Ok so this is my First story! Well I have a lot of stories I am thinking about posting but am not sure yet. So this is the first one that I am absolutely positive about! It is based on Maka meeting Arcane. This is the episode where they are first fighting Arachne with the golem thing I believe it is episode 27 or around there somewhere. Ok so now that I have explained a few important details I think you are ready to read my first attempt at a story! Enjoy :)

P.S. I only put in the minor language in order to keep everyone in character for the show, because that's just how they talk.

(notice**: As of 10-19-17, I am now currently going through and re-editing this story with better grammar (hopefully) and a few minor tweaks that most people may or may not notice. I am doing this due to personal changes, but I really didn't want to delete this because it was my first ever story, so to save it I am re-working it. I will add on the bottom of the chapters when I have re-edited them.)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Soul Eater!

An unexpected situation

In the midst of the fight against Arcane, the golem had the saw again and Arcane was standing on the sidelines watching. She was keeping a watchful eye on Maka and soul. Maka especially. She could sense her gorgonian soul and has loved watching her and Soul's pointless bickering all the time. But she couldn't deny that she had developed …. a fondness for Maka. She was special; kind to most people but also had a talent at fighting and being a strong hearted girl and smartest person in her class. It all just made Maka perfect for her plans. She felt Maka was misunderstood most of the times and mistreated by her so called "friends". So now that she can actually physically see and touch Maka* (will be explained in later chapter) she is thinking that now might be a good time to finally claim her precious gem.

Maka was just hit by that weird web stuff and was being flung back by the golem, right in Arachne's directions. Perfect. She acted quickly and caught Maka in her arms while she used her fan to swiftly throw Soul away from Maka and into the bushes.

"Uh... What!... Soul!" Maka screamed now terrified at the turn of events.

"Shhhh. Now now there darling you should really not scream when in the arms of a queen."

"Maka!... damn you Arachne. Don't you dare hurt her!"

"Like you and your palls do? Not a chance." Arachne spit at him spitefully.

"What are you talking about? Whatever just let her go or I'll make you!" Soul's arm turned into a scythe and then he charged, but stopped in his tracks when Arachne made a very good point to his dismay.

"If you kill me you will be killing Maka too." She said while holding Maka tighter.

"Damit! Maka move!"

"I can't!" Maka said while attempting to move her body out of the witch's tight grip. But even with the grip she knew there was something wrong. Maka couldn't move before hand when she first realized that she was in Arachne's arms, and now she knew for sure she had done something to her cause she couldn't even budge anymore.

"What do you mean you can't move?!"

"I can't move my body." At this Arcane smiled.

"Arcane what did you do?" And with that her smile became even bigger.

"It wasn't me who did it, really. It was the two of you who put the spell on Maka.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Soul asked.

"Remember just a moment ago when you cut open the golem…. Well my webs of paralysis came out and covered Maka's tiny body. Now she is under the full effect of the spell and can't move even a finger for a good amount of time."

"So with that said, Soul tell me what are you going to do to me now, hmmm?"

Arachne let that question hang in the air for a few moments. She wanted him to really feel the depth of the situation.

"….. I … I don't know, I can't exactly do anything to you now." Soul said while grimacing.

"That's right you can't." Her smile turned into a very triumphant one.

So that's it. The first chapter. What do you think? Should I keep going? Please leave nice reviews !

Oh and that* thing will be explained later if I end up continuing this. That is kind of a cliff hanger thing. I think. Well it's meant to be one, or at least keep you curious. Is it working? You don't have to answer that.

Anyways I hoped you enjoyed and would love to here your comments or thoughts about it. As long as they are nice or are constructive criticism.

Or even if you have good ideas for the story just let me know! :) You will get full credit. Just PM it too me okay! Well see ya. :D

RE-edited on 10-19-17.