Hello all :D Last chapter! Long chapter! Lot going on in it chapter! Midnight chapter! Officially the 9th of June! [Twins bday!]

Now, this will be the last chapter of this set of stories EVER! [Unless someone has an idea for a third instalment.]

I have a couple of stories that are all nearly finished or need finished so even if someone does have an idea for a 3rd story then there will be a long wait xD

Also, if the spelling and grammar gets sloppy towards the end, it's because I finished this late XD Took me two days.

Also also, chapter POV a lot, but you should be able to work it out. And first speech line is Leyna, just to clear that up xD

Please enjoy, love you all :D

Tora-chan xxx

"I thought they were supposed to be fighting."

"It really doesn't look like a fight. But I bet my Kaoru's winning."

It had been about an hour and all Kaoru and Alek had been doing was sitting and staring at each other. For the whole hour. Now, don't get me wrong, I was glad my lover wasn't currently in some sort of blood-bath / fight to the death, but it had become quite boring to watch. Leyna, Kitty and I had no other choice but to just sit and wait patiently for something to happen. Kitty was supposed to be watching to make sure we didn't get away but even she just got so bored that she joined us, slumped against the wall.

We had gotten so lost in thought that the sound of manic laughter shocked us all out of our skins. And it wasn't even Alek laughing. I knew Kaoru was crazy but I hadn't expected that. Apparently, Alek hadn't either.

"What? What do you find so funny all of the sudden?" Alek tried to keep his voice stern but it was easy to tell he was confused.

"It's...I-it's just…you're so stupid!" More spluttering laughter left his beautiful mouth. I don't recall him consuming alcohol during the long period of time I had been watching him. After collecting himself slightly he cleared his throat and spoke once again. "You keep waiting for me to make a move. Keep watching my body language for hints as to when I'm gonna attack. When really…you should be paying more attention to what's behind you."

In a quick flash Alek had turned his head to check behind him, a movement swiftly followed by that of the Kaoru's hand, nails dragging across the back of the elder heart eaters head, ripping through the skin and spilling a pool of red all over Alek's shirt, dripping down Kaoru's arm as he raised his hand to his lips, licking of the crimson fluid with sexy flicks of his tongue.

It didn't take Alek long to recover from the initial shock of being tricked like that, just as it didn't take long for the older to take hold of Kaoru's wrist, nails digging under the flesh and gripping his arteries, pulling them out of his arm making him yelp in a way I hadn't heard him do so before. It wasn't similar to the noises he would make when we made love. It wasn't similar to noises he had made when he killed that old woman. It was a yelp of pure shock and I'm guessing pain. Pain seems like the appropriate emotion when your veins are being ripped from your body.

Though of course, them being heart eaters, weren't knocked out so easily and the moments that followed were soaked with scarlet, ripped like the skin on their bodies.

I hated seeing Kaoru being hurt like this. But I couldn't tear my eyes away. There was something so shockingly beautiful about the way the red coated his skin, the dim light of the underground dungeon-like area highlighting only certain parts of his face, bringing out the determined expression his face held.

As the blood splattered across walls, some even spraying in my direction, their bodies became more and more mangled, to the point it was painful to even look at them.

It was when a detached hand landed in front of my feet the muscle and bone, torn and cracked, that I actually began to fear for Kaoru's life. Sure, the hand wasn't his but it didn't waste time in reminding me this was serious and it could be fatal for them both. Not that I cared about Alek. He's an ass anyway.

"Alek I've killed you once, and I'll kill you once again. I just don't understand why you would ever think you could come back and kill me. I was stronger than you all those years ago. And now, we're both tired out and the only thing left to do is to surrender Alek."

"I'm not surrendering to you." Both their voices were raspy with exhaustion.

"Oh. Well that's too bad…cos I'm gonna kill ya anyway." His hand plunged into Alek's chest, somewhat taking him by surprise and he pulled out his heart. I stood still as Aleksander's body fell to the floor, the clockwork heart still in Kaoru's hand. The cogs were rusted, and the mechanism looked complex.

"His heart…wasn't even real…" We both turned our heads to look at Kitty who was removing her hand from over Leyna's eyes. I hadn't even noticed she had her hand there in the first place.

"No. I ate his real heart. I assume you know the story of how he came back to life. The angel must have created this mechanism to work as a beating heart. Ha…new meaning to the word heartless."

"Well, I must admit total defeat now steif-bruder. You played a fair battle and there is no denying you've won . I hope you can live a full life with Hikaru. It is clear you both love each other very much. And to you, Caroleyna, please also live a long happy life. Now, Kaoru, if our game still stands." Kitty pulled a knife out from her boot and held the blade near her throat. Just as she was about to drag it across the skin, Leyna cried out.

"Wait! Why do you care about me? You don't even know me. At least answer me that before you die." Kitty smiled softly.

"When we returned to Germany, I had a daughter. Who had a daughter of her own. And so the line carried on. From my great-great granddaughter, there were no more family witches. But I kept a watch over my family none the less. You look just like my granddaughter Leyna…Or your many times grandmother should I say. My mother and stepfather have been instructed to leave for Germany immediately. When they arrive, they will been taken to prison. I will prolong my end no further. Goodbye all of you. The game, has truly been won."


We managed to find clean clothing in the building housing the dungeon and we didn't hesitate taking a carriage back to Hikaru's home. Away from the scene where my old friend and step sister were lying dead on the cold stone floor.

The minute we entered the front door Hikaru was engulfed in his parents arms, me soon after. His mother was crying with happiness at her son's – well, both her sons' as she now counted me as one of her own – return. Akemi also awoke and the maid – a replacement for Sophia who we hadn't manage to get killed yet – brought her downstairs to her her brothers.

Leyna went unnoticed for quite a while but when she was finally acknowledged she was also hugged by Hikaru's mother and instructed to sit down and have a cup of tea made by Winston, their butler.

We knew they would ask us what caused us to leave and what had happened, especially due to the cuts on my, well, all of me. So we'd devised a story in the carriage. We'd run away to find my sister who was rumoured to be in the country. We didn't find her but we did find Leyna and she said she might be able to help. It turned out my sister wasn't even in England and a nasty fight with a prostitute's client resulted in a fair amount of bodily injuries. It was a pretty good story as long as they didn't press too far which luckily they didn't.

Our first night home was a real treat. Me and Hikaru sharing a bed as we had before, the cover's warm around our bodies. Leyna was offered to stay for a night, an offer she graciously accepted and she slept in one of the spare bedrooms.

It was about 2 in the morning when I woke up and I couldn't get back to sleep. I knew Hikaru wasn't sleeping either by the sound of his heart so I turned to him and kissed his nose lightly.

"What's on your mind?"

"You nearly died today Kaoru…"

"Dying?...Oh that's right. It's that thing I don't do." He smiled and bit his lip, deep in thought again. "It's you I'm more worried about."

"What do you mean? There's no more Alek. No more Kitty. We're safe."

"It's us Hikaru. We're not gonna be safe that easy. There are a lot of people out there who hate me and won't hesitate to try and kill me."

"Well that's your fault for being such a douche.*"

"Shut up." I punched his arm gently. "I don't want to have you go through all this again…"

"There must be a solution…right?"

"The very solution I've been trying to avoid resorting to. Though now, I guess I have no choice." I stroked his fringe out of his face, my thumb rubbing his cheek. "I'm gonna have to make you like me." He gasped slightly as I ran my finger alone his jaw line and down his neck.

"When? When are you gonna change me?"

"Depends when you think Winston can get us some deadly nightshade by."

"Ok…alright just leave that to me."


To be honest, I really underestimated Hikaru's power in this household. He left the room after he'd told me to leave the job of finding nightshade to him, and I had stayed in bed, listening to his voice as he spoke to a very tired and annoyed Winston.

"Winston, I want you get me some nightshade."

"You mean…like the plant, sir?"

"No like the sheep. Yes the plant."

"You must be sleep walking, sir. Please, let me lead you back to your room and back to master Kaoru." The butler then muttered under his breath so quietly that Hikaru probably wouldn't be able to hear but I had no trouble with. "Then maybe he can deal with your madness."

"Sorry Winston but I heard that as you no longer wanting to work for this family? Or you could get me the nightshade."

"Of course sir! My apologies! I will immediately get the house keep of your country mansion to bring some here. Now, please return to bed master."

"Thank you Winston. I do indeed like ladybirds."

It seemed the butler valued his job – and the high pay I imagined he got – enough to go to the trouble of getting the plant. I could do nothing but give Hikaru the credit he deserved having actually carried through a working plan.

So the rest of the night we slept, bodies pressed against each other in a moment that was to be one of the last moments of being human Hikaru would experience.

One of the last moments before I killed him.


"Morning boys!" We were greeted by my mother as we entered the dining room, taking our regular seats at the long wooden table. Akemi's maid sat feeding her her porridge, my father sat reading the news paper, a fry up in front of him, my mother delicately ate her marmalade toast and Leyna sat awkwardly also eating her marmalade toast, a breakfast I would imagine she never experienced before.

"Hm…morning mother." Kaoru nodded as a greeting. Our chef came out into the dining room and addressed us both formally, asking whether we'd like a fry up each or would rather have something form the continental selection. We both decided to settle for salmon on toast followed by juicy berries and apple slices.

"So…what have you three got planned for today?" My mother spoke to break the awkward tension in the room only succeeding in making it more awkward. Kaoru was the one who answered.

"Well…um…Hikaru and I were going to take a trip in the city centre. We wanted to look around the market when we were gone but were too caught up looking for my sister."

"And I was going to go home today. My aunt will be terribly worried, not to mention annoyed at my absence from the shop." Leyna laughed faint heartedly.

"Oh…Well dear please remember you are welcome anytime, being one of my son's friends after all! Maybe, I'll finally be able to get to marry!" She winked and Leyna grinned, casting a quick glance at Kaoru and blushing as turned away.

I glared at her in what I thought was a subtle way. She was after my man! No way was she going to take him from me. Besides, technically, she's some distant step relative of his anyway. It would just be wrong. More wrong than two guys who are identical in looks.

"Now Hikaru. I know the heartache from losing Evangeline may still remain but what you really need is another woman, to start a new family." It was the first time my father had spoken so far and I rolled my eyes. Kaoru is the only one I want to marry.


After breakfast we all got changed, Leyna borrowing a dress from my mother. We all said our goodbyes and left the house, climbing into the carriage driven by Winston. As I was about to climb in, after helping Leyna and Hikaru, Winston handed me a small grey jar, with no label.

"Master Hikaru requested it." I stopped myself from grinning and just nodded looking confused as I climbed in and sat next to Hikaru.

"What are you guys actually going to do?" Of course. Leyna wouldn't believe we were 'just going into the city'.

"Well we probably will look at the market for a while, and then when it's dark…I'm going to make Hika like me." I turned to look at my lover and placed my hand over his when I saw he was trying to open the jar. "Don't open that honey."

"Well good luck. I'm guessing it's not a simple processing becoming a heart eater." A small gasp came from next to me.

"Kao! We forgot! We need a sacrifice!"

"Don't worry. There are tons of useless humans on the streets at night. We'll just use one of them." I kissed his lips softly and he smiled. As we reached the city centre we all exited the carriage and told Winston we would make our own way home.

The three of us spent hours, browsing the stalls in the market place and I myself picked up some things I'd like Hikaru to die in. Most people probably don't have to do that for their lovers. Then again, we're not most people.

When night fell we bid Leyna farewell and told her to be careful on her way home. From there, we went back to the place I had first seen Hikaru. The alley of which I sprung out of, in front of my angel. The night he gave me the scarf I wore now.

"Ok sweetie, I'll next quite a bit of your blood now." I opened my leather satchel I'd been wearing once we were settled on the cold floor of the alley. Out of it I took a sterile wrapped needle attached to a tube and blood bag. It was amazing what you could find in Hikaru's house when you visited every room**. I saw the fear in his eyes when he saw the needle and smiled a little to myself. Was in love with a heart eater but scared of needles…not to mention, he had recently been stabbed in the leg. By himself. "Close your eyes. All you will feel is a little pinch then I can spend about an hour just with you…kissing you…loving you…you didn't even realise when I put it in."

"Huh?" I laughed and gestured down toward his arm where the needle protruded. Small drops of blood were collecting in the bag but it wasn't going fast enough for my liking. I began to unfasten my belt and heard a snicker from Hikaru.

"Kaoru…I know I'm irresistible…but really you can't wait?" Glaring up at him jokingly I pulled my now removed belt round the top of his arm and yanked extra hard.

"Narcissist." The blood began to flow into the bag at a quicker pace, one that satisfied me. And so began the longest hour of my life. Waiting. Sitting and waiting. For the blood bag to fill and for it to be time to kill my Hikaru.


And when that time came, nothing went as smoothly as planned. As Hikaru had said before, we needed a sacrifice. Although I expected the search for one to go a lot easier. When I had run out of hookers to ask near our alley I stood at the mouth of it to wait for someone to walk by. I wasn't waiting any longer. In the end, I couldn't afford to wait any longer.

A cry came from behind me. "For Kitty!" the voice said. Followed by a raspy scream and the sound of retreating footsteps. By the time I had reacted I couldn't catch him. I would have to leave Hikaru's side then and the state he was in wasn't one of any just to leave him.

A large amount of blood poured from a gash in his stomach, blood he couldn't afford to lose after giving a pint of it. I needed a sacrifice now.

"Is he okay?" A hurried voice came from the mouth of the alley. A voice I knew well.

"Leyna! What are you- no, he's not okay. I need a heart now…"

"Take mine."

"Don't be stupid Leyna." I laughed bitterly.

"I'm serious. You really love him don't you?" I nodded confused. "I imagine that love is equal to – possibly stronger – than the love I developed for you the days after we met…"


"Love you. Yes. And even though it is quite clear you don't feel the same way, if Hikaru makes you happy…I will give my own heart. Just to make you happy again." Without even thinking a placed a gentle kiss on Leyna's lips.

"Thank you. So much." I then mixed the nightshade into Hikaru's blood, whispering for him to stay with me. To keep singing the little unknown song he'd decided to sing at some point.

"Trying to call your name, this voice does not reach you…" His voice was so small and broken it actually made me cry.

"That's it…keep singing…and look away…" After a confirmation nod from Leyna, I mouthed 'I'm sorry' and pulled her heart from her chest. I then let it soak in the blood and nightshade mix, Hikaru singing the whole time till the moment I made him eat it. His wound had stopped bleeding now and he swallowed the poison organ with small difficulty, though I imagine it tasted horrible to him. His last words to me before he blacked out…

"Love you…Kao…"

A week later…

His tongue traced my neck, a new found strength and power in his whole being.

"Mmm…Hika…" His arms wrapped around me and he bit along my jaw line, pressing his hardening crotch up against my chest. For someone that had just woken up after a week of being dead, he sure was…active.

"I want you…now…now Kaoru…" He purred up in my ear and I couldn't stop the bulge in my trousers from expanding, especially when he twisted his fingers around the waistband of my underwear.

I pushed him down urgently, taking off his lower clothing, feeling that removing his shirt would be far too time consuming. Then of course at the most intense and passionate moment of our kissing I remembered, Hikaru hadn't been bottom before. I would have to prepare him half decently at least. Looking over to my right I saw the only source of lubrication in this alley. The pot of blood and nightshade. It wouldn't harm either of us, so why the hell not.

I pulled the pot toward me, coating my fingers in the thick red substance, placing them at Hika's hole, pushing slightly and stretching him with my fingers in a scissoring motion. Moans of pleasurable pain came from his direction. I don't remember my first time being pleasurable at all…then again, I wasn't in this state of lechery.

My dick was next to be coated with the blood, the cold of it making me shiver. Moving it towards his entrance I paused before pushing in. But I didn't get the chance as it was Hikaru who rammed forward, forcing my member inside of him, screaming slightly at the shock of it.

It felt so good, being inside him. I moved slowly at first before picking up the pace and pumping his member with my red covered hand, in time with my thrusts. Ours moans got loader, more frantic, till the moment we both screamed, spilling our seeds, mine inside of him, leaking out as I pulled out and his into my mouth which had replaced my hand some moments ago, the taste of his blood a extra treat.

"I-I love you…"

"Hm…I love you too Hika…I love you too…but this isn't it ya know…you have to consume someone's heart soon or you won't be able to survive…"

"I know…but for now…can I just lay here…with you?"

"Yeah…yeah baby, you can."

A light kiss was placed on the top of his head as he rested it against my chest, his eyes closed, and breathing only just slowing with exhaustion. And it was perfect.


There you go! That was the last chapter! Hope you like it :D I know it was really long. Please, read and review, I really want to know what you all thought of it. ^^

Notes: *- they probably wouldn't have said that but let's just pretend. **- Hika's house has an infirmary.

Songs: Reila – GazettE [The song Hikaru was singing], Guren – GazettE, More by GazettE XD

Thank you all for sticking with me so long!

Tora-chan xxxxxxxx