A Lovely Story

HINT: I don't the characters

Chapter 1: 1 Big Question

Jaden and Alexis has been dating for 1 year. They re united with each other 1 year later from graduation and they haved confessessed their feelings. They fell in love instantly. Alexis has already introduced him to her parents,but now she wants to meet his.

They were at the cliff at duel academy

"Hey Jay, when do I get to meet your parents?" said Alexis

who was curios.

"Well my parents work alot, so with their scheadule it's going

to be nearly impossible." said Jaden as he wrapped his arm

around Alexis's waist. Alexis just stared at the moon with


"I know what your thinking Lex", said Jaden,"but I could give

them a call" said Jaden with the usual smile.

"Thank you Jaden" said Alexis softly.

"I love you Alexis Rhodes" said Jaden who kissed her

" I love you too Jaden" said Alexis.

It was getting late so Jaden walked Alexis back to her old

Jaden returned to his old grabbed the

telephone and dialed the number of his house.

"Hello?" asked the voice

"Hey mom it's Jay." replied Jaden

"JADEN!" yelled the voice in excitment

"Hey mom" said Jaden

"Ummmm mom I'm coming back home for the week" said Jaden.

"That's wonderful Jay; I can't wait to see my little boy" said Jaden's mother.

"Mom!" scolded Jaden who then blushed." Well anyway I'm

bringing home a guest with me" said Jaden.

"That will be swell" said Jaden's mom

"Can you make sure the house is tidy and all?" said Jaden with blushy cheeks.

"So umm is the guest your bringing?, your girlfriend" asked mom.

''MOTHER!" said Jaden who yelled at her with even darker red cheeks

"Does dad have work busy tommorow?" asked Jaden.

"Well, he told me that he works half day tommorow,because

of the feast I'm preparing for Yugi,and I will be inviting reletives." said mom

"Perfect!" said Jaden with excitment."Can you send a driver to pick us up from the airport?" asked Jaden

"ok my son, but the airplane leaves at 9 30 am" said mom

"ok mom I'll be there" said Jaden.

"Bye son" said mom and she hung up

Jaden then dialed Alexis's number

"Hello" asked Alexis

"Hey I called my mom and she wants us to come down" said Jaden excitedly.

"Great" yelled Alexis who returned the praise.

"ok,so my mom is making a big dinner feast, and she wants us to leave at the 9 30 flight." said Jaden.

"Ok,umm should I dress up for the feast?" asked Alexis

Jaden just smiled and said "Just bring your beautiful self"

Alexis blushed deeply and said "I love You"

"I love you too Lex" said Jaden.

Then Jaden slipped in his bed and feel a sleep dreaming of Alexis smiling.