Okay...I'm just taking a crack at this. I was convinced to try to write, again, by a friend. I don't see why she wants me to write, but as long as i get good reviews, I will contiue this.

I, RozBen, do not own TMNT or its charaters; all rights go to their proper owners...which sucks ass.
Chapter 12: ...say wha?

Leo bounced slightly in his seat. Elidi and Usagi had been talking queitly in the kitchen for nearly two hours. He was going stir crazy. He could have sword he had heard his rabbit curse several times.

After another ten minutes, they came back into the living room.
"Well, Gen, I say we over-stayed our welcome."
"Nonsence." Leo forced himself to say calmly. "You're welcome any time."
"Even when you're at it like the rabbits?" She asked with the utmost calm as Gen drew the symbols. Gen, Mikey and Raph broke out into hysterical laughter. When Leo turned slightly, he saw Usagi quickly hid a growing smirk behind his paw and Donnie was doing the same, both fighting off giggles and losing terribly.

"Har." he said though a smile waas tugging at his lips.
"Ready?" Gen said hoarsly, trying to fight off his laughter.
"As ready as can be, i guess." she hugged Usagi and waved, saying good-bye.

Once they were through the portal, Usagi sighed and shook his head.
"Usagi?" asked Donnie quietly.
"What did she want to talk to you about?" Leo had been dying to ask that question. Usagi laced his fingers behind his neck and looked up at the ceiling.
"I ...really, really wish...that i could say it is nothing to worry about. But..." he trailed off, his eyes distant.
"Is it bad?" Leo asked, pulling him closer.
"It very well may just complicate some things." he yawned.
"Well, whatever it is, it can wait for tomorrow." Leo kissed Usagi's forehead and lead his rabbit twoards their bedroom, a soft smile on his lips.


Laughter danced ahead of him. The woods were bright, as sunlight danced through the leaves. The ground was soft, him being on a slightly worn path he was unfamiliar with. But he knew these woods. Why were they at Casey's grandparent's farm? He knew that laughter. It was Usagi's.

He looked ahead to see Usagi leaning against a tree, his baby bump still in place. The sunlight caught his salmon eyes and they danced with joy. Suddenly feeling shy, he intertwined their fingers and tugged him along the path.

Day turned to twightlight quickly, shocking him.

They came into the clearing, seeing the house and barn. Fireflies were already out; it was peaceful.
"Are you even listening?"
"Huh?" he looked down to see Usagi frowning at him. "S-sorry, its just...so calm and peaceful here."
"Yes. Yes, it is." Usagi smiled again, causing his heart to flutter.

They went inside to find the place emty.
"That is weird." Leo muttered.
"No worries, they are out back. I can hear them." Leo nodded, watching as Usagi shut the front door. He turned to head for the kitchen.

A blood curdling scream erupted from behind him, a flare of light blinded him and suddenly he was dizzy, disoriented. Getting up, Leo saw they were in an alleyway. Rain was pouring from the sky, trying drown them. Lightning flashed across the sky. He heard clangs of metal hitting metal, of wood conecting with flesh and he heard Usagi screaming...Usagi screaming in pain.

Turning, he saw his rabbit on the ground, soaked in oily drainage water, as darkness spread through the fabric of his pants.



Pre-mature Labor!

Leo fought his way through the crowd, getting by Usagi , who had been partically covered by a green trash bin. He dropped by his boyfriend's side.
"Usagi! Usagi!" He cupped the rabbit's face in his hands, seeing exhaution and pain over taking his lover.
"L-Leo? I...I do not think..." Usagi ground the words out, hissing in pain.
"Leo! How is he?" Don appeared by his elbow, scaring Leo.
"I...I don't-"
"Grahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Hun came running at them, a laser cannon raised over his head like a club. They jumped out of the way, taking Usagi with them, but somehow Hun had been faster, catching Usagi in the stomach. Leo bared his teeth, letting Don take his lover. He attacked Hun viciously, felt his blood's warmth on his hands, heard Raph and Mikey screaming and could not help but realize how familair that seemed.

Once he was hauled off the mutated man, Don whispered, "He's...He's gone. Leo...I am so sorry..."

Everything shattered then.

Leo bolted staright up, gasping for breath. He was entangled in the blankets, his skin burned with sweat. His eyes were wild, looking around the familiar room, finally resting on the form moving up beside him. He hadn't even realized that he had fallen out of the bed. He felt a paw grab onto his arm, a slight weight settling by his side.
"L-Leonardo? Are-Are you alright?" Usagi's voice was heavy with sleep, barely above a whisper.

Leo garbbed him in a tight hug, crushing his lover against him, careful of the baby bump. Not being able to bear what he had seen, he openly wept his relief. This alarmed Usagi so much that he tried to recoil to look at his lover, but Leo refused to let him budge. Usagi held onto Leonardo tightly, rocking his turtle back and fourth slightly. "Shhhhh. Merely a bad dream, beloved."
"No! No! It was a nightmare! A horrible, terrifying...nightmare." Leo held onto him tighter, repositioning them so he rested his chin on Usagi's head, Usagi being pulled into his lap and held securly against his plaston.

That dream had showed him how quickly things could change, how one second they could be laughing-togeher and happy- and the next he could be mourning a grave-alone on the battlefield, having lost the love of his life and children in merely moments.

That second, the room was flooded with light.
"Guys, what's going on?" Worry.
"Dudes! What was that noise?" Concern.
"Bro, you okay?" Soft-voiced, a hand on his shoulder.
"My sons, what has happened?" A candle being lit.

None of it mattered.

Usagi was alive.

Their children were alive.

He was going to make damn sure it stayed that way.