Title: Till the First Snow Falls Again

Rating: M (In future chappies~)

Disclaimer: *sigh* Sadly, Naruto doesn't belong to me… Trust me I've tried but Kishimoto-sensei just won't let me have it! ARGH!

Pairing: SasuNaru

Word Count: 3633 words (Not including Intro and A/N)

Warning: AU, some characters will be OOC at times, yaoi

A/N: No, I'm not procrastinating Of Missions and Agents! (Meh, Chapter 4 is in the process..) This is a birthday fic to my lovely friend Vivi~! Suppose to be a oneshot but too many pages… I don't want any of you to suffer the continuous scroll downwards, so I've broken it up into a few chapters instead! Enjoy~ And I scored straight A's for my PMR! YAY! XD


A story I shall tell to those who wish to know of an enticing tale of love, betrayal and loyalty. True love never ends, so I shall only tell of how it commenced and how it lingered till this very day. A kingdom is its stage and a few characters its players. May you know of their story and forgive their love…

Every year, the weather and climate would change 4 times. First, the kingdom would be blessed with the ever so lovely Spring where not a single land will remain barren. Green-covered hills are not to be missed by the villagers; an exceptionally appropriate duration for picnics under shady trees near meadows of inviting flowers waiting to be frolicked. The emanation of Mother Nature would surround the kingdom creating a serene and quiescent ambiance. Truly a calm and tranquil season…

Then came Summer, the warmest of all seasons. The time to truly bask under the heartwarming Sun. Children wouldn't miss the golden opportunity to bathe themselves in the chilly rivers and lakes while adults wouldn't miss the free tan! Although a few storms may occur due to the heat, crops may be short on water and clothes may strike every villager's nerves, it is still the most celebrated season.

After blissful Summer came Fall, the most appreciated season. Not only was it the harvesting season but it was when wild mushrooms would grow freely along with the growth of the rowan berries. Every fruit, every vegetable, every herb and flowers would be preserved, sold, eaten and what not. Also, this is the only season when the King and Queen invite everyone to the castle as they celebrated a good harvest with a good afternoon meal. The biggest party of the year would even have performances and drink-offs, dance-offs, other games and dares.

Lastly, came the unnamed season. A season hated by all as the entire kingdom would be engulfed in darkness. The Sun would not rise and the nights would not end. Not only were the nights arctic but no clouds would ever bring rain. A truly dreadful season it was till it forced everyone to remain indoors. The villagers could not walk around without a coat and a light source neither did they wanted to. Harsh winds would always come and go on alternate days. The only way to bypass the very thought of the unnamed season was to think about what the next year would bring. What Spring would look and smell like, what Summer would feel like and what Fall would taste like. In the end, the torturous period would elapse and Spring would come again.

The kingdom was ruled by the Uchiha family; the founder of the luscious land. Loyal friends and followers of their ancestors had never regretted walking in their shadows. Currently, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto ruled the kingdom along with their two sons, Uchiha Itachi, the eldest son and Uchiha Sasuke, the youngest son. The Uchiha family was the only family in the entire kingdom to have ebony black hair; fitting their stoic appearance making them impossible to not be recognized immediately by their people. The family ruled their kingdom with fair and just.

"Otouto, if you continuously refuse to wear a coat, you'll catch a cold."

Sasuke ignored his older brother as he continued his stroll to the top of the hills wearing only one layer of clothing unlike his brother who wore at least three layers. Itachi sighed at his little brother's impudence but followed him nonetheless. It was an awkward but touching coincidence for the younger Uchiha to ask his older brother to accompany him to the hills. The darkness of the unnamed season or as the villagers called it 'The Never-ending Dawn', made it almost impossible to see the pathway. Luckily Itachi had brought along a handmade lantern lit by a small candle inside. Sasuke had refused to bring one even though his mother had insisted (rather strictly…) but the young prince believed in himself as the hills had been his childhood exploration ground. Every tree, every stream, every stump was already recorded in his head.

"What are we even doing here, otouto?"

Sasuke's eyes soften as he reached the top and looked over the horizon, "A new year shall begin and no longer will we be surrounded by this darkness."

Itachi was puzzled. How could his younger brother possibly be right? Besides, it's only been 37 days. Spring would usually arise after at least 40 days. Just as Itachi was about to voice his opinions, the Sun began rising. Sasuke smirked at his older brother knowing that he was gaping. The younger Uchiha didn't know how he knew of the coming of Spring but only that this year things will be different. A smile graced the young prince's face as the Sun basked the kingdom in its warmth and light.

Itachi watched the Sun rise. It was unusual as to why Sasuke would know of its coming but even more so as to why it only started this year. Never had Sasuke wanted to even peek outside during 'The Never-ending Dawn' so why now? Sasuke stretched his stiff limbs from standing too long while moaning softly as his muscles relaxed; relieving his tensed body. "Let's go aniki. Mother wouldn't want to celebrate the sunrise without her two favorite sons."

Itachi scoffed, "We're her only sons, otouto."

Sasuke chuckled, "Exactly."

The door to their cottage clicked as it was closed. Kakashi took off his coat and leather boots as he looked around the empty house. The white-haired man could hear footsteps getting louder and louder until he was finally pounced by his son. Kakashi groaned and pushed his son off of him only to be grabbed by the arm and pulled forcefully.

"Hurry up Dad! We'll miss it if you don't hurry up! Papa is already up there!"

Naruto forcefully dragged Kakashi up the staircase to the second floor and even up the ladder that lead straight to the roof.

"My my Naruto, what's the rush? And why is Iruka already there?"

"Stop asking and start walking!"

"I did but my walking couldn't match your dragging."

Naruto stuck his tongue out to Kakashi as they reached the roof. Iruka was already sitting comfortably and was later joined by the two newcomers. The blonde sat in the middle and anxiously stared over the hills. Kakashi nudged Iruka and mouthed his question on why they were all sitting on the roof. It's not like there was anything that could be seen except for the rest of the houses that still had their lights on. The night was surprisingly warmer than usual but still cold. Iruka shrugged at Kakashi when Naruto suddenly stood up and clenched both his fist in excitement.

"Naruto, what is going on?"

The blonde looked over to Iruka before giving him a wide grin, "It's here! It's finally here!"

Before the two adults could ask again, the rays of the Sun hit their eyes. Iruka and Kakashi gaped at the rising ball of light but were more shocked as to how Naruto knew Spring was coming! The two fathers looked at their son. He looked as though he would continue to smile for the entire year. Naruto was too happy to even realize that he was now at the centre of attention, 'This year will be different. I can feel it!' The radiant blonde gave one last smile to his fathers before shouting, "I'm making breakfast!"

As soon as the blonde was out of sight, Kakashi scooted closer to Iruka and entwined their fingers, "The Sun is pretty isn't it?"

Iruka leaned on Kakashi's shoulder, "Isn't it weird how he knew it was coming?"

Kakashi sighed, "Ah, who knows? But isn't it a good thing that Spring finally decided to stop being tardy after all these years?"

"I guess so… Well, I better get to the kitchen. If it's him then we're definitely gonna have noodles for breakfast…"

"And lunch and dinner and supper and snack time~!" Kakashi added teasingly. Iruka smiled and disappeared down the ladder. Kakashi eyed the village. Their house was located on top of a hill, higher than anyone else except for the Uchiha palace. It wasn't a surprise if the Uchiha family had been the first to spot the Sun if only there was actually anyone awake. 'Perhaps there were…' Kakashi chuckled lightly at the thought as he walked back downstairs to a whining Naruto and a mother-like Iruka.

Two weeks had passed since the early rise of the Spring and the young Uchiha prince was already prepared to kill himself. Sasuke hated Spring… No, 'hated' was an understatement. The young prince despised Spring. No one would understand. Well, of course! No one hated their own-

"Happy Birthday!" A kiss was rewarded on both his cheeks by his loving mother. Sasuke grunted as he wiped his cheeks in disgust, "Mother, I am 16 now. I do not require parties and cakes and whatever those things you drop on me when I awaken from my slumber."

"It's call confetti otouto."

Sasuke glared at his brother, "It was not a question aniki."

"But Sasuke, you are my 'little boy'! I can't do this to Itachi anymore! At least let me savor this until you get married~!"

The young prince flushed at his mother's frank reason.

"Mikoto, perhaps you should shorten the period…"

Mikoto pouted to her husband as she sighed in defeat, "Fine.. Until you fall in love then~!"

Fugaku face palmed, Itachi chuckled and Sasuke just shook his head. His mother never knew when to give up… The young prince really couldn't blame her. Mothers would always want to pamper their children with love and affection. Why should she be any different? '-sigh- Another year has passed.. How fascinating...' Mikoto gave one last birthday kiss on Sasuke's forehead before leaving with Fugaku. As soon as the King and Queen were out of Sasuke's quarters, Itachi approached the still drowsy prince, "Now Sasuke, mother has prepared something different this year since you are already old enough to be betroth to a suitable partner. You will ride with me into town today and we will have your fitting for your birthday suit (no pun intended), alright?"

Sasuke looked at his brother with boredom in his eyes, "Yeah, yeah whatever pleases her."

Itachi smiled warmly as he sat by his little brother only to roughly pull Sasuke's soft cheeks apart.

"OWOWOWOW! What are you doing?"

"Smile won't you otouto? It is your birthday after all."

Sasuke scowled at his brother while rubbing his sore cheeks, "There is nothing to be happy about aniki. Now leave my room."

Itachi sighed, "Fine then. We leave at noon after the rehearsal."

As soon as Itachi left the room, Sasuke groaned out loud as he fell back on his bed.

Naruto frowned at seeing a pot of steaming pumpkin soup, freshly toasted raisin and walnut slices, a large bowl of potato salad with a side of homemade mayonnaise and a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice, "Why can't we have noodles?"

Kakashi groaned, "Naruto, you ask that question every morning. Don't you think it's time to change your routine?"

"It's not a routine! I'm serious! Why can I only have them on alternate days?"

Iruka smiled softly, "It's not healthy to eat them always Naru… Now, enjoy your breakfast. I promise to make noodles for dinner tonight alright?"

"Yay! Thanks papa!" Naruto dug into his grub happily knowing he would have noodles tonight. Kakashi shook his head in disagreement, "You pamper him too much…"

Iruka raised an eyebrow, "Do I now? I wonder who was it who dug the mines to make a diamond necklace for Naruto and who was it who went outside during a blizzard to gather more firewood when Naruto said he was cold and who was it that ate a-"

"Alright alright you win…" Kakashi lowered his head in defeat. He could never win against Iruka. Not when he goes into defensive mode. Breakfast went by smoothly. Not a single food was wasted. Iruka settled with washing the dishes while Naruto went out to pick some berries and check on the newly planted potato seeds. After Kakashi drank his morning tea, he helped Naruto with the crops. Iruka and Kakashi owned the biggest field but had the tiniest amount of workers. Mainly being themselves. Hiring would be too tiring and troublesome. So why hire at all?

Iruka rummaged through the wooden cabinet and noticed that they were running short on flour. 'How am I supposed to roll out noodles for Naruto tonight? Guess I'll have to ask Kakashi to go into town today…'

"Ow! Shit! Damn it!"

"Dad! You okay?"

Iruka rushed outside to see Kakashi on the ground with Naruto by his side in the middle of the field. Immediately he ran to their side. Kakashi was clutching his left knee when he realized Iruka was already looking down on him. Kakashi purposely sobbed pitifully as he looked up into Iruka's eyes. He tried his luck by whining childishly, "I fell and scrape my kne-"

"-smacks Kakashi's head- Mind your language in front of Naruto!"

Naruto sweatdropped at the scene before him. Now Kakashi really seems to be in pain.

"-sigh- Naruto, help me bring your sorry-excuse-for-a-father inside the house, then get some towels and heat up some water."

The blonde got off the ground enthusiastically as he saluted playfully to Iruka, "Yes sir!" Naruto will always admire Iruka's way of saying foul things without having to say foul words! Naruto took Kakashi's left arm while Iruka took his right. The trio slowly made their way back into the house and into the living room. Kakashi rested on his chair as Iruka tended to his wounds. Kakashi would wince every time Iruka would dab his injured knee with the wet towel Naruto had brought. Iruka sighed frustratingly, "And I was just about to ask you to go into town to buy some flour for Naruto's noodles tonight…"

Kakashi smiled, "I'm not THAT injured you know? A scraped knee doesn't mean I can't walk."

Before Iruka could give his response Naruto intervened, "No! What if you fall again and it gets worse and maybe gets infected? Papa let me go instead. I can walk to town on my own you know. We may be the farthest home from town but it's just a 45-minute walk to and fro. I'll be back before you know it! Besides, the flour is for MY noodles! Clearly I should be a little bit responsible for it! Please Papa!"

Iruka scrunched his face. Naruto had never been into town alone… Usually Kakashi would go with him. Iruka's thoughts were interrupted when he felt a hand placed on his back, "Why not? He's big enough for this." Kakashi had said it in such a fatherly tone and Naruto's puppy dog eyes wasn't helping. "-sigh- Fine… Just get a packet of flour from the Hyuuga's and come straight back, understand?"

Iruka passed the money to a pumped-up Naruto, "Yes Papa! –kisses Iruka on cheek-"

Kakashi pouted on his chair, "No fair, don't I get one too?"

Naruto snickered, "You get one after I come back! Bye!" The blonde waved his parents goodbye as he put on his leather boots, strapped his usual shopping basket backpack and went off on his way. Iruka was still frowning even when Naruto was no longer in sight as he walked down the hill, "Will he be okay?"

Kakashi chuckled as he got off his chair and limped to Iruka's side in front of their window, "Come on Ru… What's the worst that could happen?"

"C'mon otouto. What's the worst that could happen?"

Sasuke grumbled to his older brother. 'Why on Earth would two princes want to go into town without escorts, wearing ridiculously long suspicious hooded robes and riding dependently on horses instead of using a carriage?' As though Itachi had read his thought, the elder prince said, "Because you dislike people staring at you and giving you fake smiles every time they greet you."

Sasuke's eyes widened at his brother, "It's amazing how you noticed. Of course I do but that does not mean we must dress suspiciously you idiot. What makes you think we won't get stared at when we waltz into town wearing this old thing?"

"At least they'll stare at you for different reasons~"

Sasuke facepalmed, 'He is definitely mother's son…' "I give up… Let's just go already. We're already late for my fitting." The young prince wore the ridiculously long robe over his original royal attire and got on his stallion. Itachi smirked victoriously as he too got on his stallion. The two brothers rode out of the stable and pass the palace gates till they arrived on the main road leading straight to the town's south entrance. And soon as the first house came to view, Sasuke and Itachi put on their hoods; hiding their hair that was a dead giveaway. The princes passed various shops selling all types of products. Surprisingly, as Itachi had said, the towns people do stare but for entirely different reasons. It wasn't often that their kingdom was visited by passing travelers seeing as they were in a remote location. The only way in by land was to pass high mountains and dangerous trenches. Luckily, there was a port that connected them to a neighboring kingdom. However, the only people that would come by would be grocers and merchants who wish to either sell or buy.

Itachi and Sasuke came to a stop when they saw a familiar shop. The tailor of the kingdom, Sasori, was a quiet man. Speaking wasn't always his forte' unlike his assistant Deidara who pretty much couldn't stop talking. Together they design the most exquisite collection of clothing. From cotton to lace, every material and accessories were sewn with exact precision which is why it was no wonder that only villagers of higher income could afford them. Sasori was also the royal tailor however he had refused the King's offer many times to work personally for them in the castle. Sasuke and Itachi got off their horses and tied them outside. The gentle clinging of the door chime broke the silence of the shop as the elder prince entered.

"Welcome! And who might we have here?" A blonde man appeared from behind the shop counter.

"It's nice to see you again, Deidara." Itachi took off his hood as he greeted the assistant tailor.

"I-Itachi-sama! Ah, you must be here for Prince Sasuke's birthday clothes! Hold on I'll go inform Sasori!" And just like that the blonde disappeared into a room further in the shop. Sasuke too took off his hood and began his exploration. The shop was quite big. Colorful materials lay about along with a few unfinished projects and clothing. Nothing sparked the young prince's interest until he saw what seemed to be a handmade doll near the counter. A rag doll. It had thick strands of red wool for hair, brown buttons for eyes and had a plain black material for clothing. There was still a threaded needle pierced in one of its limbs. 'Perhaps that was what he was doing before…' The doll was stuffed with cotton and was sewn rather clumsily. Suddenly, Deidara came back only to shriek when he saw Sasuke, "I-I didn't see you just now, Sasuke-sama. Forgive me. Well, since you're here please follow me so you can try your new clothes."

"Hn." Sasuke and Itachi followed Deidara as they entered the room in which the blonde had disappeared to before. A huge room it was… Sasori was standing in front of a dress form that was wearing a rather dashing set of clothes. The red head turned at hearing multiple footsteps and gave Itachi and Sasuke a polite bow. The princes bowed back and took their seats on the available chairs in the room. Sasuke looked around the room while Itachi admired the clothing on the dress form, "Is that what my otouto is supposed to wear at his party tonight?"

Sasori smiled at Itachi in agreement and gestured Sasuke to a fitting room. Sasuke went on inside as the red head helped pass the new clothing for the young prince to try on. When Sasuke emerged, Itachi gave his younger brother a clap. It fitted him nicely. A beautiful navy blue tailcoat was worn over a simple white linen shirt with a lacey bow tie. The trousers were tucked in high leather black boots and the dark blue top hat was decorated with white ribbons and a few trimmed white roses. Sasuke would've looked like the perfect suitor and gentleman if only he was wearing a smile instead of a frown.

"What is the matter otouto? Mother and father would've been proud if only your lips were upside down."

Sasuke gritted his teeth. This was embarrassing. How was he supposed to say that the pants were too tight for his lower half? Sasori stared at the young prince for a while and as though reading his body language, "Would you like me to adjust the trousers, sire?"

"Yes please."

Sasuke heard Itachi chuckle lightly in the back, "So that's why." The young prince glared at his older brother as Sasori took out his measuring tape from his back pocket and circulated the tape around Sasuke's waist and thighs. After taking the new measurements, the red head wrote them down in his notebook. When the tailor was done, he asked Deidara to fetch some gold thread in the storeroom. Deidara nodded and exited the room. It didn't take long until the door chime rang again. "Hold on! We'll be right there!" Deidara shouted as he continued rummaging the storeroom for the gold thread. "Sasori! Deidara! It's me! I brought you guys something~!"

The moment that voice was heard, Sasori and Deidara froze.


A/N: Thnx for reading! This story should come out fast so be patient! Oh yeah and Happy Birthday Vivi! I love you so much~! ^.^ Hope you get those concert tickets to watch FTIsland in Malaysia next year!