This is my very first FF let alone Kyman! I love Kyman. I hope it's good though because it took forever and it's the first chapter. Tell me what you guys think(:

Summary: An anonymous complement letter must be written by every high schooler at North Park High. Things happen and Kyle is left speechless before he even receives his letter. Kyman.

Pairings: KYMAN

Unfortunately, I do not own South Park ):

Enjoy! (By the way this story is in Kyle's POV)

When I First Fell For You

Chapter 1:

Falling For You

'Ugh! I hate Mondays and that's coming from me, a kid with straight A's and has no problems involving school whatsoever….besides the most self centered, anti-Semitic, sociopath, racist asshole I ever met! He is ALWAYS on my mind. The boy I used to very well once call "Fatass", well actually I still do call him that but I no longer actually mean it. He certainly isn't fat anymore. He still has a hint of baby fat, but I honestly think that makes him that much cuter. I'm not going to lie, he is attractive. He has been asked out a few times the past three years of high school by girls who don't really know him. For some reason he has said no to each and every one of them, though i don't really know why. He always uses the same excuses like "she isn't my type", or "she's just a whore." On the other hand, the girls that do know him have never asked him out and that's probably because they know how big of an asshole he really is.'

'Throughout the years he has really shot up in height. Now as a junior in high school, he is at least 6'. In middle school he had to join the football team in order to pass some class because one of his teacher was also the football coach. Surprisingly his fatass was good at it. He stuck with it and still plays. With all the years of football he managed to slim down. Now also with the little baby fat he has muscles. So, so, sooooo much muscle, but not were its at the point were its just gross. He doesn't have nearly as much muscle as Stan, but Cartman's muscles are just the right amount. He doesn't have too much nor too little. He has totally hot killer abs. I would know…I've seen them a few times. Like in the locker room getting ready for gym class or all the times when some of my friends and I went swimming and he was there...shirtless… hmm…'

'...Yes it's true, I am in fact gay. I wasn't really surprised when I found out. I remembered reading somewhere when I was in elementary school that one in ten people are gay. The day I read that I thought of all the boys in our class and tried to figure out who might actually be gay. That left me with myself, Cartman and Butters. I figured that there very well could have been two gay boys in our class since there were more than ten boys, so two out of the three of us would most likely be gay. I asked Butters and he said he wasn't gay. I didn't believe him but ever since the fourth grade he has been trying to get a girlfriend though none of the girls seemed to like him.'

'The more I observed Cartman the more he showed no signs of being neither straight nor gay. He didn't check out girls or guys. He was just so caught up in his own Goddamn plans to ridicule me! Ugh!'

'Anyway while I was observing Cartman it finally dawned on me that I was gay and did have a crush on him. Yes I did have a crush on the person I thought I hated most in this world. It wasn't until high school that my little crush wasn't so little. I understand when you have a crush and you're always thinking about that person but mines more of an obsession. When he isn't at the bus stop on time I mentally freak out thinking the worst for his being. His insults are now actually getting to me. Him ripping on me for being Jewish and constantly belittling my people, making fun of my hair and calling me a daywalker, referring to my speeches about what I learned that day as "Kahl's little gay annoying speeches", always commenting on my "faggy clothes" and constantly saying I look like a girl. I don't think it helps that I no longer wear my old green hat even though Cartman used to made fun of that as well. Now my hair ends about an inch under my ears and have bangs that really pop out my green eyes since my hair is red. He says that screams gay. Also I don't think being 5'2 and only weighing 100 pounds helps me look more like a guy. ERRRR!'

'Um anyways what was I thinking about again? Probably something to do with Cartman… shit it be something about Cartman he's all I think about now of days…..hmmm….oh right! I also had to start watching my eyes because they are always on him. Whenever he catches me looking at him, do you know what he calls me? Jewfag. I kept telling him I only watch him to make sure he isn't planning something terrible against me because it won't be the first time and that I don't trust him…though I think he is catching on.'

'I wouldn't be too surprised if he knew I liked him though. I mean I did come out of the closet last year, well thanks to Cartman of course. It was the beginning of Sophomore Year and Stan was having a sleepover and unfortunately for me Cartman was sick. I would much rather have him there…..he just looks so…peaceful when sleeping. But also because if he was there that night there was no way in hell I was going to tell my friends I was gay with him there. Well Butters was there and of course he went and told Cartman. Then Cartman went and did what Cartman does best and told the whole fucking school. Seriously that's just fucked up. I mean look who's talking, I'm thinking to myself like there's someone else listening. That's pretty fucked up too man! But what an asshole! That was really personal. I mean what kind of person does that. How could I be attracted to someone like that? I don't even understand it. Ugh he's such a fucking asshole it's actually unbeli-'

"Now class, it's time to start our anonymous complement letters to help kids with their self-esteem problems. I honestly think it's a stupid idea but the school is making me do it because some of you have 'problems'. So will everyone come grab a name from this jar quietly? I'll be back in a few minutes." Mr. Garrison said then left the classroom.

Everyone got out of their seats, some faster than others (well technically the girls ran to the jar in the front of the classroom while the rest of the boys and myself groaned and made are way to the front slowly).

As my hand grabs a small folded paper from the jar I can't help but wonder who I might get and praying to God I'll get someone that won't be hard to actually throw a few good complements at. I slowly make my way to my seat while staring at the small paper in my hand. Suddenly I trip over someone's foot trying to hurry and get a name from the jar before there all gone. I trip and close my eyes and throwing my hands in front of me as a reflex but they pressed up against something that saves my fall. Though I feel it a bit unbalanced I feel better knowing I'm not going to fall. Then another student shoves me. That's when it all goes wrong. The thing that saved me and I were already unbalanced but the extra shove sent me flying forward. The fall was fast but surprisingly not hard. The thing took all the impact. I open my eyes to see what I'm lying on top of to be face to face with no one other than Eric Cartman.