The Best Laid Plans.

By: TrinityLayne

Disclaimer: I do not own 'Bleach' as much as it pains me to say. It's Kubo Tite brainchild. Cause really, if I owned it most of the men would be shirtless 90% of the time… like Byakuya, Renji, Urahara and Ken-chan. And Kisuke's hat would be tossed in a wood chipper, the remains then soaked in acid and burned (^o*)

Author note: I started this a while ago, wasn't really happy with the progression of the events in Hueco Mundo with Orihime (there had been so much potential for her there) starts with canon events and rapidly 'snowballs' from there LOL

Enjoy, and remember Feedback is LOVE! ^o^


Chapter 1: Something Wicked…

'Fear is the mind killer' Orihime Inoue thought to herself. 'My tushy. It's boredom!' Orihime always loved that 'mind killer' line from some old sci-fi movie that her late brother loved, she had read all the books in the series in a matter of days just before she had entered high school; she sighed as she laid her head back against the marble white wall of her room.

Or should she call it her cell?

Rubbing her forehead in frustration it had been over a week since Orihime consigned herself to the darkness. At least she thought it was a week; in the few times she'd been able to see out a window there was always darkness. So her concept of time was skewed. Had it been a week, a month, or just a few days? Since she walked willingly into Hueco Mundo, and directly into Sousuke Aizen's grasp.

She knew she had made the right choice-anything to save her friends—to save Ichigo. But somehow she thought that her captivity—given her jailor-would be different. Not that she really had any true experience with being held hostage. Back in the Seireitei, the 11th Division Captain Kenpachi had treated her kindly he'd even giving her a piggy back ride and all and she became a playmate of sorts for his Vice captain Yachiru.

And the time when Kisuke Urahara had his altered mod souls grab her; she was treated to tea and muffins, and for some reason vaguely remembers playing poker with Urahara. She still doesn't remember all that happened during her lost day, but sometimes he looks at her like he knows what color her panties are—too creepy-So her basis of comparison is kinda off.

When she first arrived in the fortress she was presented to Sousuke Aizen in his throne room, he was kind to her-treating her as if she was a visiting princess, and not there under duress-his smile warm, his voice comforting. Though when she looked up at him something inside of her froze. Aizen's eyes showed his true demeanor, cold and cruel, the one word she would use to describe feeling she got looking into those dark eyes… Evil!

When he descended from his throne and stood near her it took every bit of her inner strength not to cower. He requested that she demonstrate her powers to all in the great hall. Aizen called forward one of the Arrancar, stating that she should 'restore' Grimmjow's arm. Orihime healed his arm willingly, and naively healed his Espada mark. She shudders at the image of what Grimmijow had done to the other Arrancar.

She swore she would NEVER heal him again. Which greatly amused Aizen apparently he liked her spirit. It will make it all more entertaining as he bend it-if not break it-to his will. He had announced that Orihime Inoue was a very special human, that would greatly aid their cause, he returned to his thrown before he dismissed her.

The Arrancar that had brought her to Hueco Mundo grabbed her arm firmly and led her, silently, through a maze of halls that made Aizen's fortress, they walked for what seemed forever through the bare white halls until Ulquiorra shoved her through a doorway, causing her to stumble and fall scraping her knee. She turned back only to see the white stone door slam shut and deep a thud sound filled the room.

She had been in this room ever since, four stark white walls, three with even whiter doors the last with a large bed-the linens also white-on a raised platform against it. In the time that she had been here the main door had never opened again.

The door to the right led to the bathroom.

The door to the left led to a dining area.

All of which was varying tones of white—if that was even possible-she was starting to despise white. The main room was larger than her apartment back home, but other than the bed it was completely empty. She had free access to the bedchamber and the bathroom, but the dining area was closed off to her except at mealtimes, that room was the only one with windows-not that the pitch blackness outside give much of the view-she used the times that door opened to judge the passage of time. There didn't appear to be another way out of that room, but there had to be. How else was the food being set on the table?

At first she was wary of eating she would only take a few sips of the water and a few bites of rice, she was afraid that she would be poisoned or something, but in the end hunger won out. That and the belief that is Aizen had some more important use then as a corpse, as morbid as it sounded.

The meals were simple, and tasted fine enough, but she missed her bean paste and jelly sandwiches, her green tea and wasabi udon or even that yummy French toast with sweet bean paste that she had at Urahara-san shop.

So far she couldn't really complain, she had been left alone.

For the first few days she feared Aizen or one of his followers would do horrible things to her, but so as far nothing… She could hear muffled thumps from the other side of the main wall from time to time but no one entered the room.

She hoped Ichigo and the others were safe; she would be able to endure anything as long as they were, and that they wouldn't do anything stupid. Maybe she should have writing more in her good bye,-like... P.S. DON'T come after me!—but she knew that it would be just a matter of time before they'd pull some sort rescue attempt.

But for the time being she was being left to her own company, though if not for her Shun Shun Rikka, she would've probably died of boredom, or gone completely mental. At least at home she had her books and studying to keep the loneliness away when she was in her apartment, but she was without that here.

"Uggggg" Orihime jumped up, balling her fist up and stomped around the room desperately wanting something to kick. She was going stir crazy.

"You looked as if you could use some companionship." A deep rich voice broke the silence. Orihime spun around facing the source of the voice, dread filling her; she instinctively took a step back. Leaning in the doorway to the dining room was the cause of her 'boredom'. He was wearing long flowing robe over his white yukata and hakkmas —seriously someone need to introduce the color wheel to Las Noches-She opened her mouth to deny his words, but when her hazel eyes locked onto his mahogany ones, her voice failed her.

"Forgive me if my inattention has caused you any undue stress." Aizen effortlessly rose to his full height and moved slowly towards Orihime—his movements much like the panther stalking its prey—every step he took towards her she stepped back until her flight was halted by the door to the bathroom.

When Aizen was within arm's length he reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder causing her to flinch. She wanted to scoot away from his touch, but something in his eyes kept her entranced. His hand moved to her cheek caressing it softly. "I was unavoidable detained." He watched her tremble smirking slightly.

"Do they not teach manners in the world of the living? Is it not bad manners in the realm of the living not to greet your host?" Aizen's lifted her chin and leaned down, his face barely inches from hers'.

"Ano… Hello?" Orihime wanted to kick herself, her voice returned and all she could say was hello. This man was a traitor to the Seireitei, who hurt and killed many innocent people. Really what to you say to someone like him! His rich laughter filled the room.

"The mouse finds her voice! Well that is a start." Aizen's grip on her chin tightened. "From now on you can use my name, as I will use yours. Orihime" Orihime felt like she was going to be ill, suddenly his reiatsu flared and was crushing her.

"Aizen-san…" She was barely able to eek out; he placed his finger on her lips hushing her, he moved his head closer still, His warm breath tickling her ear as he whispered.

"Aizen is too formal, don't you agree; when we are together, call me Sousuke." Aizen stepped back, his hand resting at his side as he suppressed his reiatsu. "Agreed?" Orihime slumped against the wall closing her eyes briefly. Fighting to stay upright, trying to steady her breathing.

"Yes So...Sousuke." she answered softly opening her eyes again, she didn't want to use his name, but she was weary of what he'd do to her if she disobeyed his command. Despite the gentle way it was spoken, with the use of his reiatsu she knew it was just that, a command. He watched her as if studying her. They stayed like that for a few moments before Sousuke Aizen held out his hand to her his gaze boring into her expectedly.

"Come Orihime, dinner grows cold." She reluctantly placed her hand in his and he led her to the other room. He motioned for her to sit on one of the pillows surrounding the low lying table, only when she was seated did he let go of her hand. He moved to the opposite side of the table and sat, picking up a small clay bottle and poured the clear liquid into two cups. He held out one of the cups to her.

"Thank you." Orihime said quickly taking the cup, placing it next to her plate. She watched as he sipped the drink; before leaning back against the wall his arm resting on his knee.

"You may start eating." She nodded slowly; picking up her chopsticks. He watched her intently, as she selected a few items off the main platter and slowly began to eat. She couldn't taste anything, she was too nervous with him just watching her. Though he did have a plate, he didn't touch the food; he just watched her, occasionally taking sips of his drink.

When she finished what she had taken, along with a dish of rice she placed her chopsticks down and picked up the cup Aizen had given her. She gulped a large amount of it; expecting it to be water, and choked. The liquid burning her throat. In a flash he was sitting at her side patting her back as his free hand guided hers in putting the cup on the table.

"Little one, did no one teach you not to gulp sake."

"In my world, I am too young to drink sake." Orihime stammered out his closeness shaking her, the warmth of his body engulfing her, as he brushed a tendril of her hair behind her ear, caressing the lobe with his thumb. He held onto her wrist, as his other hand returned to her back.

"You will find you have no such restriction here, but maybe it is best if you have water for the time being." He released her wrist and picked up another cup from the table-one Orihime hadn't seen till he picked it up—and brought it to her lips. "Drink, it'll help your throat." She cautiously sipped the liquid at first, not wanting to be caught off guard again. The cool water eased some of the burning the sake had caused; before she knew it she had drunk half the cup before her mind had comprehended that he was the one holding the cup. She pulled her lips from the cup and looked away from him.

"Thank you… Aiz.. Sousuke" He place the cup back on the table, ignoring her slight slip.

"Have you eaten your fill?" He asked as he once again took hold of her wrist. She met his gaze once again.

"Yes." He rose, pulling her with him, her body pressed to his. He tilted her head up to look into her eyes, before he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead and whispering into her hair

"Sleep little one." Her body slumped as she slipped into darkness; he effortlessly picked her up in his arms and turned to the other room.


Sousuke Aizen was sitting up in the bed his back resting on the wall as he held the sleeping girl in his arms, his hand caressing her hair as her head rested on his chest. Few things in existence were beyond his explanation, but how the young woman in his arms was one of them, or the powers she has. How could, a seemingly normal human girl have these powers? If used to their full potential, they would negate even what the gods themselves ordained.

Aizen was pulled from his thought as he felt her hand clench slightly as if in pain; he cover that hand with his own. His attention moved to her sleeping face, as he watched her for any signs she was waking, but after a moment she relaxed again and he turned his attention to the end of the bed.

Watching as subordinate Gin Ichimaru worked diligently on the tattoo he was applying to Orihime's ankle. It looked to be a black band of interlocking chains, much like a charm bracelet, or anklet in this case; the 'chain' had six blue stars attached on the inner part of her leg and a single red crescent moon on the outer part. The tattoo a bit of precaution to insure she would never be able to deify his will.

"It is done Aizen." Gin placed a needle and a jar of red pigment on a tray next to him.

"Very well Gin." Gin reached for a covered jar, only to be halted. "Leave it and go, I'll do that." If possible Gin's ever present grin became wider.

"Of course." He got off the bed and tossed the jar towards Aizen who caught is effortlessly. Gin removed the tray and headed for the open door. "It'll take a full day for it to take effect. You may want to keep her in that state till then."

"Leave Gin."

"Just thought I should warn you." He looked back over his shoulder. "Just in case." Gin knew Aizen better than anyone—too well-the former Division Captain mused. Without saying anything else Gin left; the door shutting with a wave of Aizen's hand behind him.

The room's lights dimmed with another flick of his hand. He slowly moved Orihime off his chest and easing her onto so she rested on her back. The compulsion he had used to make her sleep was a strong one, but he didn't want to chance her waking too soon. Aizen brushed a few strands from her face and shoulder causing her hair to fan out onto the plush pillow.

So innocent

His hand moved from her shoulder to just above her heart feeling the steady beat of her heart.

So fragile

He closed his eye and inhaled deeply—Jasmine—even after 5 days of being in Las Noches and she still retained that scent from the world of the living.

"Who are you really, Orihime Inoue? What is the source of your power?" he posed aloud to no one. He moved to the end of the bed, adjusting the hem of the sleeping shift he had dressed her in before Ichimaru had arrived. It had ridden up past her knees as Ichimaru had worked on the tattoo. Now it covered most of her calves.

He gently situated the marked ankle in his lap and opened the jar Gin had left. Dipping his fingers in; he lightly spread the salve on the tattoo, admiring Gin's skillful work. He had been leery about marking her skin; marring such smooth perfection would be such a shame, but Gin had done his job perfectly, placing the ink at just the right depth to avoid raising the skin.

Once the salve was spread to his satisfaction, he closed the jar and tossed it to the floor. It landed with a soft thud on the remains of Orihime yukata. Aizen removed her slender foot from his lap and returned to the head of the bed. After he covered her with a thick blanket, he leaned forward and placed a feather light kiss on the sleeping girl's lush lips.

"Sleep deep little one you will need you rest." He paused taking in her scent once again and flash from the room.


end part one...