Life and Soul Reunited

By Cypher

This chapter focus' mainly on Rowen and Rich's relationship as brothers, and how protective Rowen is. Enjoy!


Chapter 22: Dealing with the Scars

The next day, Rowen had woken up with a splitting headache. After a few hours of explaining things to the guys, he was sitting by Rich's bed.

"Hey bro. I know you probably can't hear me, but I feel better talking with you." Rich whimpered. "I brought you some old friends. You told me they helped with the nightmares. Looks like you're having them now." Rich whimpered again. "See? Raccoonie," he placed the stuffed toy next to Rich, "and Balloon-Weeky." He covered Rich's shoulders with it. Rowen smiled weakly. "I remember when we were little and when I covered you with Balloon-Weeky it would completely cover you." Rich seemed to be in a more peaceful state of sleep. "I'll be back in an hour or so. I'm gonna get some dinner." He left the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.


"Rowen looked up from his meal as he saw Kento enter the kitchen chuckling and searching for something.

"What's up Kento?" Cye asked.

"The kid's asleep with some security blanket and a stuffed toy! I'm getting a picture for blackmail." Sage and Ryo grinned evilly, forgetting who was in the room. The Seasonals and Mia backed away and Cye scowled at his friend. Before he could reprimand him though, he saw a blur of blue hair.

"Ack!" Kento found himself on the floor, a foot at his neck, and looking at a VERY pissed Rowen.

"Do NOT insult my brother or ever, EVER try to harm him, through blackmail or any other way. Got it?!" Rowen pressed down on Kento's neck to demonstrate how serious he was.

"Yes sir." Kento replied meekly. Rowen then turned his angry eyes on the chuckling Ryo and Sage, who soon also found themselves on the ground.

"That goes for everybody! Got it?!" Ryo and Sage nodded. Rowen looked around the room, daring for anyone else to argue with him. He finally left and headed for Rich's room.


What he found quickly washed away the anger and replaced it with worry. "Rich?" He entered the room and looked at his brother. Rich was curled up into a ball, sweating, whimpering, and hugging both the animal and blanket in death grips. Rowen sighed. He knew only one way to alleviate Rich's fear and pain when the nightmares got this bad. He stripped down to his boxers and crawled into Rich's bed, hugging the shaking boy. "It's okay. Shhhh. I'm here. It's okay."

"No. No please." Rich whimpered again, then suddenly went limp. Rowen hugged Rich tighter.




~Oh God Ro! I couldn't stop her! I was so drained...and.....and......and oh God!~

~Shhhh...calm down. What's wrong? Tell me the nightmare.~

~NO! It wasn't a nightmare! It happened! I-I was so scared! Oh God Ro! I feel so dirty...~

~It happened, while you were captured?~


~Show me.~ Rowen felt Rich's reluctance. ~Don't worry. It's me. We have no more secrets, remember?~

~O-Okay.~ Images flooded Rowen's mind. Days of torture, starvation, then Rowen felt Rich's anxiety and fear raise.

~It's okay. I'm here. Show me.~ A new image appeared. Rich was still chained to the table, but there was a woman with a kimono. The next few images were choppy, but the last few ones were crystal clear. Now Rowen understood. Anger flashed briefly in his mind before he remembered that Rich could read his reactions, and he promptly hid the emotion. ~Rich, there was nothing you could do.~


~Rich, listen to me. You were chained into place and weakened from the Nether spirits. There was nothing you could do.~

~Make the nightmare go away, please!~

~Hold on...~ Rowen thought for a second. ~Do you remember your third birthday?~

~Yeah. Mom brought you and I to the Zoo.~

~You were so excited.~

~It was my first time there.~

~You wanted to see everything.~

~You loved the nocturnal creatures.~

~While you fell for the sea otters.~ Rowen continued to help Rich push the memory of his violation away until they both fell asleep.


Ugh...what time is it? Rowen asked himself as he woke up. He turned towards the clock. Eight. The guys should be up. He turned towards his sleeping brother. I can't believe the Dynasty would stoop so low. They will pay. He quietly slipped away from the sleeping boy and got dressed. He then headed down to the kitchen, where everyone was seated.

"Good morning. You're up early." Cye greeted.

"Sleep well?" Mia asked.

"Me, fine. Rich? Eventually." He placed his palms on the table. "I need to talk to you guys. It's important and about Rich."

"What is it?" Kayura responded.

"He didn't turn sides willingly."

"Who would?" Cale muttered.

"But, what they did, It's...well..." Rowen hesitated.

"Oh come on. It's not like they slept with him or anything." Kento joked. He didn't see Rowen move, but somehow knew he threw the fork that was now embedded in the chair an inch from his neck.

"It's no joke. He was raped." Silence descended the table. "Mia, Kayura, he may be a little distant from you."

"We understand" Mia sais as Kayura nodded. Rowen faced the others.

"I don't want any of you to joke or talk about it, understand?" They all nodded. "Good. I'm going to see if he'll join us." Rowen turned and left.

"I was kidding." Was all Kento could utter. Cye came over, took out the fork, and gave Kento a reassuring pat. Dais spoke up.

"I'd never thought that Talpa would stoop so low. He never did when we were there." Cale nodded in agreement.

"Nevertheless, it happened, and we are going to do exactly what Ro says, right?" Mia looked around the table.

"Right." Ryo said before getting back to his meal.


"Go away Ro. It's too early to get up." Rich muttered as he pulled the covers over his head. Rowen rolled his eyes.

Talk about roll reversal. "Come on Rich. It's nearly nine." Rowen coaxed.


"Rich, you have ten seconds." Rowen picked up a glass of water.


"Fine." Rowen poured the water on Rich's head. He was surprised when Rich didn't even budge.

"Hafta do better than that."

"Fine. I will." Rowen bent down and lifted the mattress until he heard a thump.

"Alright. I'm up." Rich grumbled and headed for the bathroom.

"Um, Rich. Wanna bathrobe?" Rowen had put boxers on Rich, and that's all he was wearing now.

"Why?" The not fully awake armor bearer asked.

"Isn't it drafty?" Rich tilted his head, then blushed as he realized what Rowen was trying to convey.

"Right." He lazily put the robe on and ambled towards the bathroom, muttering about indoor plumbing and the Dynasty. Rowen smiled and shook his head.

"He's going to be his old self very soon. I just know it."


Star Light Star Bright comes after this chapter. More details will be in it's introduction. Also, one final note, the next few chapters won't come out for a while. Even though it's summer, I have to do homework, as well as write a short story for Creative Writing class. Hopefully though, I'll be able to resume writing this fic after school starts. Please give me feedback. The more there is, the sooner I'll try and get back to writing this. Ja ne!