
My heart beat erratically fast, I could feel it in my legs, Stan stared at me hopefully, my brain went into over load Say YES damn you. The guy YOU want is asking you to a dance. SAY YES. Stan's smile faltered, he averted his gaze, and started to walk away, I took a breath.

"Yes.." my voice was hoarse, scratchy. That's when Stan stopped. He turned to me, a questioning look in his sapphire eyes.

"What did you say?"

"I said yes. Stan." Wendy and Bebe stood in awe. Stan stood dumbfounded.

"Did he just.." Wendy began.

"Talk?" Bebe finished.

"Oh my god!" both girls squealed, Stan seemed unmoving. Kenny held his ears.

"You talked..." Stan replied, slowly smiling.

"Because I had something to say." my voice hadn't took on an actual emotion, not yet, Stan looked so happy.

"Kenny..I don't know what to, wow.."

"Don't say anything.."

"Kenny, I, thank you. Seriously, thank you so much." I shrugged.

His arms wrapped around my shoulders, holding me tightly. I hugged around his waist.

I could trust Stan Marsh, I was sure of it now.

There you have it! Kenny talked! Sorry it's kinda drawn out folks. There will be plenty of Drama up ahead, Stay tuned!