The Assassin's Wrath

Another Chaos story by me, however this one is more original. I did get some idea's, so I really appreciate the other writers stories. Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or really any of these characters but Zack and he is an asshole that no one likes.


(Alpha pov)

It was a moonless night. I could sense the fear of my prey. I silently stalked my prey, waiting for them to venture into the shadows. In the dimly lit street, I could see my prey stumbling in fear. He should've known better than to run into the deserted street. His breathing was ragged, he's head swung from side to side, fear evident in his eyes. Enough I decided. I took out one of my poisoned daggers and threw it towards his chest, he landed with a thud.

"What do you want?" The slave trader croaked, seeing me approach.

"I want your death"

I clicked my fingers and the poison accelerated. He screamed in agony and fear as the poison accelerated towards his heart. He took one final gasp of air before his dishevelled body collapsed. I watched as his body disintegrated into dust, blowing into the air as a calm breeze swept by.I faint trace of a smile lingered upon my face. His death meant the freedom of many lives. I turned around and quickly ran towards my jet, eager to report my success and to meet her…..

My jet was waiting for me in the docks of the planet Arenth, the people of this planet knew better than to touch my jet. My jet was the colour of pure blackness, equipped with the latest weaponry and technology. It had an alpha sign, clearly engraved upon the sides of my jet, the sign was enough to send shivers of fear through my enemies.

"Master Alpha, Chaos has asked for you to return to your headquarters." The computerised voice told me.

"That's fine. Wake me up when we arrive please." I went to sleep. I had the nightmare that has been haunting me ever since I left earth.


"Percy, well done. We have defeated Gaia." Chiron told me. I was tired, but I didn't go to sleep yet.

My eyes scanned the field, "Where is Annabeth?" I asked Chiron. I could see that he was on the verge of tears. That told me everything. My true love was dead, I broke down into tears. I got up, anger, pain and suffering lit in my eyes. The remaining monsters were rallying to the Minotaur. Our campers were sorely battered. Something clicked, flames lit in my sea green pupils. In a frenzy of rage I got up. I tore through the enemy lines, destroying anything that dared to stand against my way. I was a whirlwind of death as I fought with pure hatred and rage. The scene slowly faded.

Next I was in the dinner pavilion.

I saw all my friends all gathering around Zack (my half brother), they were all watching Zack gloat. Zack saved a camper's life by killing a hellhound and now he is the hero of the camp. Chiron trotted over. "Percy I bear you bad news. Your mother's apartment burnt down, no one survived." My eyes widened with disbelief. I was on the verge of tears, I was about to leave when my father appeared at the head of the pavilion. "I am here to declare Zack the greatest hero ever. He shall be granted immortality. He is also by favourite son!" At this, I burst into tears and left.

*Flashback end*

I woke up, sweat glistened on my forehead. "We have arrived master Alpha." I shakily got up. I looked at Annabeth's photo and stiffly exited into our headquarters. I saw Jacob approach me "I see you have succeeded again. Chaos told me to tell you that you should meet him in his office at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning." I nodded, walking back towards my room. I sat on my bed thinking reflecting about my past.

1500 years ago

I had exited camp, wondering aimlessly in the forest. My life was hell right now. I have almost no friends, no family and a father that cares more about the saviour of a camper than the saviour of Olympus. The thought of this caused me to explode in anger. I uncapped riptide and cut a tree in half. I knew Grover would've lectured me about my actions but I hardly cared. I was sucked into a void of anger and despair.

The days wore on, I killed hundreds of monsters. As each day past, I grew weaker, until I was so weak I couldn't even stand. During that night, a genderless person greeted me. He wore a robe that had stars and constellations on them. Even my favourite one, the huntress was on his robe .

"Perseus Jackson. I've been watching you these days. My name is Chaos the creator of the universe. In the past few centuries, I've begun to realise I'm fading. To prevent me from fading, I've decided to create an army, so that my name shall once again be worshipped. I've decide to recruit special demigods. Demigods like you, whom have given up hope in the world. So Perseus, do you wish to join?"

"My lord, I would be delighted." I was whisked away and teleported into a huge city. There was a huge building in the middle. The only people I could see were all wearing either robes of black or black armour. "This is the city I built solely for the uses of people in my army. Come follow me into our base." He left with me trailing behind him.

He led me into the arena. The arena was huge, like his robe it was like space. The white, yellow and red stars where all over the dome, surrounded in an endless wave of darkness. Like the gods, I can be in many places at once. I shall personally train you but first, swear you oath to me." I looked at him and begun chanting "I, Perseus Jackson swear my allegiance to Chaos, I shall follow his orders and strive to rid the universe of those who so wrong." I don't know where I got the words but my skin glowed. My senses felt a lot more sensitive, I felt stronger. "This is my blessing Percy."