Chapter 1 by Yinx

My eyes opened a bit as my alarm went off. 4:30 the red blinking lights read. I groaned as I slowly got up and walked to the bathroom and ran the water for the shower. I looked in the mirror and gave myself the speech my therapist taught me.

"Okay Mercedes Harris…Jones…Mercedes Jones. Time for your morning pep talk… Mercedes Jones you are a strong, beautiful, wonderful woman. God created you as such. Make your Lord proud and start believing in yourself as He does."

I smiled at my reflection and took my shower. After I finished dressing I ran water for a bath. I walked down the hall of my new apartment to my daughters Lolovivi room. She is the reason I'm still even here on this earth. I sat on her bed a watched her sleep for a while. Her hair scarf had come off during the night so that meant I'd have to do damage control. I gently shook her wake.

"Five more minutes Mommy, please" she begged me.

"No can do Vivi" I laughed "Your scarf came off during the night so that means I have to do it again"

She sighed as she stretched. I got up "Your bath is ready, you better be in it in five while I go get breakfast started."

I walked into the tiny galley kitchen and started on eggs toast and sausage. My cell phone rang which caused me to jump. I calmed myself down. "He doesn't know your number Mercedes" my brain told me as I answered it.


"Child why are you so timid answering your phone"?

I rolled my eyes as my heartbeat went back to normal. My older sister Meria voice was always soothing.

"Hey Meria, what's up"?

"Nothing just trying to get the squirts to school on time" she sighed.

"Maybe since I teach at the school we could do carpooling sometimes" I offered her.

"Really, that would be awesome" I could feel her smile of relief through the phone. "Oliver is away in Chicago on business… well he is just really good at getting them ready… I have no earthly idea what the hell I'm doing."

I laughed "You'll be fine. We are still on for lunch this weekend right"?

"Yup Oliver will be back on Friday so he will take them for the day. It has been forever since I've seen you. I bet you haven't changed"

I frown as I watch Vivi come out dressed in her green plaid jumper knee high Princess Tiana socks and Mary Jane's'. I placed a plate of food in front of her and she started to eat. "I have more than you know."

Vivi and I walked into the front office of the school. The secretary gave me my room and Vivi class schedule. The halls of the small school were decorated with cliché and updated messages. My room was small only ten desks, but already decorated. We both looked over the schedule and rules. Then I got myself ready for the first day when a knock came on my door. It was Kurt.

"Wow Mercedes you look great" he said smiling as he came over and gave me a long strong hug.

"So do you Kurt. Thank you so much for this job."

"It was nothing it has been too long, Girl"

"Eleven years" I sighed.

"Who's this" he asked turning to Vivi.

"Kurt this is Lolovivi Harrison, she my daughter"

Kurt's eyes widen. "WTF Mercedes, when did this…"

"If you want we can have dinner at my place tonight, both you and Blaine should come" I smiled holding up a hand "It's a long story and my class is coming in" A black boy came in and sat in the middle chair.

"Okay, I'll bring wine because I'm thinking it will be a long story" he said before he left.

I kissed Vivi and wished her a good first day and waited for the rest of my class to start.

I couldn't believe how smart my class was. They raised their hands answered questions, if they didn't know they would ask questions. I couldn't believe it. It was two hours in and time for the first bathroom break. I lined them up and walked backwards so I could keep an eye on them. These kids were too good to be true. I heard my name but it couldn't be… I turned and saw his piercing green eyes before anything else.

"Mercedes Jones" he gave me a lopsided smile as he approached and gave me a hug.

"Samuel Evans, it's been a while" I smiled up at him.

"Yes it has, are you the new first grade teacher" he asked.

I watched him take me in with his eyes; he could never be suddle when it came to reading his eyes. "Yes, what are you doing here"?

"I teach the other first grade class." He nodded over his shoulder and I saw Vivi was in his class.

"Oh well I guess I'll be seeing you in the halls then" I turned back to my class and started to lead them to the bathroom again.

"Yup" I heard him say after me.


"Would you have come if I did?"

I hesitated closing my eyes "Yes but only because I needed the job". A knock came on my door. 'Speak if the devil' I thought as Sam came in.

"Can I join you for lunch" he asked as he pulled up a chair and sat opposite me at my desk.

"Um it looks like you already decided to stay" I said setting my phone down on the desk and getting out my lunch.

"So what made you come back home Mercedes" he asked. I watched him take out three simply made sandwiches, a grab bag of cool ranch Doritos and Smart Water.

I shook my head as I looked at him for the first time. He looked the same except for a few gray hairs at his temples; he looked like he took good care of himself; still in shape and it seemed he had put on a few more pounds of pure muscle.

"I needed a job." I said simply not making eye contact and focusing on my salad.

"Oh. There wasn't any other reason" he asked me.

I looked up and our eyes met. "None really, teaching jobs are hard to come by in Texas so… yeah". He starred at me for a while then looked around the room.

"You'll be giving voice lessons"

I nodded "And what do you do"

"Guitar of course" he said making the hand motions.

I chuckled Sam could make me smile with the littlest things.

"So you do smile" he said.

"Of course I smile" I said looking at him raising my eyebrow.

"You haven't since I sat down, Mercedes. What happened to you"?

Now it was my turn to stare. I shook my head. "How long have you been teaching here"?

"Since it opened, I'm part of the board that opened it" he said proudly.

"Wow Sam that's wonderful." I gave him a smile.

"I know that smile is fake, Mercedes Jones" he said as he got up and balled up his brown sack. I couldn't believe he ate all that food and still managed a flat stomach. "Maybe we can make it real again". He walked towards the door.

'Don't get attached Mercedes Jones' I said to myself as watched him walk towards the door. The khaki he wore made me curse for having impure thoughts.

Sam and I had been best friends most of our lives. With him, and Kurt our parents called us the three musketeers. We started dating in high school, and lost our innocence with each at the beginning of senior year. We were like rabbits from quickies in the janitor's closet at school to all-nighters when our parents were out of town, but the pregnancy scare set us straight well straight to a box of condoms. I had broken his heart when I told him it was over the Christmas of our first year at college. I had dumped him for someone I wish I never set eyes on.

The end of the school day came too soon. I stood outside watched as my kids were picked up by their parents. Most coming over and introducing themselves to me; at long last there were only two kids left Marcus Long in my class and my daughter in Sam's class.

Sam came over to me as I watched the children play. "Parents late too" he asked stand next to me as he glanced at his watch.

I nodded not taking my eyes off my daughter.

We stood in silence for some time. Sam broke it again "What happened to you"? he was trying again.

I shook my head grateful when Marcus' mother came up to get him.

I sighed with pleasure of a good first day and watched Vivi come up to us. I took her hand and turned to go.

"Hey, Mercedes you just can't take a child that's not yours" Sam came around us laughing.

I glance down at my child. "She's my daughter Sam" I said looking at him. I saw his smile disappear fast.

"When" he whispered looking from me to Vivi still in apparent shock.

"Along time ago Sam so…"

Sam stepped aside and let us pass; I knew this was cracking open my can of worms with him. But I'm determined to keep the lip on.