Couples who go to parties are more so proven to have relations in a public place, depending if the party is THAT kind of party. Certain clubs or certain drinks tend to bring out...hidden desires one didn't even know existed...

Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.

Kyoya&Tamaki-part 1

Party, as is defined by many, is a social gathering, with music and lights and dancing. Some parties people dream of are those with alcohol and the knowledge of sexual desires crowding the area. The loud music, the noises of people dancing on the dance floor, people having a wonderful time. It was something that the infamous host club never dream of attending. But they all recieved invitations by an unknown source.

It seemed as though the party was an illegally hosted party. No one had to be over the age of 21, yet there was alcohol as far as they could see. 7 pm it was when they got there, and they all didn't want to stay for very long. However, things usually don't turn out as well as people assume.

*3 hours ago*

Tamaki pulled out his third shirt, testing how it would look on him in the mirror. All he was wearing now was a pair of black boxers and was debating on what to wear. So far, all he had was a pair of black jeans laying on his bed and three shirts, one black, one white, and one blue. He sighed and rubbed his neck.

"So pointless. I can't decide on anything to wear. Everything just looks too cliche. Stupid invitation. Doesn't even specify a dress code."

He threw the shirt on the bed and looked in his closet for another shirt. Now, all he could find were silk short sleeved shirts. Tilting his head, he pulled out a silky red shirt and looked at himself in the mirror. Blue eyes widened and he gave a cheeky smile, running into his bathroom. Finally, he had the perfect outfit to wear. All that was left was to take a shower and leave.

Turning on the water, he slowly pulled down his boxers, shivering at the cold air on his sensitive skin. He stretched and tested the water, noting how hot it was. Smiling, he stepped inside his shower, gasping as the water hit his skin with such force. He smiled and ran his hands through his hair, getting it wet before picking up his highly expensive shampoo. He wanted to look his best for tonight, even if he wasn't sure about the party they were going to. He had asked Haruhi if she wanted to come. To which she quickly said no. She really didn't give much of an explanation as to why, but even still, it left Tamaki down for a little while.

Right now, though, he could really care less. He was going to make the most of this unknown party. After washing the shampoo out of his hair, he reached over to grab his body soap. Lathering up his hands, he ran them up and down his chest, brushing his nipples every pass of the way. He let out soft moans and moved his hands to rub his neck. His neck was the most sensitve part of his body, next to his manhood. He never really felt odd washing or touching his own neck, but latley, he was been feeling a little...different.

He wasn't sure why or how, but his body seemed to be much more sensitive than usual. It was slightty irritating him, but he chose to ignore for the sake of his 'family'. Sighing, he ran his soapy hands on his thighs, trailing up and down, pausing occasionally to wash his groin, soap patting down his blond pubic hair. He gulped, trying to avoid feeling any kind of urges as his hands washed his cock lightly, making it as clean as he could get it.

After a few minutes, he washed the rest of his legs, then stood under the water to get the soap off of him. The shower was relaxing and it was what he needed to clean himself for this odd party than no one knew about. Shutting off the water, he stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist, walking out of his bathroom. The sight on his bed stunned him for a moment.

Kyoya was sitting on his bed, legs crossed and a deep intent look on his face. He was staring at the outfit Tamaki had picked out for the evening. The blond was more or less surprised that the man had walked into his room without realizing it, but he was more surprised at what he was wearing. He was wearing a black tank top that seemed to cling to his form and a tight pair of black jeans with black boots. He still wore his glasses and that damn stoic look.

The dark haired man looked up and saw his friend in a towel. He gave a smirk.

"I see you're keeping it simple tonight."

Tamaki shrugged. "Well, the stupid invitation didn't bother to specify what clothing was appropriate or not. And you're one to talk, look at what you're wearing. You look like you're really going all out for this party."

"Ahh yeah, I figured it'd be too much, but I had the same assumptions as you and the others. So I guess this just seemed fine."

The blond nodded and took out a fresh pair of boxers, then turned to look at his friend. Suddenly, he blushed and asked,

"Um...could you please...not look."

"Why? We've seen each other naked before. You're getting modist now?"

"Shut up and just do it."

Kyoya's eyes perked and he nodded, turning to face the door so Tamaki could change. It was rare Tamaki would snap off at Kyoya of all people, but the man overlooked it. He just wanted to get this party over with. Why he let Tamaki talk him into going was beyond him. But then, he was certain the other weren't really looking forward to going to some mystery party.

True they looked forward to parties, but only when they knew what kind of party they were to be attending. This was just nerve wracking. What was going to happen? Would they be under dressed? Guh, Kyoya hated not knowing these things.

He heard Tamaki whistle at himself in the mirrow and Kyoya looked at him, eyes wide behind his glasses. Tamaki's shirt seemed a little shorter than it should be, showing off his back, waist and stomach. The black jeans clung to his thin hips deliciously and suddenly Kyoya pictured removing those jeans quickly. A small blush creeped across his face, gulping in shock.

What the hell? He had never once had these visions of his best friends before, why start now?

"Ok, I'm ready, let's go and get Mori and Hunny first, then we'll turn and pick up the twins. Come on, Kyoya, we don't want to be late."

He yanked at Kyoya's arm and he sighed. This was going to be a long night...whatever this party was, it had better be worth it.

Lights were blaring all over the inside of the club. Music was as loud as it could be and people were dancing the night away. When the 6 men showed up, they walked in and were all hit with the scent of sweet alcoholic drinks and different brands of perfume and calogne. So it was a young adults drinking old did the host think these men were?

Groaning, Kyoya led the group to a table in the back and they all say down, staring at the drinks on the menus.

Kaoru pointed at one that said, 'Ruby Dutchess'. Hikaru looked over and sighed.

"I don't think we should be drinking alcohol. If it got out, our families would be furious."

Hunny nodded and looked at the menu, tilting his head.

"Hika-chan's right. Why are we even here? We're all underage. And it looks like everyone else here is too."

Kyoya looked around and saw that Hunny was also right. None of these people looked to be over 21. Some of them he recongized from school. He looked at the menu, debating if they should just leave or not. But Tamaki slammed his menu down and said,

"I think it's perfect. It's not everyday we get invited to a party like this. I think we should make the most of it...I can see they have plenty of alcoholic beverages and while I don't condone drunks, it might be fun to drink something other than champagne on New Years like we usually do. I don't want to be the only one doing this. So whose in?"

The rest of the club just stared at Tamaki, totally stunned. Since when did their perfect king actually want to drink something that could

A.) kill you

B.) make you act like an idiot

or C.) make you do things you never would have done sober?

Baffling as it was, they all hesitantly agreed, right as their waitress came over to take their orders.

Tamaki ordered a French 75.

Kyoya ordered a Black Russian.

Kaoru ordered the Ruby Dutchess he was staring at before.

Hikaru ordered a Kamikaze.

Hunny, who was still slighty hesitant about this, ordered a White Russian, thinking it would be sweet.

Mori, who was rather stoic about this, ordered a Grasshopper.

The waitress smiled and walked off with their orders, leaving the group to stare at the people dancing the alcohol away. It was rather intoxicating, really. To watch the people dance like nothing was wrong with the world. Like this night was their night to be young, to be be and feel alive. Tamaki actually felt jealous. He wondered what it would be like to be rebellious, to not care what the world thought of him as he danced his night away. he stared at his friends, seeing how they were also staring at the people, having a great time. The blond sighed. Perhaps tonight would be the night they would break out of their shells.

After a few moments, the waitress came back with a tray full of different glasses and drinks. She set them with their specific drinkers and she bowed, walking away. All the men stared at their drinks for a moment before Tamaki picked up his glass and held it up, smiling.

"Gentlemen, let this be a night of no regrets. After whatching these people have fun, I think we should loosen up and have fun as well. Let us have fun and be free from society and it's qualifications. Tonights, let's be what the commoners call rebels."

The men smiled, Kyoya even smiled and they picked up their glasses and clinked them, drinking their beverages. The moment the alcohol touched their lips, their night of rebellion truley began.

Tamaki downed his drink and slammed his glass down, feeling slightly off. 3 drinks was not going to get him drunk, but why all of a sudden did he feel...odd? He looked at his friends, who looked just fine. In fact, they looked happier and more layed back. He looked at Kyoya, who took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. Was he feeling off too? The blond smiled and ran his hand up Kyoya's leg from under the table, making the man jump. When Kyoya jumped, Tamaki jumped too. What was he doing? Kyoya was his friend, he shouldn't be touching him like that.

Sighing, Tamaki groaned at the pain in his chest. What the hell was in that drink? He was feeling weird. More than weird. It was a feeling he could'nt really explain.

The music suddenly changed and out of no where, Tamaki had the sudden dance. An unusual smirk came across his features as he leaned over and whispered into Kyoya's ear,

"Dance with me..."

The dark haired man nearly choked on his 4th drink as he looked at his friend with an astounded stare. Dance? With Tamaki? Should he?...

Kyoya gulped and found his legs were betraying him as Tamaki lead him away from the table and onto the loud dance floor. The other stared at them with a shocked stare. This was something you didn't see everyday. 'The King and very scary Queen' of the host club...dancing together? Wow, they must've been drunk. But it most likley wasn't the case. Those two came from some hard headed families, meaning they were no light weights.

The music was loud but that was the last thing that was on their minds. Kyoya suddenly found himself lost in the music, the beat, the spirit of the man he was dancing with. The copied some of the people who were dancing with them, only their bodies seemed to copy the more dirtier moves. Tamaki wasn't aware of the fact he was grinding up on his best friend in sync with the music. And Kyoya liked, he loved it. He ran his hands up the blonds chest, moving in sync with his hips. His lips found Tamaki's ear and licked the lobe, loving the soft moans coming from the blond in front of him.

Don't you wanna end up with this mister?

He is just being nice with his kisses and he

Thinks you're not one of the smart ones Say it sexy

Doesn't seem like you want that kind of honey, honey

Kyoya twirled the blond in his arms, hands moving to roam Tamaki's thighs, again, hearing that moan. He pressed his lips against his pale neck, licking up the vein, hands trailed up his body, brushing past Tamaki's groin. The blond jerked, unsure if it was really Kyoya's hands touching him. It sure felt like it when Kyoya turned him around and placed one hand on his ass, the other on the back of his head. As the music got more defined, their lips touched in a bruising kiss, leaving Tamaki's brain running wild. Whatever was in those drinks, it was making them crazy.

Kyoya broke the kiss and stared into those blue eyes, wide with stun. And from behind those glasses, Tamaki saw that he was just as surprised by his own actions. But they didn't seem to care as they kissed again, those hands running all over Tamaki's ass, tongues battling on the dancefloor.

From the automatic lover's store To the first floor of your backroom door

From the spin-spin of the fickle swirl

In a freak-freak dance of the showroom girl

From the plead-plead when you really want in

To the knead-knead 'fore the blanket-spin

From the flush-flush of the bed-time art

To the raging heart when she doesn't do her part

Tamaki could feel Kyoya against his stomach, hard and pulsing. And Tamaki could feel he was getting hard as well. Breaking the kiss, he looked around to see if their was a room they could hide in. When his eyes landed on the back of the club, his eyes widened and the blush on his cheeks was so obvious, he looked like was ready to explode. In the very back of the club, people were...having sex on the couchs and chairs. And everyone could see them, but it seemed no one cared. When Kyoya turned to see what Tamaki was staring at, his smirk appeared and Tamaki knew that smirk.

He felt like he was on cloud 9 when Kyoya pulled him in that direction quickly. On an empty couch, Kyoya pushed him down on it, leaning over him, hearing the moans of the other people behind him. He could tell Tamaki was scared shitless. Well who wouldn't be when one considered sex in a public place...but then, they never had sex. It was then Kyoya remembered that Tamaki was a virgin, but it seemed as though his brain could care less. He pressed a soft kiss to Tamaki's parted lips, diving his tongue into his hot mouth. He felt Tamaki's hands wrap around his neck, fears seemingly forgotten.

He nearly ripped the shirt off Tamaki's body, lips attacking at his chest, licking at biting at his nipples. Tamaki arched into his mouth, gasping, clutching at the couch, his moans mixing in with the moans of everyone else. Kyoya had such a talented tongue and Tamaki suddenly wanted the tongue to go further down. As if reading his mind, Kyoya unbuttoned the blonds jeans and pulled them down his thin legs, along with those pesky boxers. Now the blond was bare for anyone to see. Kyoya's mouth watered at the sight of his friends pale body, chest moving up and down quickly. Kyoya removed his own clothes and leaned over Tamaki, kissing his head, asking,

"Tamaki, I don't know what's gotten into me...but all I know is, I'm turned on beyond anything that I've ever felt. I want you want me?"

He asked as he licked up Tamaki's neck, the most sensitive part of the blonds body. Tamaki jerked and let out soft screams, pulling at Kyoya's hair.

"Yes! Yes! Oh god Kyoya my body's on fire and I don't know why. I want you bad. Please, fill me. Make love to me. SOmething...I'm going crazy."

"Believe me, I doubt you're the only one."

Tamaki smiled and nodded, making Kyoya smile with him. He held three fingers up to the blonds lips, to which Tamaki took them, sucking on the with such greed vulgarity. Kyoya felt his cock twitch and he let out a soft moan, watching his friend suck his fingers like candy. He pulled them away and quickly stuck two into Tamaki's small hole, surprisngly with ease. And that delicious moan that left Tamaki's french lips. Such beauty couldn't be described. He added another finger, earning a louder moan. He thrusted roughly into the blonds body, hitting his prostate, which felt engorged. Tamaki let out a wild scream that was mixed in with the screams and moans of the others.

"No more teasing! Put it in!"

Kyoya found he couldn't ignore his kings request. Ripping his fingers out, he lifted Tamaki's legs and placed the tip of his cock at Tamaki's enterance. In one thrust, he was fully in, but didn't give time for the blond to adjust. It felt as though he didn't need it. He roughly began thrusting, moaning at the strange heat inside the blonds body.

Tamaki saw spots as Kyoya rammed into his prostate with each hit. His hands were turning white from clutching the black couch and he could hear his moans along with everyone else. However from behind him, he heard,

"Mori, more! Don't stop!"

Leaning his head back, his eyes widened as he watched Mori thrusting into a very loud Hunny up against the wall. He could see the blond boys face red from pleasure, fingernails digging into Mori's flesh. He could see Mori grunting madly, his usual stoic composure gone as his thrusted into his cousin, biting into his small neck.

If that didn't surprise Tamaki, a loud scream from next to him did. On the red couch nearest him and Kyoya, he saw Hikaru thrusting like a mad man into his brother from behind. Tamaki could see a line of drool from Kaoru's mouth as he screamed and moaned, scratching at the couchs fabric. Kaoru was letting out the most amazing sounds and Hikaru looked as though he perfectly content with his body connected with his brothers body.

Tamaki felt a hard thrust and he gasped, clutching at the couch and looked up at Kyoya, who had a dark smirk on his face.

"It seems like we're all feeling a little naughty tonight. I'm shocked we didn't see them before. Shall we join their fun?"

He thrusted roughly again, making Tamaki scream. The blond reached up and grabbed onto Kyoya's shoulders, screaming louder as the man thrusted harder anbd faster.

"Ne vous arrêtez pas"

Even though Kyoya had no idea what that meant, he speed his thrusts, harder and harder, faster and faster, feeling his orgasm approaching fast. Tamaki obviously felt his own orgasm approaching as well since his screams were more high pitched.

Suddenly, Tamaki arched and bit his lip, making it bleed, cumming hard on his and Kyoya's chests. The sudden squeezing of his inner muscles made Kyoya gasp and try to pace himself, failing miserably. He thrusted deep into his new lovers core, moaning Tamaki's name loudly, collapsing against him. They both tried hard to catch their breath, listening to their friends continue their own sexual desires. Tamaki smile and rubbed Kyoya's raven hair, kissing his ear. Kyoya smile back, feeling his head throb with his glasses, but he didn't care. He fell ontop of the blond, easing out their breathing.

They noticed their friends were not even close to finishing and Kyoya said,

"Maybe we should go back to our table...let them finish. They must've started as we were finishing."

Tamaki nodded and gasped when Kyoya pulled out of him, helping him off the couch and helped him get dressed. As they walked back to their table, Tamaki looked back and noticed Mori and Hunny screaming to the high heavens. No doubt they were about to cum soon while the twins were still far off. Tamaki smiled. This turned out to be a rather fun party. And something told him it wouldn't be over for quite a while.

A/N: If my french is correct, Ne vous arretez pas means Don't stop. Hopefully, I got that right.