
The man stood in front of her, love in his eyes. He held her hands in his as if his very life depended on it. They stood that way, gazing into each others eyes, until he slowly bent down capturing her lips in his.

When they broke apart the woman spoke in a whisper "Chris, you have to go. Our future depends on it."

The man shook his head, a strand of his brown hair falling into his piercing green eyes. The woman reached up lovingly to move it from his face. He grabbed her pale hand and held it to his cheek, desperate to be close to her. "But what if Wyatt finds out? What if he sends his assassins after you? I can't loose you." the man choked out "I love you."

The woman smiled sadly, her long dark chocolate brown curls cascading down her shoulders. Her clear brown eyes piercing into his. "And I love you, more than anything. But you know you have to go, it's our only hope of saving Wyatt." she whispered, too broken down to make her voice any louder.

"Come with me." He begged.

The woman smiled once more, but only slightly "You know I can't, I have to lead Wyatt off of your trail."

The man bent down once more to kiss the love of his life gently and passionately "One one condition."

The woman smiled a little more now "And what's that?" she asked.

The man took a deep breath before bending down to the floor of the attic. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a simple diamond ring "Marry me."

Chris Perry Halliwell stood in the center of the attic holding the silver engagement ring he had used to propose to his fiancée, Alyssa Monroe, about twenty two years in the future. It had been almost a year since he had traveled back in time to save his big brother, Wyatt, from turning evil. He remembered the day he proposed. It had been the very same day he traveled back to save his brother. Ally had said yes, and given him back the ring so he would always remember what he was fighting for.

He sighed at the memory. He missed his fiancée, but he knew they would never have a future unless he managed to accomplish the task at hand. He slipped the ring back into his pocket, 'And the only way to do that,' he thought 'is to find the demon that's after Wyatt.'

At that thought his mother, Piper Halliwell, came in. Probably checking up on his progress. "Find out anything on the demon yet?" she asked her son.

Chris sighed as he flipped through the Book of Shadows "Not yet, but I'm still looking."

Piper nodded "Alright well, I've got a doctors appointment. Can you watch your brother?"

Chris looked up at his eight months pregnant mother "Mom, Wyatt was just attacked. And your going to the doctors? What if I need the power of three?"

Piper rolled her eyes "You can handle it, besides, I want you to be born healthy."

Chris laughed to himself, even though his mother had been pregnant with him for eight months, it was still weird to him. "Alright, fine, go."

Piper smiled "Thanks honey." and with that she left.

Chris smiled as he watched his mother leave the room, he never would get used to her being alive again. And it amazed him how much he had missed her since she was killed in the future. But hopefully, he could stop it from happening this time.

Just as he was about to go back to flipping through the Book of Shadows, the phone rang. Being the only person left in the house, Chris descended the attic stairs into the living room. "Hello?" he said into the receiver.

"Chris, is Piper there?" he heard Daryl ask from the other end.

Daryl was a lieutenant of the San Francisco Police Department. He helped cover for the sisters, Chris's mother and two aunts, on many of the supernatural cases over the years. "What is it Daryl?" Chris asked, he could sense Daryl's distress.

"I need to talk to one of the sisters, now." Daryl said.

"They're not here." Chris replied "What happened?"

There was a pause on the other end before Daryl continued "I think I just saw a demon kill a witch, and she had a baby with her. I have the kid at my house," there was a pause and Chris could hear a loud crash in the background "and it's pretty obvious the kid has powers!"

"Wait, so let me get this straight." Chris began "You saw a demon kill a witch, but it left her child behind alive? That doesn't sound like something a demon would do."

Chris could hear another crash on Daryl's end "The demon didn't see it, its mom hid it behind some crates just before the demon attacked."

Chris sighed "Alright, I'll call Phoebe and have her head over there. I have to stay here and keep my eye on Wyatt."

Daryl sighed as a minor crash was heard on the other end "Alright, but tell her to hurry." and with that he hung up the phone.

"Chris! I'm home, is Wyatt okay?" Piper called as she pulled the front door open.

She walked into the living room only to find Wyatt in his play pen while Phoebe sat on the couch cradling a baby wrapped in a blue blanket. Piper froze, shocked "Who is that?" She asked her younger sister.

Phoebe looked up from the bundle in her arms "This is Alex!" she beamed "Isn't he adorable?"

Piper didn't move "Phoebe? Why do you have a baby?"

Chris walked into the room at the sound of his mothers voice "Daryl saved him after his mother was killed by a demon." he answered for his aunt, who nodded in agreement before turning back to the child.

"And it's here because?" Piper asked.

Phoebe rolled her eyes "Because he's a witch!" she replied in a matter of fact tone "It's not like Daryl could just bring him to the police station and have him fly things around the room."

"Wait a minute!" Piper stopped her sister "Fly things around the room?"

Just as the words left her mouth, the bottle Phoebe had set down on the coffee table flew up into the air and into Alex's baby hands. Phoebe laughed and took the bottle "That is so cute!" she laughed "See he has telekinesis!"

Piper smiled "Well he is pretty darned cute. But what about his mother, are you sure she was killed?"

"Daryl says the demon materialized just after the baby's mother hid him behind some crates in an alley. He says he saw the demon throw a fire ball at his mother, but she ducked and missed it. But he threw another before she had anytime to get back up. The one thing that strikes me as odd though, was that he claims he saw an explosion just as the fire ball hit her. She screamed and disappeared." Chris explained.

"An explosion?" Piper asked "Witches don't usually disappear like that when they're killed."

"Usually, they don't disappear at all." Phoebe added.

Chris shrugged "Well that's what Daryl saw. Anyways I called Paige to see if she can take the baby to magic school. She hasn't come though-"

"Oh no, she can't come now. She's in the middle of exams at magic school." Piper cut in.

Chris sighed "Than what are we going to do with the baby?" he asked.

Phoebe smiled "We'll just have to take care of him until we can locate his family."

"Well you can take care of him right Phoebs? I have to get down to P3." Piper said.

Phoebe grimaced "I wish I could Sweetie, but I have to get back to work. I still have to finish tomorrows column."

The two sisters looked at Chris expectantly "Oh no! No way am I watching both Wyatt and the kid!"

"His name is Alex." Phoebe sighed.

Chris rolled his eyes. "Well I have to get going sweetie!" Piper chirped before Chris could protest.

"Me too, good luck!" Phoebe called as she and her sister headed out the front door, leaving Alex in Chris's arms.

Chris groaned as the baby began to cry "Oh, please stop!" he whispered as he practically ran to grab the baby bottle Phoebe had placed back onto the coffee table. He began feeding him like he had seen his aunt Phoebe do when she had her kids. The baby quieted down until about fifteen minutes after he had been fed.

After half an hour of crying and screaming, he couldn't take it anymore. He had tried just about everything he could think of to calm down the baby, but nothing was working.

He waited as the phone rang five times before she answered it "Aunt Phoebe please! I can't take it anymore!"

And her response? Was to laugh at him.

Okay, so I know I should be focusing my energy on my other stories (Return to Your Roots & Daughter of Posiedon) but I couldn't get this out of my head, so I had to just do a quick little story on it :P So? Leave me a review and tell me what you think! Can anyone guess (without reading on, I'll know if you did Muahaha!) whose Alex's parents? Or parent? Or frog? Anyone, anyone? ?

Okay one more thing before I go, has anyone heard of the band Within Temptation? I discovored their song "The Swan Song" and I loved it! And now I've recently discovored some of their other sengs, and I love them as well! So I was listening to their songs while I wrote if the emotion in the story seems to switch around a lot, it's because the emotion in the music I was listening to switched around a lot :P

Telby: "So what's your favorite kind of cake?"

Cari: "Hmmmm...Red Velvet with butter cream frosting?...or is it cream cheese frosting?...Why is it I can always remember the type of cake no problem, but when it comes to frosting...I'm clueless?"

Telby: "You Have frosting problems..."


Telby: "Uhh huhhh...well any news for our loverl-"

Cari: "Ahemm?"

Telby: "Sorry...YOUR readers...anyways, do we have any news for them?"

Cari: "Hmmmmm...let's see here...hmmmmmmmmmmmm...well first off, I think we need more 'Paul finds out the big secret' kind of stories-"

Telby: "Wait...what?"

Cari: "Huh? OH! WRONG SPEECH! Uhhmmm...hmmm...fanfiction..fanfiction...fanfiction...Nope, Nothing!"

Telby: " all?"

Cari: "!"

Telby: "Nothing?"

Cari: "Well besides me slapping you when I get to school tomarrow for wearing makeup..."

Telby: "'re not going to let that go are you?"

CAri: "No...not really.."

Telby: "Uhh huhh...yea well other than THAT?"

CAri: "My frog died?"

Telby: "OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY-wait a don't even HAVE a frog!"


Telby: "Other than that?"

Cari: "You were an insane persan for halloween and you evn wore a straight jacket?...until Halloween was cancelled because of that freak snowstorm...SNOW! NOW I REMEMBER! THE BOOK!"

Telby: *facepalms* "YES CARI! THE BOOK! May I do the honors this time?"

Cari: "Be my guest!"

Telby: "Okay, so Cari's New Year's Resolution was to finish a book. But unfortunatly, she can't decide between two of her ideas. They're both trilogys, and about the supernatural. I'm not going to give you guys too many details because I don't want anyone stealing CAri's loverly ideas! But basically, one is about these three girls known as the Elementals. They're dragons. But not like ur thinking. They transform into people and are that way most of the time. So tht's 1 o her ideas. Her other is a Werewolf love story. This werewolf dude finds his mate (kind of like imprinting from Twilight), but she's a werewolf hunter. So they go through a lot of struggles with the hunter deciding which path to take. Her liniage, or her love."

CAri: "We'd REALLY appreciate it if you could review and tell me which one I should do! It would mean a lot to me!"

Cari&Telby: "OVER AND OUT!"