by CypherCA


Hi everyone. You all know the disclaimer: the Ronin Warriors don't belong to me blah blah blah. This is my first fic so please give me feedback at [email protected]. I look forward to any comments, suggestions, critiques, etc. PS-please be gentle with any flames you send me. Enjoy the story!



Five in the morning is what the grandfather clock struck in the giant Koji mansion. Only one individual heard it and he glanced at his own watch, then continued to sit on the couch. At 5:30, a person walked sleepily down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen, not noticing the figure on the couch. When he came back out, the figure startled him so much that he spilled the hot coffee down his robe.

"Morning Sage," the figure on the couch said, trying not to laugh at the scene in front of him.

"Don't do that! You nearly gave me a heart attack, if not third degree burns!" Sage screamed quietly so as not to wake the others. He took a few deep breaths to clam himself. When serenity had taken hold of him again, the now very awake Sage redid his robe sash. "What are you doing up so early? Normally you're comatose until the last few minutes before noon."

"Today's the first day of high school and I wanted to be ready on time. You know, start a new morning routine and arrive with time to spare rather than rushing at the last seconds before the bell," said Rowan, with an impossibly huge grin pasted on his face.

" Only you would get up this early for school. I'm going to go meditate. I'll see you again at breakfast." With that, Sage left.

School isn't the only reason I'm up so early, Rowan thought quietly. He's going to be at our school today and I can't wait to see him again.

Across town, also sitting with a huge smile on, a person sat on a bed with the same thoughts.


Yeah yeah, I know it's short, but it's always longer on paper. Sorry about any word inversion by the way. My English class doth study Shakespeare and my mind is kind of stuck in the language. Anywise again suggestions, comments, etc are welcome. I promise chapter one will be longer.
