Hey everyone. Braceface is one of my favorite cartoons and I figured that there defenitely needed to be some more Braceface fanfics so here's my contribution. So this takes place when everyone (Sharon, Maria, Alden; etc.) are seniors in high school. Sharon is dating a college student she met when she was visiting her brother in college. Maria and Conner are a couple. I guess there's nothing else you really need to know. Hope you like it! :)

Operation: Awakening

Sharon's POV

Humming softly to herself, Sharon did a couple of last minute touch-ups on her hair before winking at her dog and asking, "Do I meet you're approval?" She couldn't help but feel excited, today was her 3 month anniversary with her boyfriend Mike. Lately things had been kind of distant between them and, after finding out he was working a double shift at McDonald's, she decided to go down and surprise him on his lunch break. I'm going to surprise him, and make his day, then I'll get him to take me out to dinner after he gets off work and the day is going to be wonderful.

Wanting everything to be perfect, she did a last once over of herself before grabbing her bag and car keys then skipping down the stairs. Grinning broadly in excitement, she jumped the last 2 steps and was halfway to the door when her mother called from the kitchen, saying that the phone was for her. People have perfect timing, don't they... it's like they know when I'm heading out and call then.

Doing a 360, she reached around the corner and grabbed the telephone, answering with a "Sharon here, talk to me."

"Uh hey Sharon, it's Alden." Smiling she said, "Hey Ald, what can do for you?" Clearing his throat he asked, "You're going to band practice, right? Well, would you mind giving me a ride there? Dad's got the car and my sister took the SUV somewhere..." "Hah, sure thing, as long as you don't mind coming with me to drop something off to Mike quickly... It's our 3 month and I want to surprise him."
Laughing he said, "Yeah, that's cool as long as we get to practice reasonably on time. See ya then." Click.

Staring at the phone in puzzlement, Sharon wondered if Alden was that out of it that he had forgotten to say where he was. Um, okay, I'm picking him up... where? I swear that boy would loose his head if I wasn't there to keep track of him.

Shrugging, she headed out the door again, figuring that she'd just stop by his house. Humming to herself again, she didn't even notice Alden standing next to her doorstep until he reached out and tapped her shoulder. Yelping in surprise, she glared at him, "What's wrong with you?! Damn, I could have had a heart attack and then who would sing for your stupid band? Don't do that creepy stalky thing that Maria does."

Grumbling at him as he laughed, she pushed him towards the car. Noticing the cell phone sticking out of his back pocket, she realized he must have been standing outside her house when he called her. Grinning at him, she couldn't help check out the back view she had. Not that she wasn't happy with Mike, she was, it was just Alden had really, um, grown since middle school. Grown is the understatement of the year... Very nice ass... Great soft brown hair... Dresses nicely... Broad shoulders... Well-muscled... All-around fondle-ious...

Grinning to herself, she opened the door to her Jeep, threw her bag in the back then jumped in. Waiting for Alden to get in, she turned the radio volume up and started singing along as she backed out of the driveway.

It's just those rainy days
Spend your life time trying to wash away
Til the sun comes and shines again
Smile for me, smile for me

Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile, smile
Til the suns shines just smile for me
Just smile for me, just smile for me
Know in your heart, that we are free
Free to believe whatever we feel
So feel something real babe

She was almost halfway to McDonald's before she realized she should probably make sure Mike hadn't gone out for his lunch break. Nudging Alden, she said, "Take the wheel while I grab my cell and give Mike a call quickly." Without waiting for an answer, Sharon unbuckled, let go of the wheel and bent over the seat to rummage through her bag. Snickering a bit at Alden's yelp, she grabbed her cell and hit speed dial. Haha, that shows how long Alden and I have hung out... he actually grabs the wheel instead of protesting... and we don't swerve anymore... yup, I've got him trained.

"Yeah, Hi, this is Sharon, is Mike still there or did he go out for lunch?" The person handling the phones was apparently new, because she could hear him yelling at someone to ask who mike was and where he was before replying in a squeaky, pre-pubescent voice, "Uh, Mike's not working today." Frowning, she said, "No, you're wrong, he told me he was working a double shift today." Gulping, the kid said shakily, "No, I have the schedule in front of me... today he has off... something about studying or something."

Hanging up, Sharon, wrinkled her forehead, trying to think. Okay... that's weird... I swear Mike said he had a double shift today. Hmm, he's probably at his dorm... Oh well, at least this way we can go out to dinner right after practice.

Taking the wheel back from a relieved-looking Alden she said, "Change of plans, hun. Apparently I got the days wrong and Mike's not working, so we'll just check the dorm then go to practice. Ok?" Nodding at her, Alden grabbed wildly for the arm rest as she did a quick U-turn and headed towards the dorms. Heh, looks like he isn't use to my driving quite yet. Smirking, she turned the radio up again and continued singing.

Alden's POV

Relaxing internally as Sharon pulled into the dorm parking lot, Alden let go of the tight grip he had on the arm rest. She drives worse then most guys I know. Even worse that Brock. Laughing out loud at that thought, he grinned at her when she turned to look at him quizzically. "You and your driving is going to get me killed on day. I can see it now: "Teenage Boy Killed In Car Accident Due To Female ODed On Midol."

Pretending to be insulted, she punched him in the arm before bending over the seat again to grab her bag. Blushing as he got a good view down her shirt (yup, she may have been a little "late blooming" but I'd say much intriguing bloomage has occurred) he cleared his throat and said, "Mind if I come up and use the tin can, I really have to take a whiz."

Rolling her eyes, she said, "Real nice. I guess you can... if you have to." Without waiting for him, she headed towards the entrance. Staring at her as she walked away, he jerked out of his daze then scrambled out of the Jeep after her. She doesn't wait for anyone does she? Ugh, why'd I come up? Now I have to look at that jackass put his hands all over her. Great.

Seeing her motion towards him to hurry up, he jogged after her and followed her up the stairs and onto the second floor. Walking beside her towards the end of the hallway, he asked, "So why are you so excited? You've been positively glowing all morning." The jackass probably promised his undying love to get in her pants... Again...

Flushing, she said, "Well, it's our 3 month anniversary and he seems like he's been stressed out recently so I wanted to surprise him. You know, do dinner tonight then, who knows." Mumbling something else, she blushed even brighter. Missing the last bit of what she said, he eloquently asked, "Huh?" Grinning nervously, she said, "I think I'm.... well, you know, ready. And I want tonight to be special." Oh... shit... This is really bad... "Shar, he's not pressuring you or anything, is he?" "No, I think I actually love him." Oh SHIT!

Since he was trying to absorb what she had just said, he didn't even realize they had stopped in front of Mike's door. Apparently Sharon had already knocked, then found the door locked, so she got out her key and fit it into the lock. Pushing the door open, she called out Mike's name before heading towards the bedroom.

Following after her, because the bathroom was off the bedroom, he almost ran her over when she stopped short at the doorway. "Hey Sharon, watch where you're going, okay?" Putting his hands on her back to push her forward, he frowned when she pushed back against his hands and started trembling. Uh oh... this can't be good...

Peering over her shoulder, he growled at what he saw. On the bed was a half naked blonde looking like she was trying to personally remove Mike's tonsils with her tongue. That fucking jackass! I'm going to kill him!

Apparently Mike wasn't fully absorbed in the blonde as he turned around and started when he saw them in the doorway. That's right jackass. Now Sharon knows who you really are. If only she had learned a nicer way. Shifting his eyes from a tearful Sharon to a seething Alden and back, Mike cleared his throat before attempting, "Hey baby, this isn't what it looks like. Daisy here was just going over some, um, homework..."

Sharon cut him off, "Homework, eh? And here I thought you were screwing around with some chick on our anniversary. Hmm, where would I get that idea from?" Looking like he was going to make excuses again, Mike started, "Look, baby... this isn't.."

Putting a comforting arm around Sharon, Alden listened in disbelief as the blonde cut off Mike and said, "That's right little girl. Mike here decided to get with a real woman, and not some 17 year old high schooler with a push up bra."

Feeling Sharon stiffen, he couldn't help but smile as he heard Sharon retort, "Really? You aren't talking about you, are you? Cuz all I see is some bulimic, fake blonde bimbo with yellow teeth."

Seeing the blonde start to protest, Mike shushed her before saying to Sharon, "Maybe we should take a break baby... to think over things..."

Pushing past Alden, Sharon ran out of the room, but not before he noticed tears glistening in her eyes. Clenching his jaw, he turned around just in time to see Mike try to run after her. Balling his fist, he punched Mike right in the stomach and watched him collapse on the floor. Glaring, he said, "I don't want to see you
near her again, got me? I swear to God I will beat you into bloody pulp if you hurt her anymore than you already have."

From his position on the floor, Mike sneered up at him, "Not like I'd want to go after her. She was too much effort. Besides, you should be happy, she's yours now. You know you want her. I know you want to run your hands down that nice little ass and feel up that... OOF! Fuck man! Don't touch me again! You're crazy!!" Scooting back, Mike nursed his side where Alden had kicked him, hard.

Leaning down, Alden whispered, "As I said, you go near her, I kill you. You call her, I kill you. You do anything, I will kill you. I swear to God." Kicking him again for emphasis, Alden stormed out of the room and towards the car to find Sharon. Stupid. Fucking. Bastard.

As he approached the car, he finally saw her, slumped over the wheel, shaking. Oh poor Sharon. Opening the driver side door, he gently pulled her out of the car and into his arms where he held her soothingly while she began to sob.

Pounding against his chest, she cried, "Why did he do this to me? What did I do to deserve this? Am I a bad girlfriend?" Making soothing sounds he said softly but firmly, "No Shar, he's just a complete jackass who didn't deserve you. It's his fault for screwing everything up." Continuing to comfort her, he was relieved when she started to calm down, only sniffing every once in a while.

After a bit, she spoke up with a quiver in her voice, "Ald, you have to help me. I want him to pay." Frowning, he said, "Sharon, I don't think that's a good idea." Swallowing resolutely, she shook her head and said, "No, you have to help me. Please."

Looking down into her beautiful, vulnerable eyes, he groaned inwardly. She knows I can't resist her. This is not a good idea. She should be with someone better... someone like... like who, me? Yeah right... she and I tried doing the dating thing a long time ago and we're better as best friends... Sighing, he said, "Fine, I'll help you. What are you going to do?"

Smiling bitterly, she said, "I'm going to make him jealous. I'm going to find a hot, wonderful guy, and rub it in his face. He's going to want me so bad he can't stand it. Then I'm going to dump him! He's going to learn the hard way not to mess with Sharon Spitz."

Uneasy with this new twist, he blinked and asked, "But who is going to be your new boyfriend? The one you use to make Mike jealous?" When she stared up at him silently, he blinked again. "Uh no, Sharon, this is a really bad idea." What have I gotten myself into?! How can I pull this off when I... when I what? like her? yeah right... she's my best friend...

Still staying silent, she whipped away the remnants of her tears and pecked him on the cheek. " I knew I could count on you to help me out."

Gulping, he ran his hand through his hair nervously, "Sharon..."