I opened my ffnet account after 3132424years. I apologize for the terribly loooooooooooooooong wait! My inspiration has somehow got lost and well, it came back. LOL. I've been reading Loki (from Thor) fics lately and he's graceful and very archaic and all. He reminded me of Sebby that I had decided to post this for you guys. And you are all very wonderful readers. I love you all. :)

Sebastian: Hajimemashou ka, ojou-sama? (Shall we start, Princess?)

A soft sigh escaped her lips. She can't believe that tomorrow was her time to leave the Phantomhive Manor. She had stayed for too long (using Elizabeth as an excuse, of course). She will surely miss the place. Ciel. The servants – Meirin, Finny, Bard. The old butler – Tanaka and last but especially, not the least, Sebastian.

Sebastian Michaelis.

The butler clad in black. If not for his uniform, she would think that he is a royalty. An aristocrat. A prince. With his refined and graceful motion, one would never think of him as a butler. But what would she expect? He works for the Phantomhive, a family of great heritage with vast connection to famous families even to the Queen of Land herself..

Another sigh escaped her. She had grown quite fond of him over time. It was hard for her. She, a daughter of high status and wealth, is expected to fall for a man with equal status. The thought never occurred to her until now. Their small physical contacts felt so right for her. The way he held her as they danced in a comfortable silence outside the ball room's porch. Their small kisses (if they were even kisses because they seemed so brief and all). They all felt so right. A small frown appeared on her face.

She will miss the butler terribly.

Without even noticing, she was standing outside the butler's room. Doorknob in hand, she twisted and pushed it open a little. Peaking inside, she noticed that the butler wasn't present. She welcomed herself in for that was what she was told. That she can enter the room anytime she wants. She knew she didn't need permission.

She sat on the butler's bed and began to wonder what she was still doing there. She obviously went there to see Sebastian but seeing that he wasn't there, she should've left.

She was torn from her thoughts when she felt something furry brushed her hand. She looked down and saw a black cat nuzzling her hand.

Smiling, she patted the little creature on the head. "Hello there, little one. Why aren't you with your friends?"

The cat looked up to her and she noticed the reddish brown eyes of the feline. Mesmerized with its color, she continued stroking the cat's fur, eliciting a soft mewl from it.

"Your eyes remind me so much of him, little one. I wonder where he is."
I can't be expecting the cat to answer me. Have I gone insane? She thought.

Not realizing it, the lady stroked the feline too hard. It made a shrieking sound and ran away from her, out into the open door leading outside Sebastian's room. She ran not wanting Ciel to know that there is a freaking cat staying on the butler's room – on his mansion. She turned into a corner and fell back as she bumped on soft yet firm and hard object. Closing her eyes and preparing for a painful feeling on her butt, she felt nothing. Instead, she felt strong arms on her waist and wrist, pulling her close. She didn't even need to look up. She knew what or correctly, who she bumped into. The same person she had been looking for earlier.

"S-S-Sebastian" Her voiced surprised her. His name came out resembling a soft gasp.

"Milady? What were you doing? Running around the mansion in the middle of the night." His voice smooth as velvet resonated on her ears.

"I... I came to check the cats in y-your room. I... Bid them farewell, I guess?" She stuttered, telling lies still is not her forte. The space between the butler and her not helping the situation. She can practically smell his scent - his very distinct scent.

Sebastian raised one of his perfectly arched brow and looked at her. He knew she was lying. She knew he knew she was lying.

"And and. One of the cats ran. I was afraid that Ciel might see him. So I came chasing for him until I bumped into you." She added too quickly.

"I'm sure he'll find the way to my room, Milady. The Young Master is fast asleep. You have no need to worry. Let me escort you back to yours." He removed his hand from her waist. The other hand holding her wrist softened its gripped and held onto her hand instead.

"If you say so, Sebastian," She looked down, completely aware of the butler's hand, heat rushing up to her face.

She felt a brief moment of sorrow when his hand left hers. Opening the door to her room, she walked in. At least I saw him tonight.

She turned around to thank the butler, not realizing that sadness was still painted on her face.

"Is there something that's bothering you, Milady?" Sebastian inquired, his hand reaching up to cradle the lady's face.

She shook her head, not sure if she'll be able to say any coherent word. Tears prickled on her eyes but she would not let them fall.

She felt him pulled her close and even though she wanted to will away the tears in her eyes, she found that she couldn't. A soft sob came through her lips and she pushed herself more into the butler's chest.

He stroked her hair gently, appeasing her troubled mind. She didn't want to leave. He was pretty sure about that. A small smirk appeared on his lips. Could he be the reason why she's weeping? He knew, of course, he knew that he had that effect on her.

He broke away from her. He gently lifted her chin up using his forefinger and thumb and he closed the small space between them with his lips. Her tears immediately stopped as soon as she felt his lips on hers. His lips soft and warm as they caressed her trembling ones. She heard the soft thud of the door as Sebastian used his foot to close it as silently as he can, not once leaving her lips.

She pulled away struggling to catch her breath but unable to do so as the butler pulled her again. His lips finding her own again. His tongue prodded past her slightly opened lips and began exploring her mouth. She unintentionally moaned, waking the demon inside the butler more. Their kisses became more quick, more erratic. Next thing she knew, she was gently pushed onto the bed. His arms cushioning her fall. His legs on either side of her body. Sebastian hovering over her, trapping her. She looked up to his eyes, momentarily glowing she thought but as soon as she saw it, they faded away to their original color. His mouth found her neck and she tilted her head to give him more access. He placed soft kisses at first and then he began to suck and bite at a certain spot on the nape. She held her moan, afraid that if she did, everything will go away. And Sebastian stopped what he was doing, she panted. A look of confusion was sent to the butler.

An amused expression graced his features as he lifted his face from the lady's neck and looked directly at her eyes. "Milady. You've been so silent all the time. Am I not satisfying you?"

She swallowed thickly. "Sebastian... I..."

"Would you like me to stop?"

He smirked inwardly as he saw the horror in the woman's eyes.

She wouldn't want him to stop and neither did he.

Sebastian leaned in again towards her. His lips dangerously close to her ear. His voice so deep, lust evident on it. "Tell me what you want, my mistress. I will gladly give it to you."

And she woke up, her heart racing. When was the last time she had dreamt of him? And it was not just an ordinary dream. It was a memory of what transpired that night. She ran a hand across her hair as if to shake away her thoughts. Looking at the letter on her nightstand, she smiled.

We are celebrating Ciel's birthday, [Name]. I will be personally making the preparations. Please come! It would be so much fun. Ciel will be happy if you come,too. So please please please come!

With love, Lizzy

Thanks for reading! This is 5 pages on MS Word with Calibri font 10. Can you believe that! Did you guys like it? I was supposed to write a lemon for this but... I changed my mind. If people request that I write the lemon part, I might reconsider *wink wink*.

Reviews are loved and messages too if you want.

AND I NOTICED I WROTE AT THIRD PERSON POV. Did you find it weird? *laughs*