TTGLX: Brothers to the End.

Omake Issue 14: Motivation.

A/N: Man, I am on a roll. Not only am I finishing the story of Brothers to the End but I am also bringing back the Omakes. If there is any funny skit that you would like to see then let me know in a review. If I like the idea I may use it. Enjoy.

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Explosions shook the Tengen Hojo and the darkness of space was cast aside by blinding blue light from the Super Tengen Toppa. The people aboard were worn down and afraid of the looming apocalypse. As such, the mecha's energy readings were dipping by the second.

Many of the people had assembled in a large hall were they argued loudly over what could be done to help the situation. Amidst this turmoil of shouts and booms was a tiny pop followed by giggling then more pops.

Renji Abarai noticed this sound and began to search for its cause. He pushed his way through the crowd until he found Lieutenant Yachiru sat in a small clearing eating ice-cream. He watched he for a moment as he tried to figure out what the noise was. She scoffed down the ice-cream then stared intently at the bowl. There was another pop then more ice-cream appeared in the bowl.

Renji blinked, taken aback. "How the hell did you do that?"

Yachiru looked up and offered him a childish grin. "reality is crumbling and Spiral Energy is everywhere. Everyone is upset so I though, 'when I'm upset I have ice-cream to cheer me up' and then poof! I was suddenly holding ice-cream. I'm gonna fill up and then start giving them to everyone else to make them happy."

"You can do that? Just think about a thing and it appears?"


The cogs were turning in Renji's head. "So there is nothing stopping me from, say, materialising hot women?"

Yachiru grunted. "Why do that? Women are boring. Ice-cream and candy are way better for moral."

"Only if its candy with a capital 'C' and ending in an 'I'. Look kid, ice-cream is all fair and good but nothing gets a man fighting harder than a beautiful woman."

"We want them to fight harder, not get harder."

"Jesus Yachiru. I thought you were sweet and innocent…"

Yachiru gave him a stern look. "I've hung around with nobody but testosterone filled men since before I could talk. Can you imagine what it was like the day Kenny, Ikkaku and Yumichika tried to teach me about puberty?"

Renji shuddered. "I still think naked women would motivate them more."






A hand rested on each of their shoulders. They looked up to see Kittan. He looked pale and sweaty but was still managing his usual cocky smirk.

"Now now, let's not fight. I think that I have the perfect solution to this little conundrum. Just leave it to good old Uncle Kittan."


Meanwhile on the command deck, Rossiu stared sourly at the spiral gauges around him. The mech's power was waning and the people's spirits were at an all time low. Watching the universe crumble as you are crushed by a former hero had that effect on people's hearts.

"It's no good. At this rate, Simon will kill us all and destroy the universe. I don't think even a motivational speech from Kamina could do the job now."

"Sir!" called out a nearby assistant. Confusion was dominant across his face. "Look!"

The gauges had suddenly sparked into life, filling the screen with a rampant rainbow of chaotic colours. They were off the charts. The mech began to shake as power surged through its mechanical veins.

"What the hell is happening?" Rossiu exclaimed. The other crew members shook their heads. What could have suddenly inspired everyone to this degree. This should be impossible. Switch to the main deck cameras."

"Yes Sir! Switching now."

Silence descended upon the room other than the hum of machines. It was a thick silence that clung like syrup. The temperature seemed to be rising.

Rossiu cleared his throat with some difficulty. "Can somebody please tell me why the Tengen Hojo is currently filled with naked women who, if I am not mistaken, appear to be covered in some sort of dairy product?"

"I think it's ice-cream, sir," piped up one of the junior staff. Everyone stared at him. "Well, you see, they look rather, err, cold 'cos of their… you know,"

"Thank you, Kimbly. Enlightening," Rossiu sighed. Despite himself, a small smile slid across his stern face. Humans were so unbelievably complex yet could be motivated by the simplest things in life. But then he suppose that was what life was in the end. Animal instincts seeking pleasure and procreation.

A soft chuckle left his lips. It grew and grew until tears spilled from his eyes. Life was too short to take too seriously. They might all be dead in a matter of hours but here and now they were alive. Gloriously alive...