Percy POV.

I just got the worst news ever that anyone could possibly receive. It didn't help that Harry had to give me a newspaper article to read about the whole thing.

The Daily Prophet


DIAGON ALLEY, LONDON- It has been remembered that a young boy in his teenage years went missing a couple of weeks ago. There has been no evidence of him till now, where sources say he has apparently escaped. We have no clues to who he is or what he did, but they have commented he was on the run late last night in Diagon Alley, and seems to be heading west. No other information has been obtained.

I looked to Harry, who shrugged his shoulders, concerned as well but confused too. Nico escaped? But where? I thought. Where could he go off to? He might head back to camp, but if he just got away, he could be completely dazed and end up somewhere totally messed up like...China. He might even get captured again.

"Harry, what now? Nico escaped, how are we going to find him now?"

"We'll...have to get out of the school. We have to hunt him down. He could be completely stranded for all we know. We have to find him, and now."

"Harry, it could be dangerous! I have to tell my friends. We all came here together." I said to him, my face pleading. He shook his head 'no.'

"Percy, we have to do this on our own. I know you came with friends, but they will drag us behind. It would be better if we went on our own. I didn't tell my friends about you, and they know absolutely everything about me, but I did it for your safety. We'll do this by ourselves." Harry explained, and while I looked him straight in the eye, I nodded shakily.

We wore our regular school attire, black robes, white-collar shirts, trousers and shoes. We didn't believe that it would take long for us to find Nico, so we only packed what we thought was essential; extra clothes, and Harry let me borrow some of his because we were approximately the same size, some food that we snuck from the house elves. We told them not to tell anyone that they saw us here, and they swore to secrecy. Harry told me we could trust Dobby, who was still loyal to him, even though he told him he didn't have to, but Dobby constantly insisted on it. Harry brought the skull ring, kept our wands, and he also brought his Cloak of Invisibility for just in case uses. As we shoved our stuff into my bag, I became worried about how we would get out of the school. Harry stopped, then realized we could use his broom to get out of the school area. I told him that there was this blond-haired boy who apparently was out of school hours and rode a broom. He smiled, then started into a laugh, which I didn't appreciate. Harry told me that was Draco Malfoy, a person who wasn't someone to worry about. He happened to have his broom under his in his old bed back in the Gryffindor Common Room and while we snuck in, he went under his bed, which was unoccupied and grabbed his broom, trying to not wake any other students. I grabbed his hand to pull him out from under and we tip toed out of the room and down the hall to out of the school. He told me he forgot to bring his broom when he moved into the Heads Rooms.

So we managed to walk out of the school and so I slung my bag over my shoulder and Harry swung his legs over his broom.

"Come on, let's go Percy." He said. I gave him a reluctant look.

"Are you going to be able to see in the dark? And what if Zeus catches me in the sky?"

"Don't worry about the dark, I can see. And I don't think Zeus will do that." I told Harry everything I could about Greek mythology, and he seemed really interested in it.

"Okay." I said, and I hoped onto the back of Harry's broom, wrapping my arms around his waist. We rose up slowly, and flew off of school grounds.

I've been on different modes of transportation; hell-hound, airplane, water transportation, but never, have I read a broom. Seriously, the thing my mom uses to sweep the house is what we are using to go find Nico. There is nothing wrong with that, and I can accept it, but the fact is that I have no idea how wizards fly these things, especially males.

For one, it in between my legs, and you know exactly what is down there. Every time we buck up, or swoop down, that thing there always keeps on getting hit, and it hurts, a lot. I complained to Harry about it, and the way I said it may have possibly made me sound like a whiny five-year old. He said that it was something I had to deal with, and anyway, we weren't to far from Diagon Alley.

Second, was the fact I had to hug Harry from behind. It was awkward, but for him, he acted like he was hugged like this every day.

"Harry, is there any way we could have found Nico faster at Hogwarts?" I asked, leaning my head forward a bit more so it was next to his shoulder. My hair was constantly falling in my face, so I had to brush it to the side often.

"We could have used the Marauder's Map." He said, his face not showing any emotion. He reminded me of those mass murderers that don't feel anything when they kill you.

"Then why didn't we use that?" I asked, feeling a bit exasperated. Harry sighed, and we dipped a bit lower, giving me butterflies in my stomach.

"First of all, I don't have it with me, and two, I don't know where it is. For all we know, it could be in the Slytherin dungeons." I shuddered. Those dungeons were creepy and horrifying. They smelled like dirt and dead people, and even though people lived there, there was this odd vibe surrounding the room.

"Oh, I didn't know. So, are we almost there?" I asked, peeking over his shoulder. I could see the familiar shape of Diagon Alley, even if it was late at night. Harry swooped the broom lower and we rode down, going a little faster than before because of our trajectory (Annabeth would be so proud of me right now).

Harry suddenly swiveled his broom to the side, scaring me completely shitless. Out of instinct, my arms tightened around his waist, and he coughed a bit. I then realized he just stopped us by swerving to the side, because now we were just floating maybe two foot off the stone path in Diagon Alley.

"You're choking me." Harry managed to cough out, and tried to pull my hands from my waist, but I was focused too much on just trying to see. It sucks I don't have night vision.

"Oh sorry." I said, noticing Harry's gasps and released my grip. He turned his head to glare at me slightly, his hands rubbing his stomach. I glanced back sheepishly, and felt a bit shorter now than I did before.

"Come, let's get off." He motioned his hand as we jumped off his broom. I stumbled as I landed, almost tripping on a loose rock, but Harry seemed to land with cat-like reflexes. I got control of my legs, which felt like jelly, by the way, and managed to compose myself. Brushing off any lint off my black robe, I turned to Harry as he grabbed his broom.

"Why couldn't you land a little lower?" I asked, furrowing my brows and a small unhappy smile son my face.

"Sorry." He said, giving me a small smile. "Come on, we can't waste any time. If we come back late, we'll be in serious trouble." I nodded in agreement, and I followed him as we strode down the path, further into the heart of Diagon Alley.

After a little walk, we stopped suddenly. I accidentally bumped into Harry, hitting my face into the back of his head, making us both yell out 'ouch!'

"Sorry!" I said, rubbing my face as he rubbed the back of his head.

"No problem." He said, but his voice seemed a little weak. I shrugged it off, not really believing it was something important.

"So, do you think we should split up?" I asked, after finishing rubbing my face from the pain.

"I think so. What should we do if we find him?"

"We should send a signal, but what can it be?" I asked.

""Ummm." Harry rubbed his chin as he thought, his face scrunched up oddly. "We should...you know, we could just yell, or shoot something into the sky." Harry suggested, shrugging.

"I guess that could work. Here, you check this area of the alley. I'll go further down, okay?" I asked, pointing further down the path which we didn't walk.

"Sure." He agreed, and I headed off as he started searching. I headed down the path, but it seemed to get darker and darker at each moment. Finally, I almost couldn't see anything, so I lit up my wand.

My eyes widened. I don't know how far I walked, but this looks nothing like what I saw earlier with Harry. There seemed to be a dead-end here, further down was a stone wall blocking you from going any further. I checked to my left, and right. Just some rundown, closed stores, all smashed up like a bulldozer ran them over. What was this?

I heard a slight 'creak' noise, which made me jump and the hairs on my body to stand up. I got into an odd, weirdly defense stance, but calmed down when I saw no one, but a crusty sign. I walked in front of it and read it. Nurmengard, it said. Numengard? What was that?

As I walked a bit further, I saw a large metal door encrypted with a triangle with a circle in it, and a line went from the top of the triangle to the bottom. I went to examine it further, and I saw under the triangle thing the words 'For the greater good.' What did this mean? What was this place?

Hesitantly, I pushed the door, and it opened, making a large 'creak' noise. I flinched, worried it would wake someone around here up. But as I pushed further, it didn't 'creak,' but I was met with eternal blackness. I looked to the sky, took my wand out and shot a blue streak into the sky. It exploded, but did not make any noise. Hopefully Harry would see it. I won't go in that creepy place till he was here.

Luckily I didn't wait long. Harry appeared a couple of minutes later, huffing and puffing as if he ran a marathon.

"What is it? You found Nico?" He asked between pants.

"No, but I think he might be here."

"What is it?"

"It's called Numengard." Harry stopped panting, and I think he also stopped breathing. His face went pale and he looked at me wide-eyed.


He shook his head, and colored slightly returned to his face. "It's just that...that's a dark place."

"Obviously." I said, pointing to the black.

"No, I mean, it's an evil place. Are you sure we should go in?" He asked.

"Pssh, what's the worse that can happen?" I waved my hand, pretending to brush the comment away. Harry still looked reluctant, but I grabbed his arm and dragged him inside the thing.

It was very dark, but luckily, my wand was still lit. We went through a series of tunnels and passages, some so small we had to crawl through, and some were up in the ceiling. We got crushed, stretched, and I went into some positions I didn't even know I could do. Finally, we got to another dead-end.

"Hey, there is that triangle thing again!" I shouted, smiling.

"That's the Deathly Hallows symbol." Harry said, raising his hand to touching it gently.

"What does it do?" I asked, looking at him.

"Umm...that's not really important right now. Come on, let's find a way in." He said, and I did what I did at the entrance. I pressed my hand against the symbol and pushed. It didn't budge. My eyebrows furrowed together and I got a bit upset. Why won't it open? I tried pushing it a couple more times, but nothing. So, I backed up a bit and rammed my shoulder into the door. All I got was serious shoulder injury. The pain ran through my arm and I rubbed it, my face contorted in pain. Harry sighed, and took his wand out. Pressing the tip of it to the symbol, the symbol glowed green, and it opened, revealing more blackness.

I stopped rubbing my arm, and glared at him. He shrugged his shoulders innocently and he went inside as I followed.

When we got in, there was a light hung over a slumping body. It was tied up, and their head was down, so we couldn't see who it was. He looked dirty and his hair was ragged and messy. His clothes were ripped, and he looked like he got beaten with a water pipe every day. But his hair was black, and messy, so it seemed very familiar.

I walked up to the boy, carefully, who knows, he might have rabies, and grabbed his hair and pulled his head up. I gasped as I saw the face. It was Nico, black hair, black eyes, pale skin, but he looked so frail and thin, and his skin was a sickly green. His face had some cuts here and there, a few bruises, and in general, he looked horrible. His hair was also coated with dry blood, and had gotten much longer, which I noticed later

His eyes were closed, so he couldn't see us. I knew I didn't pull too hard on his hair, but I'm pretty sure if someone pulls on your hair, you'd wake up too. Harry, his face filled with shock, sneaked up to me to stare at Nico.

"Is that him? He looks horrible, unless that is his regular appearance." Harry commented, and I knew he was joking on his last part of the sentence. I appreciated the effort to make this seem a bit better.

Nico's hands were chained behind him a wooden post, and so were is ankles, so he was in a sitting position. There was a large clasp on his neck, and a chain connected to that too. The whole room was just gray stone that smelled like cheap wine. There was no other way out of here except for the door we just entered in. As we observed Nico more, we saw more large, purple bruises on his legs, his ankles were red and scabby, cuts and scraps on his body, he just looked like the living dead. It was disgusting. Whoever did this to Nico was going to pay.

Nico's eyes gently fluttered open, spooking us a bit, but we relaxed. We were just in so much tension of someone coming up and attacking us. Nico blinked, his pupils were dead and tired, and he squinted at us as he tried to put his thoughts together. When he saw who we were, he whimpered and scooted away from us. But then he took in our appearances a bit longer, and we didn't come any closer to him if he was scared. What happened to him? Doesn't Nico recognize me? Nico took in our looks, scanning us up and down, but still with fear in his eyes. When he was done, he started speaking, his voice frantic and broken, scratched and weary.

"Get out! Now! Leave!" He screamed, with anger and terror in his voice. He looked behind us to look at the door. We backed up from Nico, my wand and Harry's ready. Nico kept screaming at us to go, and we told him we weren't going without him. Without any comprehension, something cold whooshed past us, and something hit us both on the head hard, making me feel dizzy and sleepy. Harry and me collapsed on the floor, completely unconscious.

AN: I'm pretty sure of what some of you may be thinking: 'Rock n' Fuckin' Roll, why u no update Kidnapped faster?' Well I'm sorry, I'm sure the next chapter will be up sooner, I promise! It's just that I've been too busy to really update! Sorry! :( Well, I hope you liked this chapter, at much. Oh and, thanks for the 100 follows on this story! Wooo!