Chapter 5 ~ Hope in the End ~

And there it was, out in the open. Everything connected so seamlessly. Applejack turned her mind to the letter she found,
its wasn't just to the Princess, but to his sister. His journey took him everywhere but Canterlot because that was his final destination. None of the girls saw it coming. Spades, or rather Prince Gaia, stood before everyone, War loathing the name of his son.

"Sleep forever, and never show your hide in Equestria should you return." Gaia's horn began to erupt in a magical aura that caused the earth to tremble at it's core. Five pillars of earth shot out of the ground around the shattered throne encircling the dais upon which it stood. Magic beams of fire began to link itself between all of the pillars trapping War inside. With a final burst of light, the entire inner circle became a giant red gem, sealing the throne as well as War inside. Each pillar had a rune emblazined upon it giving the jewel prison weight and power.

The long lost Prince stood facing his work, a smile of satifaction playing on his face as his eyes became normal once again. He turned to look out at his friends, each of them was on their feet now looking at him with surprise painted on their faces.

'Secrets out.' Gaia thought to himself. He stepped down from the dais and calmly walked over to his unconscious sister letting his friends stare and process everything that just happened. Luna was out and her breathing had stabalized. Gaia could feel a fading magic around Luna's body. She had cast a warding spell on herself before she took the attack. He gave his little sister a smile and a small kiss to the forehead. "I guess I owe you one now."

"Spades? You're? Then that means..." Twilight was verbalizing her thoughts out loud. Gaia walked over to his friends who all bowed when he came close. It made him laugh.

"Wait, you have no need to bow before someone who lies to his friends." Gaia in turn gave a small bow of apology to his friends. "I've been keeping all of this from you. I don't deserve to be treated like your Prince." Rarity placed a hoof on Gaia's shoulder and gave a full smile telling him not to worry about it. "Thank you." He said feeling on top of the world. Twilight stepped forward, questions of all sorts fresh in her mind. Gaia waved her away before she could start.

"All of your questions will be answered, trust me. But for now we need to get back to the castle and rest." Almost on cue a squadron of Luna's dark pegasus flew in through the archway surveying the scene, looking for their Princess. Gaia, being the only pony there uninjured was held under suspiscion. Until a guard wearing a black vest came flying into the chamber.

She was tall, slightly taller than Luna, she had a dark purple coat and a black mane streaked with a pink stripe. She had small horns jutting out from her head that gave her a sort of impish look about her and she wore a set of onyx bracelets that looked very old. They were strikingly similar to the ones that appeared on Gaia's wrist when he transformed. Her wings were like that of a bat's and were large and powerful.

This guard flew over to where the commotion was coming from to see what was going on. She saw a ghost, a ghost surrounded by six young mares who defended him at every turn. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, there was no way that he would be here.

"Gaia? It, it can't be." The rabble stopped then as the guards stepped aside allowing their captain through. Gaia gazed at her with equal astonishment.

"Velvet. Its been a long time." Gaia said with a smile. Velvet ran forward and gave Gaia a hug mighty enough to crush a mountain. The girls stood there, their confusion only deepening. When they broke the hug Velvet made a motion to start a discussion but Gaia waved it away.

"Velvet, there are infinately more pressing matters at hand." He motioned to Luna who was being seen to by several guards.
Velvet gave a nod and trotted to her mistress. Gaia gave a weary smile and looked to his friends who looked back waiting to be filled in on the whole story.

"Come," He said to them. "I'm assuming Celestia is stable. It would be best if you heard every part of the story." So they all left that place together, side by side. Gaia took a moment to cast his magic and seal the old castle deep beneath the mountain, placing a rune on the summit to bind the spell. Luna came to and staggered along the path back to Canterlot being helped by Velvet and Gaia. The skies outside were calm again, the sun and moon were both visible as the night slowly drew nearer. After everything that happened the world sounded quiet and calm. Activity in Canterlot could be heard telling the group that War's magic had faded with his imprisonment giving them all the gift of relief. When they had reached the palace everyone walked into the throne room where a tired looking Celestia awaited them. She gave them all a wide smile that expressed her happiness to see her heroines and her sister return safely. But when Gaia had entered into the room, her smile faded and her shock was sincere. She hadn't seen her older brother in almost two millenia.

"Celestia. I think I want to come home now." Gaia walked up to Celestia on the throne. She struggled upwards and hugged her older brother with tears running from her eyes. They stood like that for a while, Luna joining them before long. Finally they were a whole family once again. It was a touching moment that left everyone who witnessed it with a smile. After the heartfelt reunion of their small family, the three royal siblings turned to their friends and subjects who bowed deeply in honor of the returned Prince. Gaia looked to his friends with sympathetic eyes.

"Should I start from the beginning?" The girls sat down anxiously awaiting the tale. "Guess thats a yes." Gaia made his way off of the dais and sat in front of his friends. "The story I told you the other day was not entirely true. And yet it is still not exactly false either." Gaia searched his mind for a decent starting point, so he decided to start from the very beginning. Far before he and his sisters were born.

"In the beginning, over two thousand years ago, two of the alicorn heritage came to this land in search of a home. Seeing that the land was barren and lifeless, the two brought law to the world. They are the reason we even exist today. Their names were Paragon and Seraphina. Paragon was a stallion that embodies the very name he was given. He was kind and good in every sense of the word. Seraphina was a beautiful mare who loved all things, as kind and loving to all as a mother would be to her own foal." Celestia and Luna stepped down to join the story group, Luna helping her older sister down each step with extreme caution. They sat next to Gaia who continued on. "With their mighty power, the two tamed the tumultuous earth, gave the skies clarity, and settled the mana of the world. From this many creatures were created. They were celebrated throughout the land as the creators of life and the two were happy for a time. One day the two decided to have foals of their own and task them with the duties of the land. The first born was a colt, he was powerful and kind. They made him the keeper of the earth, granting him the power to keep the land healthy and protect everypony in need. The second was a filly with a coat of the purest white. She was given the task of raising the sun and bringing clarity to the land, a matron of the skies. The final foal was one who was the color of the night that came each and every day. They tasked her the duty of bringing forth the night and keeping the moon which was the source of all magic in the land." Gaia paused to look at his siblings who smiled in response.

"Each of the three was given their duties and were given free reign to do as they saw fit, with gentle guidance. They had each decided to create their own subjects to help them in their duties. The first created ponies that were strong and able of body with a strong sense of justice and honor. They helped him to cultivate the land and bring peace to all creatures near and far. The second created a race of ponies that were gifted with the wonder of flight, they helped her to clear the skies of clouds to allow the sun to shine brightly over the whole land. The third created a race that was able to manipulate the flow of magic allowing the flow to be guided gentle through the land. It was all perfection as the land flourished. Through the years many of the residents of the land shunned each other, focusing solely on their]
differences rather than how they could help one another. From this was born the story of Hearth's Warming Eve and the founding of Equestria." The girls shared looks of wonder. All around the room ponies were starting to crowd around for the tale, guards and servants alike.

"Knowing no others who could rule over the kingdom, Paragon and Seraphina were charged with the duty of becoming the first King and Queen of house Equestria. The newborn kingdom shouted praise and celebrated for nearly a week straight and for a long time, the world was at peace. But, all good things must one day end." Gaia's eyes misted over in rememberence, as did Luna's and Celestia's. "Paragon became obssessed with his power and flaunted it whenever he could warrant the opportunity.
He became infatuated with himself, so much so that if anypony dared oppose him, they would be banished forever. Or worse."
Silent shock in this pause. "He grew to hate his subjects and eventually his own family. He couldn't stand the thought of himself being around such insignificant creatures created by his children. His heart turned dark and his ways became evil.
He then changed forever into War, the dark stallion you all witnessed not long ago. He began to rule over Equestria with power and fear as his throne. Anyone who crossed him would be turned to stone or blown away into ashes. Seraphina, his wife, tried to stop him herself hoping to break the prison he trapped his heart inside of. He turned on her then, and obliterated her where she stood. The three siblings watched it all happen moment after moment. Their mother's ashes mixing with the tears that clutched to their cheeks." Luna and Celestia closed their eyes, visibly shaken with the horrid memory.
No one moved a muscle. Gaia went on with the story.

"In that moment, the three siblings decided that their father must never be allowed to do the same to anypony else. No matter what that meant. War had by then taken control of anything and everything in the kingdom so help would never come.
The patron of the earth decided they needed a weapon, something that War could never face down. So the three forged magic aspects to combat War and his dark ambitions. What you all know now as the Elements of Harmony." Gaia looked at his friends who were now captivated by his story, Twilight being the most eager looking. "From here the three brave siblings stood against their father, chancing everything to defeat the greatest evil ever known. The battle waged on for a time, taking its toll on the land and it's residents. The three obtained the upper hand and with the power of Harmony they were able to seal War away and bury him deep below the earth where the most tenacious of the three could keep the closest eye on him."

"Since then the kingdom has recovered and rule of the land was passed to us three." Celestia said, breaking her trance.
"Being the eldest of the three, Gaia was to become the next king and rule over everything."

"But, keeping War contained required my entire focus and almost all of my power to maintain." Gaia added in. "Not being fit to run an entire kingdom, I passed the right of the throne to Celestia who has since ruled for as long as I can remember."
Their audience was left speechless. Noone had heard these stories before, not even Twilight Sparkle who had read almost every book on Equestrian history. Through it all some holes stood out.

"Wait a minute. What about yer story 'bout you travellin' the world to find yer cutie mark?" Applejack mused. Gaia looked to her with a calm face.

"Every word of that story is true, I assure you." Gaia spoke with truth apparent in his voice. "I really didn't know my true calling in life. I came to hate the fact that I was my father's son. I didn't want to be a Prince, I didn't want to be a ruler of ponies. I ran from my fate, I see that now. My place is here with everyone I care about most in the world.
To protect the ponies who look up to me with all of my power as a righteous and kind ruler." Luna nestled up to her big brother visibly happy that he was ready to come home at last. He looked down to her with kind eyes. "Alot of things happened since I've been away. Alot of strife and hardship that I was never here to help settle out. I droppped all of my duties on my family without a second thought, and now I want to set things right."

"Theres one thing that bothers me though." Twilight wondered. "You defeated War this time around without using the Elements of Harmony. Wont that mean he might break free again this time? Is the spell strong enough?"

"Yeah! And why didn't blasting him with the Elements work in the first place?" Rainbow Dash added. "It was different from before, it felt like we were using his power against him." Gaia thought about it for a second, but lost out to Luna who was quicker on the draw.

"War was sealed by the power of Harmony, yes. But the one thing that had kept him sealed was the power of hope." Luna glanced at her brother with a little smile. Gaia sighed in defeat.

"Its true. While Harmony can defeat War, hope is the only thing that can prevent it. When ponies can push past whatever is bothering them they can see the light at the end of the tunnel, the silver lining on the dark cloud. Hope is what gets us by each and every day. With the power of hope at my side I was able to keep War sealed for many, many years. But I faltered for a moment and his bindings were let loose. I tried to keep him locked away with the hopes that maybe I would find my true calling elsewhere, but being close to home brought me to the edge of defeat. The Elements of Harmony faltered because you all had let vengeance into your hearts and you focused solely on causing pain rather than restoring balance.
And for all of the pain I have caused because of my ineptitude, I am greatly sorry." Gaia stood and bowed his deepest before his audience which had grown by nearly half of Canterlot. Murmurs and whispers passed the story all throughout the city spreading the news of what had just happened.

"Now that aint right sugarcube." Applejack stood and walked right up to Gaia giving him a nudge with her forehoof. "You shoudn't be apologizin' fer messin' up. You should be apologizin' for trying to shoulder that burden on yer own." Gaia looked at Applejack's green eyes which were filled with understanding.

"Seriously bro, you shoulda told us sooner!" Rainbow Dash gave Gaia a punch on his foreflank. "Whatcha' think we're here for?"

"I agree. Never should someone have to bear such a task alone." Rarity spoke up.

"I couldn't even begin to imagine what kind of troubles you've had to face. You really are strong, Gaia." Fluttershy added.
Twilight walked over to him and gave him a reassuring look.

"It looks like we've both learned a new lesson in friendship. Thank you for saving us, thank you for saving everypony."
Gaia gave a faltering smile as he tried to hold beack tears of joy. Never before had his shoulders felt lighter. He had forgotten what it felt like to be free and truly happy. Even though he tried to stifle the tears they came anyway, hot and streaming freely.

"Thank you." Was all he managed to choke out.

Reconstruction of Canterlot was hard but in time the job was completed and the entire kingdom rejoiced. After the damage was repaired a celebration was held in honor of the Prince who returned home after over 1000 years. Crimson banners holding Gaia's mark hung everywhere along the streets of Canterlot. For the time being, Gaia was given his own hall in the very foundation of the castle deep inside the mountain on which it was perched. Gaia had lit the entire hall with magic flames that mimicked sunlight and the warm feeling of the earth's heart beat made the entire place welcoming and homely. Ponies from all over made an appearance for this momentous day. Sitting at the head table was the royal family and their six champions. Pinkie Pie was put in charge of the festivities and the whole place shook with the beats of hooves and music alike. Everyone rocked out Ponyville style, even the uptight ponies from high society found it hard not to cut loose. It was all amazing, every last bit of it. At the magical our of twilight, when the sun and moon shared the same sky, Gaia and his sisters went to a balcony that overlooked every lastpony who attended.

Celestia began the ceremony. "Fillies and gentlecolts. Mares and stallions of all walks of life. On behalf of the three of us, I would like to thank each and every one of you for attending." Celestia's voice caried out over all of the crowd. Years of practice. "On this day we, the ponies of Equestria, celebrate the return of the lost and forgotten Prince. He has traveled far and wide, and we would not be surprised if you recognized him by another name." Gaia stepped forward next to Celestia and gazed out at every last face that looked up to him. He never felt more nervous in his whole life. "By my power as Princess, and the current ruler of Equestria, I hereby welcome Gaia back into the folds of our happy family!" The entire crowd erupted in cheers and applause. Vinyl Scratch, the DJ for this particular party, started playing a song that was heavy and upbeat. Gaia assumed that this was his unofficial theme song. It made him want to kick himself in the teeth.

"Thank you all!" Gaia said above the noise, Vinyl eased down on the tunes giving Gaia a wicked smile. He couldn't help but laugh at himself. "It is an honor of the highest sort to be among all of you wonderful ponies here today. Coming home could never feel so good." More applause. "I want you all to know that I will do everything in my power to set right the wrongs that plague our land. I have been gone a long time, and I owe you all more than you will ever know. So this night is not for me and my return. Consider this whole night a thank you from the bottom of my heart. This night belongs to all of you!"
With that the crowd exploded. Gaia looked back to Vinyl Scratch and gave her a motion to blow off the roof, which she was more than happy to do. Music roared through the earthen hall and for one night everypony in Equestria was at peace celebrating what would later become known as the holiday of Earthsong. It was beyond amazing with everyone leaving the party only when their stamina couldn't hold out. So needless to say Pinkie Pie was the last one still partying.

After everyone cleared out and the party was over, the six friends, the royal sisters, and Gaia all crashed on some cushions in a lounging area, spent. Luna looked over to her brother who was half unconscious beneath a pile of cushions and his friends who had dog-piled him without really noticing. She laughed at the sight.

"So, big brother. If you're staying, does that mean you will be ascending to the throne?" Gaia snapped back to reality and gave Celestia a long look. Her expression told him that she wouldn't mind in the slightest. She was kind like that and if he wanted to take up his mantle as the ruler of Equestria, she wouldn't stop him. He gave it some thought and smiled.

"It would be pretty interesting to become the ruler of the land." His friends looked down at him, he glanced back up. "But I don't really think that sort of thing is really my style. I'm pretty sure Celestia has everything covered, right?" He smiled at his sister who just smiled back. Luna looked content with her brother's decision.

"So big guy," Dash called down from her position on the top of the pile. "Does this mean you'll be moving back here to Canterlot?" She sounded apprehensive, like she really didn't want to know the answer. The rest of the girls waited for the answer. Again Gaia looked at his sister and they shared another wordless conversation.

"Again, it is tempting." He could feel the weight of disappointment on his back as his friends sank. "But what kind of pony would I be if I abandoned my post at the community center in Ponyville? Theres no way I'd skip out like that. Especially not with applebuck season coming up." The weight on his back lifted with his friend's spirits. Gaia smiled contently at the relief.

Everything went back to the way it should be. In the morning, the seven friends went back to Ponyville and picked up their lives where they left them. The Running of the Leaves was long overdo and was scheduled to be conducted the following week.
Applejack went back to her chores on the farm, Twilight Sparkle went back to her studies, Rarity to her boutique, Rainbow Dash to her cloud watch, Fluttershy to her animal friends, and Pinkie Pie to, well, being Pinkie Pie. Gaia went back to his home at the community center not as the Prince of Equestria, but as the pegasus that wandered into town a week before. He opened the doors to his home and noticed someone had taken the liberty of furnishing the community center before he returned.

Walking over to the now fully stocked snack bar, Spades read a note that was set on the counter.

'Hope you like it. Rarity had one heck of a time finding an appropriate color scheme. The snacks are courtesy of Sweet Apple Acres. We wanted to thank you for saving our lives properly. Always remember that you are our friend and we'll be here for you whenever you need us. Welcome home. -Twilight Sparkle'

It made his heart fly away. He never felt so at home. And from there he lived his days among the ponies of Equestria as an equal. Very seldom did the need ever arise for him to take up his mantle of Prince, but those are other stories.

Stories for another time.

And thats all folks. I have a sequel in mind for this story but it will take markedly more time now that my vacation is over T.T But I hope you enjoyed the story and I hope you will follow Prince Gaia's adventures in the future. Thanks for reading!