"This is all your fault I hope you know."

"What? How is this my fault?"

"It wasn't smoking until you messed with it." As if to validate the statement the cooling metal released another gray-tinged cloud with a hiss.

"Well I didn't see you doing anything! Couldn't you have fixed it with alchemy or something?"

"As if I know what it's supposed to look like in the first place! I don't know the first thing about mechanical… stuff! That's Winry's job! I'm a scientist, not a miracle worker!"

"Oh, excuse me Mr. Science, I guess I thought you might know a little something since you're the one with big hunks of machinery attached to you. Maybe your not as smart as you seem to think you are."

"Hey bastard! It's your car! Takes a lot of brains to run it off the road! I'm not the one who did that! I'm not even old enough to drive!"

"Okay, calm down, fighting will get us no where," The older male pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "The car is beyond repair with the current situation we're in."

"Cause a bastard managed to drive it into the only tree for miles." This was mumbled by the blond, though it was still audible to his superior. The older went on as if he hadn't heard.

"And as it looks, we're stranded miles from civilization."

"Well whose fault it that?" Edward asked, letting the accusation coloring his tone. The Colonel rounded on him.

"That would actually be yours, seeing as the reason we were driving all the way out here is because of that little stunt you pulled you pulled in the mess hall."

"Oh, you can't even act like that wasn't your fault."

"How, the hell, was any of that my fault?"

"You touched my food."

"You had more than enough! That was the last piece of pie! Your the one who over-reacted!"

"Oh, your lucky you didn't lose a finger." The teen scowled.

Mustang ran a hand down his face. "This is getting us nowhere."

"Well the car sure isn't taking us anywhere."

"Can't we just forget that for now?" The older growled. "We have more important things to worry about, like how the hell we're gonna get out of this mess."

"Well I thought that was obvious," The blond said, pulling his bag from the back of the crashed vehicle. "We walk."

AN: Short, I know. But you know what? This is a CHAPTER STORY. Which means there will be MORE!