Title: Happy Ending

Rating: T for language, might be bumped later for language and/or sexiness

Disclaimer: I have no rights to any persons real or imagined, no television shows, no books, basically nothing. You want to sue me the best thing I have is a bed, but try to take that and I'll cut a bitch, it's super comfy.

Summary: AU Remma, Regina/Emma, Swan Queen, whatever you want to call it. The Evil Queen will have her happy ending. And she will have her revenge.

Word Count: This chapter: 473; Total: 4373

Notes: I can't get the idea of Remma out of my head; you will all be subjected to more of it. And frequently.

"Mother, where is Emma?" Morgan asked, seeing only three seats on the dais. The two thrones were obviously for her parents, but there should have been two chairs for the two princesses. "She is going to miss - "

Snow interrupted her younger daughter's complaint with a simple touch. "Your father knows." Emma had asked for permission to absent herself from the festivities and James had been all too happy to send their eldest daughter off to visit Alexandra. The tournament and ball were to celebrate James' birthday as well as his recent rise to the throne. But it also gave young royals and nobles the opportunity to impress the crown princess.

One point both James and Emma agreed on was that none of the suitors were good enough. James wanted to keep his daughter young while the eighteen-year-old princess was uninterested in all the suitors thus far.

"Why does she always do that?" asked the princess who was newly eleven and quite her sister's opposite. Morgan could not understand Emma's distaste for balls and gowns and all things courtly.

Snow simply smiled, knowing Emma was much more like her parents than the prim and proper princess beside her. "Think of it this way, more handsome young princes to dance with you." This caused the young princess to blush and Snow to laugh.


"You are ready so I have to go," Pinocchio hedged, trying to slip out of the tent before a gauntleted fist caught the back of his shirt. "Let me go, I already am in more trouble than this is worth."

Emma let her longtime friend go before reassuring him. "I told you I wouldn't let my parents punish you. They will think this is funny," Emma said confidently.

"I'm not worried about your parents, I'm worried about mine!" shrieked the young man. "I've come close to lying to my father and you know what that means!"

This made the princess snort in an unladylike fashion. "The Blue Fairy will come and turn you back into a puppet," mocked Emma. "She's as bad as Rumplestiltskin but at least everyone knows what they get with him. But the Blue Fairy gives 'blessings' that turn out no better than a deal with the imp."

Pinocchio looked like someone had smacked him but before he recovered the tent flap pulled open. Red slid in the gap with a triumphant smirk. "I changed your name in the tournament lists." Before Emma could protest Red continued, "Your name was 'Sir Emmett' and would have given the game away. But no one knew who you were yesterday and they called you 'The Swan.' So I told the officials to mark that down."

Looking down at the shield borrowed from the armory at Alexandra's castle, Emma traced the emblazoned swan. "The Swan. I like it."

The next chapter will continue right where this one leaves off...once I write it.