Life Sentence

The last time they see each other is in a prison cell. Heavy footsteps are approaching and they know they're coming for them. Fear is not completely unknown to them, of course. It kept them going as long as it wasn't overwhelming. This time, it grips their throats tightly and renders them mute. They look at each other. Their time together seems to have come to an end and they must either say the words now or keep their silence – perhaps forever.

It's Sam who breaks, always the more likely to speak of his feelings, but this time, even for him words are not enough. He grasps Dean by the back of his neck and forces his head forward, his lips taking greedily possession of his brother's mouth. Their tongues swipe each other's mouths just once, then there's the sound of a key in the lock and Dean breaks the kiss. Sam wouldn't have cared, but Dean does.

They haul him out of the cell and the last thing Sam sees of his brother is the green of his eyes.

Dean has to leave the cell for meals and showers and duties. He fetches a tray and accepts the grub slapped down on his plate but he doesn't eat it. Just looking at it makes him want to vomit.

Pete sits down next to him. He's given up trying to make him talk. Dean's lucky his reputation for fighting is still good enough to warrant him some peace from the other inmates. Rumor is, he committed several ritual murders.

Sam always fights. His prison may have a better reputation than others – and there is no moment when he doesn't wonder where Dean is – but there is always a confrontation somewhere worth getting into a fist fight for. He's usually in the middle, if not the cause of it. It earns him time in isolation, but he prefers it to sharing his cell with someone. It also means that there's no one to stop him if he wants to pummel the walls with his fists.

He's vomiting again. There's not much to vomit up, so he's mostly retching over the toilet. Pete looks up from his bunk.

"Oh, man! Again?" He slaps his comic down on the mattress.

When he's done, he can't support himself anymore and he slips down onto the dirty floor.

"Something isn't right here." Pete jumps off the bed and bangs his boots against the bars.

"Guards! Hey! Somebody come here!"

Dean loses consciousness. His last thought is 'Finally'.

He manages to break three knuckles of his right hand. Vince had to learn that Sam is just as good with his left, even if it looks as if he isn't paying attention. They've made him go see the psychiatrist. If he listens hard enough, he thinks he can hear his brother so he stops listening to the outside and listens on the inside for Dean.

Thanks for reading. Reviews are always welcome.