Rating: K
Disclaimer: I don't own anything Merlin, etc.
Summary: One Shot. Missing scene from 4x07. Inspired by Gwen's line to Merlin: "Arthur told me what you said."

Never Alone

It had been a long day. A hard day. One of the hardest in his short reign as King of Camelot. Second only to the day he'd forced himself to deny his own heart.

A dear, trusted friend had lied. Had run. Had been, by all presented evidence, found guilty of treason. And another dear, trusted friend blamed him for it.

Arthur Pendragon walked into his bedchambers feeling dejected. Broken. Alone.

And then there she was.

His Guinevere.

His sunshine personified.

He couldn't cross the distance fast enough. She heard his heavy footfall and turned with a smile on her face. As always, she read him like a book. The instant she saw him - the slumped shoulders, the sad eyes, the pronounced frown - that bright smile faded and her warm eyes registered alarm.

"Arthur? What is it?"

He wrapped his arms around her tiny frame and buried his head in the crook of her neck. Breathing her in, he exhaled the loneliness that pressed in on him from every side.

"Just hold me."

And she did. No prompting needed. No explanation required.

She held him until her warmth seeped into his chilled bones. She held him until the tears threatening to fall had receded. She held him until he could breathe again.

And then she listened. She gently questioned and wisely counseled. And then she listened some more.

"I fear Merlin won't forgive me for this."

"He will, Arthur." Gwen squeezed his hand and sought his gaze before conveying her strong faith in the deepest of friendships. "He will."

He took courage in those two words. Or rather in the way she said them.

Craving their unity, his hand covered hers unconsciously. "Will you do something for me?"

"You know the answer."

He nodded. Of course he knew. She was his comfort, his confidant, his partner. Now, she would be his ambassador. "Go to him? I know he's hurting. Gaius is like a father to him. I would, but..."

"Of course, I'll go." She offered an encouraging smile before slipping off his lap. "I'll make sure he's alright then I'll come right back."

"No, stay. Stay for as long as he needs you."

"And what about you?" Concern filtered through her eyes. She reached out, her gentle fingers tracing the lines of his face. "I don't want to leave you alone."

He smiled for what seemed like the first time in years. Taking her hand from his face, he gently kissed it then placed it over his heart. "You're in here, Guinevere." His smile deepened. "I am never alone."

The End