Disclaimer: I do not own Daa! Daa! Daa!

Title: A Guy's Got To Think About Marriage

Author: littlemisshappytart

Summary: Kanata's contemplating marriage to Miyu Kouzuki. But how is a guy to know he's ready for the Big Thing? Maybe a little help from his friends would work…?

Author's Note: This fic is written in Kanata's POV. Am apologizing to strawberryicecream because this fic took so long to writing. This one's for you, girl! :D


I never really would have guessed how men suddenly decide they want to get 'leg-shackled'. So to speak.

Am I going to be reduced to a ninny?

Miyu and I's concept of dating is staying at the temple and doing whatever. This 'whatever' consists of any of the following:

1. Renting out DVDs and watching it at home. If it is a chick flick, you know who chose it.

2. Playing card or board games. This thing rarely happens – mostly because I just frustrate Miyu by winning straight in any game.

3. Miyu cooking and I being the experimental dummy. But who cares? I get to tease Miyu mercilessly.

4. Inviting our friends over for some 'instant' party…Scratch that. Our friends 'invite themselves over' for some 'instant' party.

5. Playing hide and seek, then chasing each other around the house. Don't – just don't ask.

Currently we opt to choose option 3. Miyu's preparing what-I-hope-to-be pumpkin pie in the kitchen.

I, on the other hand, am lying in the living room reading a book. Or rather, 'pretending' to read a book titled 'Tanks 101' to conceal the true one beneath.

Because in lieu of my previous question, I admittedly was reduced to – why would I repeat the word?

Because I, Kanata Saionji, asked my two buddies for help.

Because…well, desperate times need desperate measures.

So they gave me this booklet about half an inch thick. And if that's not enough to mock me, the title says "Dude, Are You REALLY Ready?"

They said it's completely fool-proof. Maybe, since those two are happily married.

Okay. Let's get this over with.

Turning to the first page, the welcoming message goes like this:

Congratulations! You are now in possession of the most comprehensive book for your likes.

Confused? Undecided? Or merely desperate? This one's perfect for you.

Just answer the questions truthfully before going to the next page.

No lying.

No skipping.

No peeking at the last page.


This is strictly for MEN only. And yes, this book is sexist.

Sighing, I turned to the first question.

Are you old enough to marry?

We can all agree that 25's old enough to marry.

This book is definitely serious. Proceed if yes. If no… ARE YOU KIDDING?

Next question.

Do you have a stable job?

I'm an English teacher at Heiomachi High. I guess that could count as a stable job.

If you think this isn't important, then stop. If you agree with the book, proceed.

Next question.

Do her parents like you?

I say they love me.

Hey! It pays to know if they like you. If no…MOVE YOUR ASS AND START WORKING.

Next question.

Do you imagine pushing her to the wall, start ripping off her clothes, kissing her senseless, using your tongue –

Then the door suddenly opened and I immediately scrambled up to hide the book behind me.

Miyu poke her head in. "Kanata, the pie is almost done. Do you want some?"

Jeez Miyu, what a timing! Can't you see I'm in some…state? "Y-yes."

Then my-ever-kind Miyu, noticing the hitch in my answer, asked in concern. "Are you alright?"

For goodness sake, I'm not! But I nodded repeatedly.

And Miyu, she just looked at me for about five seconds before she left and closed the door behind her.

If that wasn't the most embarrassing moment in my life!

I quickly flipped to the next page without completing the question. I'm sure the cursed book knows my answer.

Don't be a hypocrite! Everyone will agree that a good marriage needs a healthy dose of lust. If you don't believe to what this book says, why not try what it sugges–

Time to turn to the next question. And before you ask, we've only done chaste kissing so far.

What is your first thought about marriage?


If you answered 'nerve-wracking' or anything along that line, proceed. If you thought it'll be 'smooth-driving', let the book tell you this: YOU'RE A JERK. YOU DON'T NEED ME.

Now this book is making sense. When I turned to the next page, instead of a question, another message greeted me:

This is the point where everything gets serious.

Proceed or stop. These are your only options.


Do you want to start a family with her?

Miyu's my family.

Proceed if yes. Stop if no.

Next question.

Even if you can't possibly have a child, would you still be her family?

That's sad.

Proceed if yes. Stop if no.

Next question.

Do you want to grow old with her?

I want to see Miyu old.

Proceed if yes. Stop if no.

Next question.

Are you willing to stay with her through worst times?

You can't get enough with Miyu.

Proceed if yes. Stop if no.

Next question.

Are you willing to spill your heart at her feet?

I believe Miyu can handle blood quite well.

Proceed if yes. Stop if no.

Next question.

Do you love her?

It made me smile.

Proceed if yes. Stop if no.

Next question.

Do you REALLY love her?

This time I grinned.

Proceed if yes. Stop if no.

Next question.

Do you REALLY REALLY love her?

I closed the book. I don't have to read the last page to know what the book says:

If yes, then let this book advise you:



The next day, I… Surprise! Surprise! I prepared something special for Miyu.

She has this routine of listening to my music player when she drops by and shares in my household chores.

So I put in a new song titled "Marry Your Daughter" so as not to shock her to my intention.

But the real surprise lies therein the next track: a conversation between me and her Papa.

Which goes much like the lyrics of the song. But with some little revisions from me, of course.

I waited a bit before I heard the reaction I was expecting.


I smiled. Did I mention I was out in the front yard sweeping?


I stopped what I'm doing when I heard her approaching.


Then she hugged me from behind and I felt her tears soaking at my back. But I don't mind. I would never mind.

"Stupid Kanata, I already am."

That's exactly what I thought.

This is my only request, son. Make Miyu happy.

I will, sir. I will.


Merry Christmas to all Daa Daa Daa fans!

Thanks to strawberryicecream for making the request. I know this isn't at all what you're expecting but I still hope you like it.

READ AND REVIEW. Click on the lonely pleading link at the end of this page to do so. *Wink*

Also, read my other fics please? Arigatou.