So here's what you missed on Glee

After the Troubletones lost at sectionals, Santana, Mercedes, Brittany and Sugar rejoined New Directions.

Quinn and Rachel became friends, which angered Finn, causing him to break up with Rachel, again.

Santana found out Brittany cheated on her after winning the school election because "that's what presidents do."

So even though the gang's all back together, no one's really getting along.

And that's what you missed on GLEE!

"Can someone please tell me why we have to stay late on the last day of school before winter break? I just want to go home and watch Rudolf."

"No idea." Blaine replied to Mercedes as he opened the door for Kurt, Finn and Mercedes to shuffle into the empty choir room.

Finn had taken to hanging out with his stepbrother after he and Rachel broke up. For the past week, Finn had prevented Kurt from talking to Rachel, and would mutter darkly whenever he saw her.

"Looks like we're the only ones here, are you sure this is where we're supposed to meet?" Kurt opened the door again and peered out into the empty hallway.

"That's what Schue told me in the hall this morning." Finn said as he leaned out into the hallway behind Kurt. "Maybe it was a trick…"

"Why would anyone try to trick you? There's no fun in fooling a fool. Now get a move on fugly green giant, your gut and your fairy step brother are blocking the door." Santana pushed through while the boys followed behind her.

"Hey San, Do you have any idea what this meeting's about?"

"Haven't got a clue, Mercedes. But I did see a bunch of the other glee clubbers leaving the library so they should be here soon. Maybe Schue's decided to quit his job and we'll be able to reform the Troubletones again." Santana sent a smile to Mercedes and walked over to the chairs, taking a seat in the back row.

"Fat chance, Santana." Finn glared at her as he slouched over to the chairs on the other side of the room. Kurt followed with Blaine as Mercedes took a seat beside Santana.

"A girl can dream."

Santana sat back and watched the other people in the room. Kurt and Blaine were arguing about the proper length of pants and how many turtlenecks a guy really needs, Finn was staring off into space and Mercedes was complaining to her about having two boys like her.

Suddenly, the door opened and they all looked up at once. Tina, Mike and Sam walked in and took seats beside Mercedes with Sam tripping over chairs in his rush to grab the spot beside Mercedes.

After them, the rest of the club trickled into the room. Artie wheeled in with Brittany and Rory behind him. Santana had to look away. She couldn't look at Brittany without wanting to break something.

Artie rolled over beside Blaine while Brittany and Rory sat in the back behind Finn and Kurt. At least Santana couldn't see Brittany anymore.

Next came Sugar and Puck. Santana really hoped they weren't an item. She was actually starting to like Sugar. She didn't want to see her get hurt by Puck and his stupid, off-center hair creature. However, they spilt off with Puck sitting in the front beside Artie and Sugar squeezing in between Tina and Brittany. This left two empty spaces in front of Santana.

Sure enough, Quinn and Rachel walked in and took the last two seats. Quinn and Rachel both smiled at Santana and Mercedes before they sat down.

Santana absentmindedly stared at the back of Rachel's head in front of her.

Rachel had looked happy. Santana wondered if it was because of Quinn. They certainly looked close during We Are Young. Santana frowned as her mind flashed back to after sectionals.

Shortly after the meeting in the bathroom with Quinn, Brittany pulled Santana aside.

"San," Brittany whispered as she held Santana's hands. "I did something bad."

"What did you do Brit? Did you put another bird in your locker?" Santana laughed. She was feeling as if she were on top of the world. Even though they had just lost sectionals and the Troubletones were no more, she had just given an amazing performance, she got to dance with the girl she loves in front of tons of people, and now they were going to regionals with the promise of a solo. In short, she felt as if nothing could hurt her. Until Brittany opened her mouth again.

"No San. I- I slept with that rugby player guy. He told me that all presidents cheat on their partners. I just wanted to be a good president. I'm so sorry, S. I had to tell you. I want what Q just talked about. For this to be the best times of our lives, for us all to be together."

Santana felt like the Earth had stopped moving, then started spinning really fast. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears. How could the girl she loved so much, the girl she came out for, hurt her so much? How could her Brittany, no, not her Brittany.

"Yeah, well, we're not together, Brittany. Not anymore." Santana turned and wiped the tears away. She wouldn't let the other girl see how much she had hurt her. Then she did what she did best, she ran.

Santana could hardly see where she was going. Her eyes were out of focus and all she could hear was the blood rushing in her ears.

She had just started to compose herself when she found Sugar and Mercedes out front of the auditorium.

"Ready to go back to them?" Santana didn't know who asked, and she didn't really care. She just shrugged.

"I know what you mean. Come on, Let's go." That was Mercedes. Mercedes linked arms with Sugar and Santana and walked in. Santana felt someone on her other side and saw Brittany. She started to feel sick again. That is until she heard Rachel's voice.

That voice seemed to cut through everything Santana was feeling. It just seemed to fill her with some kind of warmth. She then heard Mercedes singing beside her and found herself joining in. She still couldn't really see properly, but she locked her eyes on Rachel and let her voice fill the emptiness.

One by one the others pulled Sugar, Mercedes and Brittany away. Santana was left alone.

The angles never arrived
But I can hear the choir
So will someone come and carry me home

Santana had never sang truer words. She needed someone. When she saw Rachel smile as she walked toward her and took her hand, she felt as if her heart was going to burst. She was going to be okay.


Santana shook her head, unsure as to why she was smiling. The past week had been hell. On the days she actually made it to school she was a zombie. She hardly talked to anyone. She didn't have anything to say anyway.

She was angry. She was hurt. In the past two weeks she had lost her abuela, her girlfriend, the Troubletones and sectionals. Those were the things that had made her the happiest. But now she didn't have any of them left.

Quinn had come over a couple times; she even brought Rachel, Mercedes and Sugar once. Those were the only good memories she had from the last week. Everything else was just a blur. A big, sad blur.

Santana unglued her eyes from the back of Rachel's head and looked at the paper Rachel was doodling on. She saw Rachel draw a big happy face. Santana snickered and then Rachel stuck her tiny, non-manish hand out to the side and gave a little wave back to Santana.

Santana gave the chair in front of her a little kick. "Pay Attention, Berry."

"To what exactly, Lopez?" Rachel turned around to smile at her just as Mr. Schuester walked in.

"You're all here! Good! Thank you all for coming and staying a bit late on your last day. I know you're all excited for the holidays!"

His enthusiasm was met by grumbles from the students.

"This club has gone through a lot recently, but I'm proud of each and every one of you for your amazing work at sectionals! As a reward, and as a way to help us get back on track to prepare for regionals, I have organized a trip for us all!"

This was met by a little more excitement and a bunch of people talking at once.

"Whoa guys! Give me a second to explain before all the questions. And yes, I see your hand, Rachel."

The part of Rachel's face Santana could see turned red as she lowered her hand. Santana felt angry. Other people had been talking, why didn't he say anything to them? Before she could say something though, he started talking again.

"We are going to a camp on Indian Lake! It's only an hour away and they have an amazing team building program!" Mr. Schuester smiled as he looked around at everybody.

"Are you kidding me?"

"This has to be a nightmare."

"Do you know how cold it gets by the lake this time of year?"

Santana looked around at her teammates. The ones whose faces she could see looked angry. Then she saw Rachel's hand shoot in the air.

"Yes, Rachel?" Mr. Schue said with a sigh. Santana got angry again.

"If I may voice the concerns I'm sure everyone has right now, and speak on behalf of the entire club -" Santana saw Quinn smile at Rachel as she babbled. "How are we supposed to pay for this? I'm sure it's a lot of money to spend so close to the holidays. And how can we get away with missing a whole week of school? For most of us, it's our senior year, I don't believe I need to explain how crucial each and every lesion -"

"Rachel," Mr. Schue cut her off. "This won't cost anyone anything. We're getting a deal for going in winter, and since we've gained the Troubletones, we've absorbed their budget as well."

"And the lessons?"

"I'm getting there, Santana. You won't be missing any school because we're going over winter break!"

If everyone was mad before, they were positively livid now. Everyone just started yelling at once. No one seemed to think it was very fair that they would miss out on their vacation. No one seemed to think the problems in the group were their fault either. Santana didn't really mind, she didn't have any plans for break anyway.

Mr. Schuester slammed his hand down on the piano. "Enough! Everyone's going! I talked to all of your parents or guardians today, and you've all been given the green light to go. We'll be leaving the Thursday after Christmas, Chanukah for Rachel and Puck, and we'll get back a couple days before school starts up again."

"But that means we'll be gone for New Years Eve, I was gonna get smashed!"

"That's too bad, Puck, you'll now be spending the night with your teammates. I've got packing lists with rooming arrangements and permission forms attached. Take one and pass the rest along and I'll see you all on the 29th!"

Rachel passed the papers back to Santana and let her fingers brush Santana's hand. She shivered, and then looked up at Finn who had suddenly stood up and looked pissed.

"Do you really think this is necessary? I mean, we're a team, a good team. We always have been, and we always will be." Santana heard the little brunette in front of her scoff.

"Of course this is necessary Finn. Just look at the way you guys are sitting." Schue gestured at both side of the room. "Some of you can't even stand sitting near each other and have to sit on opposite sides of the room! We need to fix this! It's about time we stopped focusing on everyone trying to date each other, and worked on our friendships!" Schue gathered up the rest of his stuff and left the choir room.

"I agree with Mr. Schue," Quinn spoke up with most other people nodding along. "This is going to be fun."

Finn, Kurt and Blain left first, with everyone else saying their goodbyes and wishing the others a happy holiday.

Santana gave a hug to Quinn and Mercedes, and then picked up her coat and bag stashing her papers inside. She took her time so she wouldn't have to say anything to Brittany. When she looked up, she saw it was just her and Rachel left.

"Jeez Berry, you scared me." The other girl's smile fell a bit.

"Sorry Santana, I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas."

"Thanks Berry. Hope you have a happy Chanukah. You walking to the parking lot?"

Rachel's smile returned. "Yes I am! I just have to go and pick up my knapsack."

They made their way to Rachel's locker. The school seemed to be completely silent.

"So, what are your plans for Christmas, Santana?"

"Um… nothing really. My parents made plans to go on a vacation over Christmas moths ago, and I was going to spend the holidays with my abuela, but she's not really talking to me, you know. So I'll just get the house to myself for a week." Santana tried to sound excited but she wasn't sure she managed to pull it off.

"Well you're always welcome at the Berry house Santana!" Rachel linked their arms as they left the school.

They walked in silence to the last two cars in the lot, right next to each other.

"I'm going to hug you, okay?" Without waiting for a response, Rachel gave Santana a tight hug, which she returned. The shorter girl was so warm and her hair smelt wonderful. Like berries. Santana pulled away and walked to her car.

"Hey Santana, did you look at the rooming list? It looks like we're going to be roomies!"