Title: Milk Mustache

Rating: T

Couple: Shizuo X Izaya

Prompt: Milk

Words: 353

I Do Not Own Durarara!

Shizuo walked over to the refrigerator, grumbling after his long day of work. So many idiots to beat the shit out of, but so little time. So little time. . . He grabbed the carton of milk and went over to find a clean glass cup. Why didn't those morons just give Tom the damned money? God those ass holes just pissed him off. . . He poured the milk into the glass and was about to take a big gulp of it when he realized it wasn't in his hand anymore.

It was being drunk by Izaya.

"Iiiiizzzaaayyyaaa!" Shizuo screamed as he picked up a chair and chucked it at the black haired man.

"Now now, Shizu-chan~ It's not very polite to throw chairs at your guests," he teased as he dodged the flying chair and made a wow sound as it flew out the window.

Shizuo looked at the man with dagger eyes. He had come home from a horrible day, without seeing the flea for once, and comes home to relax, but no. Izaya just had to show up and make his day worse. He really only wanted his damn glass of milk back anyways.

"Oh. I'm guessing you want this back, don't you?" the information broker said more than asked. Without warning he drank the rest of it, leaving behind a subtle but there milk mustache.

Shizuo growled, but grabbed for the dark haired man. He caught the furry jacket before the flea could get away, and pulled him hard against his own lithe body.

"I just wanted some damn milk. And that was all I had left. . . Damn flea," Shizuo said as he preceded to lick the milk off of Izaya's top lip, and then shove his pink tongue into the smaller man's mouth to just get a small taste of that wonderful liquid.

Izaya smirked as he dropped the glass, letting it shatter on the ground, and wrapped his arms around Shizuo's shoulders, partaking in one of his very favorite humans.

Criticism that helps me is VERY MUCH WELCOME! Reviews give you chocolate cake and Earl Grey Tea so you should review! Any reviews that are cruel and mean in nature WILL BE IGNORED! I do not take kindly to sleaze bags that are jealous of someone else. Thank you very much~!