Hello! I have not written fanfiction in a few years, but while reading over an old scene that was part of a one shot I never completed, I got the idea for this story and I thought I would try writing again. I don't have too much time, so for me to be able to publish any chapters at all, I will not be able to make them very long. Also I should point out that I don't use a beta reader, I do my own proofreading, so if there are any mistakes, I am very sorry, and if you wish to point them out, I honestly don't mind. Hope you enjoy and I will appreciate any feedback you guys take the time to write.

Warnings: This story contains torture, probably future rape (Kurama/Karasu) and possibly will end up as a Kurama/Hiei fic. If you don't like, don't read.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or any of its character.



One look into Karasu's furious eyes and the fox demon knew that he had gone too far. Although Youko tried to move away from the crow in a desperate attempt to protect his already bruised body, it did little to add distance between himself and his angered master. The kitsune let out a small whimper as he noticed the thorny whip that was only mere inches away from his bare skin. When Karasu was especially angry he liked to torture Youko with the fox's own trademark weapon. Trembling the kitsune tried to back away again, but had no where left to run as he could already feel the cold dungeon wall against his back. He didn't speak, afraid that he would only end up angering his master more. Karasu's cold stare only served to emphasize how badly he would be hurt for this.

How could he have been so foolish as to attempt escaping? He should have realized that there was no way he would make it very far with all his wounds, especially with all of Karasu's guards. Now that he was back in Karasu's possession, there was no telling how far the demon would go with his torture.

"You thought you could escape, didn't you pet?" Although the voice held a musical and taunting tone to it, it was only a mask hiding the anger underneath.

"I'm sorry master." Youko whispered trying his best to appease his master's anger.

"Sorry? You really think that's going to work now! After all the trouble I go through finding you, you think all my anger will disappear with your pathetic apology? You worthless slave!" Karasu slashed the whip against Youko's exposed chest, causing the kitsune to cry out in agony. The crow smirked as he watched the kitsune clenching the wound, while trying hard not to suffocate with his own tears of pain.

"Please m-master…don't do this….please..." Youko whimpered helplessly. He knew it was useless, it always was with Karasu, but he tried nonetheless, knowing that Karasu enjoyed his begging and that in the long run it might lighten his punishment.

"Oh and why shouldn't I? Tell me one thing that you did that isn't deserving of punishment." Karasu sneered and continue to beat the kitsune, enjoying the sight of his slave covered in crimson liquid.

He was answered with silence, for they both knew that Youko was far from a good, obedient slave. He had tried to run away more than a few times, he often argued back, ignored orders or outright disobeyed Karasu. Although he had tried to be more obedient, knowing that it would cause him less pain, his pride always seemed to get in the way.

It was only dozens of hits later that Karasu finally stopped, mostly to avoid killing the now barely alive kitsune. The crow took a few steps back to admire his work, the fox now almost completely covered in fresh blood. A small smirk on Karasu's face indicated that he was pleased. "I'm glad you never learn." He whispered. "This way I can keep punishing you." The world turned black as the kitsune drifted into a much welcomed unconsciousness.

End Flashback

Kurama sat up in his bed, his breath hitched in his throat. He tried to calm his trembling body, reminding himself that it's the past and that Karasu is now dead by his own hands. This seemed to help the kitsune calm down a bit, but he could no longer sleep. He nearly jumped when he heard Hiei's voice from across the room.

"The memories again?" The voice came from the window sill, where the black figure of the fire demon could just barely be made out against the moonlight.

Kurama sighed, too tired and shocked to deny it or lie that he was fine. In a way he was glad that Hiei saw through his lies; it gave the kitsune some comfort to have someone to talk to. "I am remembering more and more. It's a good thing that I suppressed the memories before possessing a human body, I might not have been able to fight Karasu had I known." Kurama shuddered at the thought of losing to the crow and becoming his slave once more.

"He's dead now." Hiei snapped him out of his depressing thoughts. "He can't hurt you anymore, not that the spirit detective would let him anyway." After a moment's pause, the fire demon added a quieter: "Not that I would let him."

Kurama smiled, knowing how hard it was for Hiei to admit just how much he cared for his friends. He felt a bit comforted, like he always felt after talking with the Koorime. "I guess I'll try for some more sleep. Koenma has a new mission for us in the morning." Kurama yawned, resting his head on the pillow again and falling into a tormented slumber. After the Dark Tournament's conclusion, the kitsune began to have nightmares of having been a slave to Karasu. At first he thought they were only bad dreams brought on by his near death experience and Karasu's fascination with torture, but as he began to remember more and more, he realized they were memories that he himself had repressed when his demon body died.


Kurama opened his eyes as soon as the first bit of sunlight made its way through his bedroom window. His sleep had been an uneasy one, though he couldn't remember dreaming anything else. He got up and showered, and even grabbed some breakfast before going to Yusuke's house to meet up with Koenma.

"The assignment today is a very important one. A demon has stolen a very important artifact from spirit world, and the worst part is, we have never really figured out what power the artifact has. You have to find it and return it before the demon has a chance to figure it out." Koenma looked especially worried.

"It's a piece of cake! We'll beat him up no sweat!" Yusuke was high spirited as always.

"Yea! Just you wait until he has to stand up to Kazuma Kuwabara's awesome spirit sword!"

"Hn. Why don't you stay home and let us handle this. I don't want to babysit you today." Hiei smirked knowing it would annoy Kuwabara even more.

"Just you wait runt! I'll show you who is babysitting who when I beat the demon before you can even find him."

"Now children, you have time to fight after we kick bad guy ass." Yusuke grumbled something about them never getting along.

As usual they split up into two groups, Hiei and Kurama going one way and Yusuke and Kuwabara heading another, both to help keep the peace as well as to search the city faster.

"I think I've found him" Hiei's jagan eye glowing under his bandana. "He doesn't seem very strong."

"Either way, we should be cautious. As Koenma said, we have no idea what the artifact is capable of."'

The two soon found themselves at an old warehouse, the presence of the demon inside faint and growing fainter. "He's dying." Kurama realized suddenly. "That is why he seemed so weak, his life energy is fading." Their entering the warehouse proved Kurama right, as the demon lay on the floor, unconscious, the artifact he had stolen glowing with a strange yellow hue.

Kurama approached it carefully without touching it. "Its powering up, I think by draining his life energy. We need to stop it whatever it is." He looked carefully at the inscription on it. "It says: Life's second chance." Before he had a chance to even think it through, a blinding light shot from the artifact, engulfing all three of them, knocking them unconscious.


Kurama struggled to open his eyes, his entire body crying out in pain. Grumbling he tried to shift his position only to scream as pain shot up his side. His breath caught in his throat as he took in his surroundings, stone walls on all sides, and a dirty and blood covered stone floor underneath him. The only light in the room came from a small lamp hanging on the ceiling.

"Where am I?" Kurama finally noticed his own body which was covered in blood and bruises, some of which had painted his silver tail a deep crimson. "Wait a sec, what tail?" Realization finally dawned on him. He was in Youko form, this was another memory, but why did it feel so real this time? Never before had he been able to think so freely in a dream before. He pinched himself, but that did nothing to wake him up. The pain felt so real this time, could it be because of the artifact?

His thoughts were cut short as the stone door opened to reveal a smirking Karasu. "Well my slave is finally awake."