Chapter 1

A blue 2010 Toyota Camry pulls into a reserved parking spot at Beacon Hill High School. Sara and Alexis Jones, Sara being the new counselor for the school and Alexis a new student, sit in the car in an awkward silence. They see countless students walking into the school and many scattered in groups around the property. Sara takes time to notice some of the students she'll probably help get over some kind of emotional distress. Boyfriend/ girlfriend problems, bullies, self-mutilation…schedule changes and so on. Alexis on the other hand was thinking about how much she was going to hate this school. She thought about how she just gotten used to her last school or rather 3rd new school from that year. Their grandmother, the woman who practically raised them, had passed away that summer. The only reason they had stayed in Beacon Hill was to claim the house she had left to them. Then the last couple of weeks consisted of signing papers of various sorts, shipping/storing/moving furniture and such, and lastly applying for school. And here they where. Sara decided to say something though she doubted Alexis would care.

"I think we'll do good here. It's a fresh start in a new place and it's…it's… a new beginning. So let's have a little fun and make an adventure out of it!" With that, Sara popped the trunk and opened the door. She walked to her trunk and grabbed a suitcase and a small box she put to her hip so she could shut the trunk. Sara held her head up high and walked toward the school doors, she stopped only for a moment to motion Alexis out of the car then continued.

Sara could be really dramatic sometimes. Alexis slumped done in her seat and sighed. She looked out the window and noticed the number of students outside dwindling. For a moment, she wondered what her punishment would be for missing the first day of school. She decided against it and made slowly but surely movements out of the car. She stretched, put her turtle shell back pack on and began a leisurely stroll to her first day of school.

When Alexis finally made it into the school she headed towards the main office, wherever that was. Unlike traditional school offices, this one happened to be on the other end of the school for whatever reason. She found this out by asking some random students in the hallway. When she made it into the office her sister was nearly settled into an office directly to the right of her. A woman's back faced Alexis and she held a mug in her hand that read 'Don't talk to me till I've had my coffee'. She was short and was speaking loudly to Sara. She was sitting in a rolling chair writing something down when she caught a glimpse of Alexis. She didn't look directly at her sister but mouthed the words 'Where were you?'. But the loud woman caught wind of this and turned around.

"And just what are you doing here?" She said with a bit of what Alexis thought was attitude.

"Um, I need my schedule." Alexis said.

"It's 8:10. Class started 10 minutes ago. I believe you're a little late for that aren't you?" She looked down her glasses at Alexis.

At this point Alexis was a little frustrated, she responded with some anger in her voice.

"Well, ma'am, I was looking for the office. You see I'm new here, so I kind of don't have a clue where I'm supposed to be."

"Well who are you then?" The woman sounded impatient.

Sara decided to come into the conversation at this point. Her sister had a short and a low tolerance for attitude, though, Alexis had much of it.

"Um, Mrs. Flemm I can explain, this is my sister Alexis Jones she had a late night and an early morning, so forgive her if she seems a bit out of it." Sara said in a reassuring voice, then she gave Alexis a 'Be cool' look.

Mrs. Flemm eyed the both of them but waved it off.

"I guess I can look you up on our database." She walked to the front desk and began typing.

At this time the sisters traded some looks of 'Who peed in her cheerio's?'. At least that was Alexis' initial thought.

"Alright, Alexis Starr Jones, 17, Biracial, and a Junior at Beacon Hill. Hmm, it says here you were held back a year though. Why may that be Miss Jones?"

Alexis and Sara looked at one another.

"Um, I got into some trouble and had to go to reform school for a while. But it's not important." Alexis said. This woman had wanted too much information and Alexis didn't feel like sharing.

"Not important, huh?" Mrs. Flemm had raised an eyebrow.

"Mrs. Flemm, I really do think Alexis should get to class." Sara said.

"Yes. Well come along I'll walk you to your first class."

"Finally." Alexis said under her breath.

Mrs. Flemm walked passed Alexis and out the door. Alexis looked at her sister, but she pointed her in the same direction. Alexis followed Mrs. Flemm down the hallway, they took a left and came to room 402 a little ways down. Mrs. Flemm put her hand on the door handle but didn't push down on it. She turned to look at Alexis.

"Now Miss Jones, looking at your… records, you seem like a bit of a trouble maker, but considering your sister's credentials I'm going to give you a chance to prove me wrong," She hands Alexis her schedule. "And I trust you'll be able to handle yourself today, I'll be very busy today so you might want to find someone to help to navigate."

"I bet you say that to all the new students." Alexis said with a smile. Since her sister wasn't around, she wanted to let this woman know how she felt.

Mrs. Flemm looked Alexis up and down. She looked at her shirt which had the little characters from Angry Birds on it and said 'Don't make me Angry'.

"Miss Jones, you may think all this funny now, but try not to get ahead of yourself. I'll be watching you." Mrs. Flemm opened the door and walked into the room. She spoke with the teacher and introduced Alexis to the class. She sat down in the back of the class and for a moment stared at the board. She thought to herself 'First day of school and I've made one enemy already. Not bad.' She was accustomed to having 6 enemies by first period. She was going into a daze when she heard a voice next to her.

"Nice shirt."

She turned to look at a white kid with a goofy expression on his face.

"Thanks, I suck at the game though."

"Same here, I can't get past level six to save my life."

"Level four for me. Alexis, but call me Alex." She said with a smile.

"Stiles. Stiles Stilinsky." He grinned.

Stiles and Alex had three classes together, 1st period English, 5th period Math which was right before lunch, and 7th period Chemistry. Stiles showed her shortcuts to her classes and she was able to find them easily. When the bell rang for lunch Stile's had offered that she eat lunch with him and his friend Scott, but she had turned him down.

"Oh, come on! Why not? Are you tired of me already?"

"No Stiles. I just wanna see how my sister is doing."

"There's more of you? Is she hot? I mean not that your not hot but, I mean- No, wait, is she single?"

"She's out of your league buddy."

Stiles stops dead in his tracks. "Well that's a bold thing to say! Why would you say that!"

"Well, for one she's 23, and two she's the new counselor dude."

"Oh. Well that's even better, you know my birthday's coming up soon sooo…."

"Don't even think about it. My sister is work first, relationships second. She won't go out with you even if that is legal."

"A guy can dream can't he?" Stiles said with wonder in his eyes.

"Just don't get your hopes up, I wouldn't want you to get hurt!" Alex said in a babying voice. "I'll see you later!"

"See ya! Oh and say hi to your sister for me!"

Alex Walked to the main office but almost forgot about the short evil woman that was there. So she tip-toed around the corner to make sure she wasn't there. Luckily, there was no sight of the woman. Sara was watching a video on her computer while eating yogurt.

"Where's Mrs. Mucous?" Alex said poking her head in.

Sara spun around in her chair, surprised to hear her sister's voice.

"Gees Alex! What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I just thought I see how your first day was going. Where's Mrs. Mucous?"

"Mrs. Flemm, and she went out for lunch. But I hope you don't plan on staying long , who knows when she'll be back."

"What'cha been doing all day?"

"Signing paperwork, looking over files, anything she can find."

"Sucks for you. But I see you found some goof off time!"

"Yeah, how's your day been so far?"

"Alright, I made a friend today."

"Really? Good, good, who is it?"

"Stiles Stilinsky. He's hilarious and I almost wet my pants every time he talks."

"Hmm, funny friends are good but a boy can be trouble."

"Yeah, Stiles is great but I don't think I can see us being… together."

"Okay. You know I'm just looking out for you right?"

"You always do."

The sister shared a happy grin.

"Well what do we have here? Can't stay away from the office can you Miss Jones?"

Oh shit, is what Alexis thought and she turned to face Mrs. Flemm.

"Mrs. Flemm I told Alexis she could come down and see me." said Sara

"You did? Well-

"I just thought since she's my sister and it's our first day…

"Yes, but-

"And it is lunch."

Mrs. Flemm closed her mouth and looked at the two. Everything Sara had said was true and Mrs. Flemm couldn't really dispute it.

"Hmm. Alright, I'll let her stay this time but let's not make this a regular thing."

"Of course Mrs. Flemm, Thank you."

Alexis stayed until the bell for passing period rang. Her fifth period class was Industrial Tech and was a drag. The was teacher corny, awkward, weird, annoying and boring. He rambled sometimes about nothing and over all talked too much. Alexis ended up falling asleep. When the bell rang it startled Alexis but she was happy to be out the class. She would have to talk to her sister about dropping it. She made her way to her last class; Chemistry. When she entered the room, people were scattered all around the room and talking. Alexis heard someone call her name and she turned to see Stiles and another guy probably his friend Scott.

"Alex, over here!"

"I see and hear you Stiles, no need to yell my name for everyone!"

" Well look at it this way, you'll always know whose calling your name!"

"True, it would be hard to miss you Stiles."

"Yep, oh Alex, this is my best friend Scott McCall, we've known each other since we we're in diapers, Scott, this is my new friend Alexis Jones, we've known each other since first period this morning."

"Hi, call me Alex. I would shake your hand but that's kind of played out."

"It's fine, I wasn't sure if I should either."

"Come on guys, cooties aren't real!" says Stiles

Scott and Alexis laugh.

"Alright listen up, We're gonna do roll call and assign seats at the same time here so you might want to shut your mouths." says a man.

"Is that our teacher?" says Alexis

"Yeah that's Mr. Harris." Scott says

"He's kind of a joy kill." Stiles says

Mr. Harris goes through the names and puts the students in there seats. Stiles and Scott surprisingly end up sitting together. Mr. Harris calls Alex's name and puts her at a desk that's the second from the door.

"And next to Miss Jones, Jackson Whittemore."

Though he looked like he had a stick up his butt, Alex couldn't deny that he was handsome. He had short blonde and looked kind of brawny. When he sat down Alexis didn't say anything to him but she did think about it.

Mr. Harris finished assigning seats and then began to ask questions. The classroom was kind of dead and Mr. Harris looked upset. Alexis liked chemistry and enjoyed watching shows on Discovery that had to do with it. But she didn't really feel like being a brainiac she waited for someone else answer questions, though no one did.

"Does anyone even know what an atom is?"

Alex didn't feel like looking like an idiot either.

"It's the basic unit of a chemical element sir." She said

"Thank god. At least someone's listening. Ok Miss Jones, What is a chemical reaction?"

"It's a process that leads to the transformation one set of chemical substances to another."

"Can you give an example?"

"Well it depends, do you want an example of a spontaneous or non-spontaneous reaction?"

"Well both if you can."

"Spontaneous reactions usually occur without the use of energy, like an iron nail rusting or a fire burning. Non-spontaneous reactions need some kind of input for a reaction to happen, like heat, light or electricity."

"Very good Miss Jones, it's nice to know someone actually knows something about chemistry."

"Well you did ask the easy questions Mr. Harris." Alex said with a smile.

"Yes, I did. So maybe the rest of you should take a page from Miss Jones' book, that or actually take your books home and study for once. Thank you Miss Jones."

"Yeah, no problem."

The rest of the class goes by pretty fast. Alex felt like she already knew a lot about what Mr. Harris was talking about so she kind of doodle on her notebook for awhile. The last fifteen minutes of class Mr. Harris gave them partner work and assigned a chapter and some review questions from the book. Alex thought this was a good time to get to know her lab partner.

"So Jackson, how do you want to do this?"

"Do what?"

"The assignment. Do you want me to write and you read questions or vice versa or do you want to take turns?"

"Well, considering you seem like a wiz at this, you could just do it yourself. I'll just put my name at the top." Jackson said nonchalantly.

"What?" Alex thought he might be joking.

"Yeah, you don't need my help. I'd just slow you down." Jackson was leaned across the desk with his head propped up with his hand. He looked at Alex oh so seriously.

"Let me get this straight, you want me, to do all the work, and you just put your name at the top?"

"Mmhmm. But you might want to start soon though, cause uh, we're running out of time."

Any other day Alex would have went off. Any other school, she would have made a complete fool of her self and made a scene. She probably would have kicked his ass. But she made a promise to her sister. She wasn't gonna get into any fights or confrontations. She couldn't afford to after what happened last time.

She did the paper. She didn't look or say a thing to Jackson. She didn't need too. She could see the grin on his face from the corner of her eye. It only took her 5 minutes to do the paper. She wrote her name at the top then slid it over to Jackson.


"Nice. That was fast too." Jackson wrote his name next Alex's. "I'll go take this to Mr. H."

When class was over Alex bolted out of the room. She could here Stiles call her name but she didn't stop. She was fumed. She couldn't define how pissed off she was. She went in the direction of office. If she didn't get there soon, she was gonna cuss out the next person that even glanced at her.