Well, I couldn't help but start fantasizing about the sexual tension between Lucas and Skye after watching the season finale, and since I'm too impatient to wait for the next season, I decided to write it! Plus, Lucas is HOT. Just saying ;p

A/N: I kind of tweaked the "Commander Taylor Stabbing Scene" as you'll see when you read it. Nothing too drastic, just to make it a little more interesting.

Another A/N: Does anyone know what those guns they use that shoot out blue electricity stuff are called? I can't remember for the life of me…


The look on Lucas' face was both victorious and maniacal as he pushed the knife into his father's abdomen. "You should be begging for my forgiveness." he hissed, his voice burning like acid. Hate dripped from his words, and his pale green eyes were as hard as steel. He stepped away, his bottom lip curling in disgust, and let his father drop to the floor. With a sick, determined glint in his eyes, Lucas turned away from the old man.

Commander Taylor slumped to the ground, his hands pressing helplessly against the wound. Blood flowed between his fingers, and his eyes were wide with shock. He looked at the retreating back of his only son, and, managing to speak through the blood gurgling up into his mouth, gasped out, "It's gone."

Lucas turned back towards his dying father. "What's gone?" he spat.

Taylor heaved himself forward to spit the blood out of his mouth. It hit the leaves with a sickening splat. "Every single…hope I had for…you." he rasped out through heavy breathing. "The son I loved and…raised is gone forever…and there is a monster in…his place."

Lucas crouched down to look Taylor in the eyes. "A monster?" he asked incredously, his eyes dangerously focused. "A monster? You, dear Father, are themonster here. You are the reason I am who I am."

Taylor's look didn't waver. "Don't ever…" he grunted, wincing at the pain it took to speak, "let me see you again. Don't ever…come back to Terra Nova." His jaw clenched. "The next time I see you, I will kill you."

"You'd kill your own son?" Lucas asked innocently, as though he hadn't just plunged a blade into his father.

Taylor spit out a line of more blood. "You are no son of mine." he whispered harshly.

Lucas laughed deeply, tossing his head back as the echoes bounced throughout the trees. "You never cease to amuse me, Father." He grinned, blood seeping from his nose as he spoke, a reminder of his fight with Taylor before he'd pulled the knife. "You'll kill me? See, that may be a problem for you, since I don't think you'll live to see tomorrow." He grinned a row of pearly white teeth. "After all, you're already bleeding out as we speak."

Commander Taylor spit in his son's face. It landed squarely on Lucas's forehead, and the mix of blood and saliva ran down his temple. Lucas sighed melodramatically and wiped it away with the back of his hand.

"I was going to let you die alone here, Father." he whispered, moving his face so close to Taylor's that their noses almost touched. "But I've changed my mind now." He picked up the stained knife off the leaves. Smiling devilishly, he wiped the blood off on his pants. "I want to see you die. I want to see your fear as your life drains away." He placed the tip of the steel blade on Taylor's chest teasingly.

"Lucas…" Taylor groaned warningly. Blood oozed out the corner of his mouth.

"One more stab is all it would take." Lucas murmured quietly, almost as if to himself. He dragged the blade over to where Taylor's heart still pumped, a palm on the handle, ready to drive it forward. "And then you'll be dead. And I'll have won." Lucas' green eyes shone with brooding insanity. "I like the sound of that."

Taylor looked upwards at his son. His first wound was making it difficult to stay conscious. He had lost so much blood that it was a challenge to speak, much less fight back. But he would not beg or cry when faced with death. Of that he was determined. "For the first time in my life…" he grimaced. "I'm glad Ayani is dead. It would destroy her to see the animal you've become."

Lucas' face hardened with anger. A vein throbbed on his temple. "But in reality, it was you who ended up destroying her."

"I didn't kill her." Taylor wheezed. "And neither did you. I know you blame yourself. But there was nothing we could have done." Taylor's vision was going spotty and beginning to blackout from the blood loss, but he pushed himself to remain awake.

"You blamed me!" Lucas said, his body shaking with rage. "I saw it in your eyes every day after she died. The disappointment. The regret. And I tried! I tried to earn your approval! But you didn't even care." Tears of anger and sadness welled up in his eyes, and Lucas momentarily let go of the knife to flick them away.

"You're wrong." Taylor whispered. His eyelids drooped and threatened to close. "I never regretted saving you."

Lucas made a sound as a sob ripped through his body. He looked away as the tears threatened to come back. "I'm through with you, old man." he seethed. "Last minute lies won't save you." Hands still trembling from the pent up emotion, Lucas shoved the knife forward.


Before the knife could get through all Taylor's layers of clothing, Lucas was thrown backwards by the electric blue blast of a gun. Head over heels, he crashed into the jungle brush, his body incapacitated by the electricity traveling through his body.

"Commander?" A voice called out fearfully. It was feminine. Lucas recognized it, but he couldn't place it. He tried to move his head to look at who was entering the clearing, but he couldn't control his muscles yet.

"Oh my God, Commander, are you okay?" The voice asked again. "C'mon wake up." The voice was frantic now, and Lucas could make out the dull sounds of the person lightly smacking Taylor's face to rouse him.

"He's over here!" the girl yelled, panic rising in her voice. "Hurry! He's really hurt!"

At her call, Lucas could hear the sounds of boots nearing them. Commander Taylor's little military puppets, no doubt. He quietly groaned as the tremors continued to rack his body. However, he could move his feet and hands now, he noticed, and he knew in about two minutes he'd have a complete range of motions again. Hopefully they'd be too preoccupied with Daddy Dearest to really notice.

"It's alright, it's alright," the girl's voice said desperately. "You're going to be alright. Just fight. Stay with me."

With much effort, Lucas was able to finally swing his head around to face his father.

Ah, Bucket.

She was crouched in front of Taylor, shaking his shoulders and lightly smacking him, doing anything to help him keep consciousness. Her curly brown hair was matted and hung in her face, as though she'd been racing through the woods. Maybe she had.

Another woman entered the small clearing. She was thin with dark hair, and was wearing a white labcoat.

"Dr. Shannon!" Skye gasped, jumping to her feet. "You have to help him! He's dying!" Her eyes were wild and crazy.

"Shh…calm down, Skye." Dr. Shannon said soothingly. "I'll do what I can for him, I promise. Just give me some room."

Skye nodded, and Lucas could see tears formed in her eyes. What could make someone love Commander Taylor so much? Testing his body, Lucas found he could move all of his arms and legs. Just a little longer, and he'd be able to slink away before they remembered him.

He watched Skye trudge farther away from his father, shaking her head and stomping her foot from the will it took not to cry. She watched as Dr. Shannon slipped a pill down his throat, and had the military men gently lift their Commander.

"I have to get him back to Terra Nova, Skye." Dr. Shannon called out to her. "It's the only place with enough medicine and technology to heal him."

"Alright." Skye choked out. "I'll follow."

Lucas rolled back onto the balls of his feet, ready to spring away. He breathed out a sigh of relief as the last man exited the clearing after Taylor. He knew Skye would be no match for him if she tried to stop him.

He looked back at her as she collapsed, a sob ripping from her throat. She looked so sad and small there, like a little broken butterfly. Lucas wanted to run over there and comfort her, or rather, slap some sense into her for caring about a selfish bastard like his father.

But he had to get of here. There were still Terra Nova's forces in the area, which would just be giddy to drag him in to custody. And if Taylor survived, there was no doubt in Lucas' mind that he'd kill his son as soon as he regained his strength.

No, Lucas decided. He was going to get out of here now. He was going to get to the Badlands, and complete his plan. He was going to get back in touch with 2149, and he was going to become rich. He was going to beat his father at his own game, and then, he was going to kill his father.

But as he looked at Skye, hunched over in sadness and crying her eyes out, he made a decision.

He was taking Bucket with him.

I'm trying to portray Lucas' craziness and humanity at the same time. Is it working?

BTW, the only reason I have Lucas expressing an interest in Skye from the beginning without developing into it is because in earlier episodes he'd already started expressing interest (stroking her face etc) so I figured on his part he's already decided that there's something about her lol.

Review and tell me what you think!