it is:

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or Heroes of Olympus.

Kay, so bye... and please give your feedback about the idea. Thanks

1/15/12 - I've gotten 20+ reviews encouraging for the sequel, so I'm going to start it! It's called The Word on Percy Jackson, and you can find it on my profile. Check it out!