Disclaimer: Glee belongs to Fox

Stepping over the fallen body on the rough cement, Blaine removed the mask that covered half his face and turned to the group behind him.

"Clean this up."

Everyone scrambled to clear the bleeding mess before it permanently stained the floor as Blaine headed for the car parked fifty meters away. Pulling the door open, he settled himself in the passenger seat and closed his eyes, leaning his head backwards.

"Kurt called."

Snapping his eyes open, Blaine glanced at the Asian man seated beside him and then turned to look at the clock. It was one a.m.

"I told him that there was a technical glitch at the office and you needed to recover your files so he's not expecting you to be home yet."

"Thank you, Wes."

There was silence for a moment and no attempt to break it was made. The gunshots and cries from a few minutes ago were still ringing in Blaine's ears and resounded in his head, so the brief moment of tranquility was welcomed.

"How long do we have to keep this up?"

There was no reply, and Wes did not push it. Stepping down on the accelerator, he pulled them out of the dingy driveway and they faded into the darkness.

Another man's life was exchanged for the gold rolling into the Anderson's vault tonight.

Wes dropped Blaine off in front of a large European styled house that stood on a carefully manicured lawn. Blaine pushed the door open with caution, careful not to wake the occupant inside.

As he entered the living room, he held his breath. Kurt Anderson-Hummel was curled up on the couch, beautiful as ever. Colorful images flickered across the television screen, but no sound escaped from the speakers.

Kneeling down beside his husband, Blaine gently brushed a stray strand of hair away from Kurt's face.


Kurt's eyelids fluttered, revealing breathtaking glasz orbs. Holding back a yawn, Kurt snuggled closer to Blaine and let out a contented sigh.

"I'm sorry I'm late, but you really didn't have to wait up."

"I just wanted to see you. You've been so busy that I've only caught a glimpse of you in days."

Maybe it was the tiny tremor in Kurt's voice, or the look of devotion and longing in those eyes that made Blaine's heart clench painfully. It was true. For the past two weeks, he was out of the door before daybreak and back way after midnight. Guilt bubbled in Blaine's stomach as he pressed his lips against Kurt's cheeks.

"I'm sorry."

The only reply he received was the sound of deep breathing, and Blaine looked down to see that Kurt had dozed off again. Biting back a chuckle, Blaine slid an arm under Kurt's neck and another under his knees before carrying Kurt into their room.

Once they were settled in bed, Blaine felt Kurt wrap an arm around his torso as their legs intertwined. Closing his eyes, Blaine inhaled deeply. There it was: the scent that was so distinctively Kurt.

Lying back against the pillows, Blaine finally felt the tensed muscles that were making his body ache relax. Finally, he could get some peace tonight. There would be no demands to kill, no blood spilled, no screams, tears and bullets, just a soothing weight on his chest and the melody of their heartbeats and breathing to lull him to sleep.

When Blaine woke up, he was greeted by the rare sight of sunlight peeking out from behind the yellow curtains draped over the windows. Turning to his left, he realized that the bed was empty and for a moment, his heart stilled.

Where's Kurt?

Throwing the comforter aside and stumbling out of bed, Blaine dashed down the stairs and skidded to a stop at the kitchen. Standing at the stove was a man in oversized clothes and an apron, swinging the spatula around as he sang along to the morning radio.

Blaine let out a breath he did not know he was holding. Staring at Kurt like he was the most gorgeous thing in the world, Blaine tried to etch this scene into his memory.

Perhaps waking up to a loved one preparing breakfast was something people took for granted, but definitely not Blaine. After waking up on countless mornings to missed calls and urgent e-mails, after spending so many breakfasts trying to finish his meal as quickly as possible, this will always be something Blaine will treasure.

After a minute or two, Kurt paused and looked over his right shoulder before spotting his curly-haired husband leaning casually against the doorway. Kurt lowered the spatula he was twirling and made his way over, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck and joining their lips for a quick peck.

"Good morning, Mister Blaine Anderson-Hummel."

"Hearing you say that does things to me."

Sliding his hands down Kurt's back, Blaine gently rolled his hips against Kurt's and smirked as Kurt gave an involuntary moan.

"Blaine, it's our first breakfast together in two weeks."

"So…after breakfast?"

"After breakfast."

Giving Kurt another chaste kiss on the lips, Blaine led them to the table and fetched the pancakes sitting on the counter. Handling Kurt the maple syrup, breakfast was a quiet yet oddly intimate affair.

Blaine sat at the edge of the bed in awe. Kurt was standing in front of him, lifting his shirt to reveal porcelain skin that covered tone muscles. He was truly beautiful, yet no less masculine than the rest. After folding his shirt neatly, Kurt proceeded to tug at the elastic band of his pants, but Blaine rested a hand on his.

Looking into each other's eyes, Blaine lowered himself onto the floor. Wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist, Blaine pressed his face against Kurt's thigh.

"I'm sorry that I haven't been spending much time with you, and I'm sorry if you've been feeling lonely in any way."


"Let me take care of you."

Kurt's breath hitched as Blaine wrapped his fingers around the silky material and dragged his hands down, revealing a pair of long, milky legs. As Blaine removed the last piece of clothing separating them, he was slowly lowered onto bed.

Glasz met hazel before Blaine began sucking on his neck weakly, then worked his way down, peppering Kurt's chest with kisses.

Rubbing their erections together, Kurt tried to stifle a moan.

"Ugh. Blaine, stop being a fucking tease."

Throwing Kurt a devious smirk, Blaine rolled his hips, only to have Kurt slapping his forearm playfully. Reaching for the bottle of lube on the bedside table, Blaine coated his fingers and nudged Kurt's legs apart.

Rubbing a calloused finger across Kurt's hole and then gently dipping a finger in, Blaine watched awestruck as Kurt's porcelain skin became beautifully flushed and his slender fingers gripped the sheets tightly.

After a moment, Blaine then inserted another finger, taking great care to stretch Kurt because the last time they had sex was over three weeks ago.

"I'm ready."

Rubbing his hands with more lube, Blaine proceeded to coat his dick with it. Lining himself up against Kurt's entrance, Blaine slowly pushed in, stopping every few seconds for Kurt to adjust.

Once their hips finally met, Blaine locked Kurt's lips in a heated kiss, his body shaking with the overpowering sensation of Kurt's heated channel wrapped around him, sucking him in.

"You…you can move now."

Starting off with slow thrusts, Blaine began to move faster as he matched their heavy breathing and breathy moans. When Kurt suddenly clenched down on him, the heat at the bottom of Blaine's stomach became too much and he screwed his eyes shut as his hips buckled.

They came together, Kurt arching his back as his toes curled and his fists tugged at the bedspread more forcefully.

Collapsing against his husband, Blaine buried his face in Kurt's neck.

"How did I live without that for three weeks?" Blaine wondered out loud as he rolled to the side.

"I am pretty irresistible, aren't I?"

Letting a laugh escape his parted lips, Blaine reached over and began jabbing his fingers playfully into Kurt's side.

"A tickle war, now? I want to lie in my post-coital bliss."

"Oh come on!"

"No. I want to cuddle."

"Don't look at me like that."

"Those puppy eyes aren't going to work."

"Oh fine."

"I knew it!"

"Shut up, Blaine. Let's get those fingers and stomach muscles working."

It was mid-afternoon, but the room was dark as the curtains were drawn. The buzzing of the phone forced Blaine out of slumber land and he tried to untangle himself from Kurt's embrace.


Biting back a groan, Blaine pushed himself out of bed. Pressing the green 'answer' button, he held the phone to his ear.

"Jeff, this really isn't a good time."

"It's never a good time but get your ass out of bed. Your old man wants to see you."


"Don't be a dickhead. You know why."

Jeff hung up, leaving Blaine standing in front of the vanity with an irritating beep in his ear.

Gripping the phone in his hand, Blaine clenched his jaw as he moved over to where his sleeping lover lay.

Brushing his cheeks lightly, Blaine felt the awfully familiar sensation of guilt bubble in his stomach. Kurt blinked sleepily, his hair in a mess as he turned to look at Blaine.

"How are you feeling, my love?"

"I have you here with me, so what do you think?"

As Blaine continued to rub his thumb over Kurt's cheeks, the phone buzzed again.

Kurt eyed the device with an odd expression before looking at Blaine.

"Do you really have to go?"

Blaine lowered his eyes and withdrew his hand.

"When will you be back?"

"I'll call you once we've settled everything."

Kurt swung his leg over the edge of the bed and planted his feet on the floor. Rubbing his eyes, Kurt gave an exasperated sigh, "Blaine, I know that you're leading the group in a big project, but don't you think that you're doing…too much work?"

"My love, I'm sorry. But the office is going to expand to New York and that takes a lot of planning. Everyone is pulling all-nighters to get things done on time. I promise that I'll try to find an easier job once I'm done with this, alright?"

Kurt bit his lip, feeling a little ashamed for informing his exhausted husband of his displeasure, but he was tired of coming home to an empty house and sleeping alone.

There was a moment of tensed silence before Kurt finally sighed, "Be safe, okay? I'll be waiting for you."

Blaine smiled weakly, lifting Kurt's knuckles to his lips.

"I will. I'll be home ASAP. I know this is tiring, but I love you Kurt, and I want to provide you with the best."

"I love you too."

Giving Kurt a final kiss, Blaine grabbed the first suit in the closet and headed for the washroom.

Flopping down on bed, Kurt closed his eyes.

"But I just want you here with me."

A/N: Thank you for reading. I'm still writing this fic so I'll be updating weekly or bi-weekly. If there's any advice for improvement or anything you'd like to share, do feel free to leave a review, PM me or drop me a message on Tumblr or Livejournal (I'm still tkijyahh there). Oh, and I'm writing another fic which I posted less than a day ago. It's called Thank You. Here's the summary: He's going on one last date with Blaine, and then everything is going to end. But when he looks at Blaine, Kurt realizes that it doesn't matter how much he wants to put a stop to his chaotic life - he can't let Blaine get hurt. If you're interested, that fic will be updated every 2-3 days (or maybe daily) and it'll be 4 chapters long. It's my first fic so I've kept it short in case anyone would like me to change my writing style and stuff.

Once again, thanks for taking the time to read this.