A/N: Last chapter~


Antonio let his two friends inside. As they walked in they noticed me standing there. The French bastard spoke up first. "Mon ami… if you are busy we can come back another time?" I turned bright red and punched the asshole in the face.

"No no you have it all wrong Francis! I'm helping Lovi study~ He's staying over for a few days!" His two friends grinned at him knowingly.

"Whatever! The awesome ME is here so let's start drinking!" Gilbert raised his beer up in the air and plopped down on the couch. I quickly took a seat at the island table since I didn't want to be anywhere near those drunk bastards.

Francis took a seat next to Gilbert on the couch and Antonio sat next to me with a beer in his hands. When he got that, I don't know.

They started talking about random shit while they were drinking. Aren't they adults? Really, teachers drinking around a minor, how irresponsible can you get?


After all the alcohol was gone, they settled down and started talking casually. I noticed Gilbert's bird start flying towards me. I watched as it landed in the counter next to me.

I could have sworn the thing gave me a rape face, if that was even possible. It moved closer and I started to freak out. Being very creeped out by the bird, I decided to go (hide) in Antonio's room until they left.


Being bored with nothing else to do, I decided to take a nap. Yes, I know, how exciting.


I looked around at where I was. It was familiar, like I had been there a lot. I glanced around again, it was a preschool. Next to me stood an all too familiar grumpy dark haired child with the same shitty curl on the right side of his head. Who may you ask is this adorable little midget? Me of course.

With nothing better to do, I decided to fallow the little me. He was heading towards a car, that was probably here to pick him up.

He hopped inside and so did I. When I sat down I looked up at the driver and felt something warm light up inside me. It was my mother. She had the same old light brown hair that I had remembered. With the same fair skin, red lips, and dark green eyes.

The boy next to me (me) sat there grumpily, not saying a word. He just crossed his arms and stared out the window. My mother seemed to notice.

"What's wrong honey? Not feeling well?" I watched the kid as he sighed and started talking.

"Everyone keeps saying how Feli is so nice and how I should be more like him and blah blah blah! Bastards!" My eyes drifted back to my mom who was actually LOOKING BACK at little me! WHILE DRIVING! How could I not have said something about that!

"Language Lovi! And I think you're perfect just the way you are! You just gotta speak up a little more with nicer words." She smiled warmingly and I noticed mini me loosen up.

"Whatever." She FINALLY turned back around again and watched the road. Thank god.

"I love you Lovi~ Do you love me~?" Mini me kept his mouth shut and his arms crossed. "Come on~ Just once~? Say it~" Still nothing. "Please~ OH SHIT!" I stared at my mother as another car turned out of nowhere and rammed into the driver's seat, an instant kill. My mouth opened and I just stared.

Blood started to drip down her body and onto the floor. There was a scream. It was the younger me. "Mama! Mama! Don't go mama! I love you! I really do! So don't go!" But it was too late to say those words now. She can't hear you.

Suddenly I was engulfed into a bright light, which slowly faded into the scene of a funeral. My mother's funeral.

The smaller me was in the front, next to Feli who was hugging our father. Everyone was crying except me. The tears wouldn't allow themselves to fall, I felt dead. My eyes had lost all light in them and were now just blank orbs.

I glanced around as I heard whispers. People were whispering to each other things like, "I heard he was being a brat and distracted her when she was driving. It's HIS fault! HE should be dead!" and "If he were more like Feli she wouldn't have been distracted by the boy's temper! He's to blame!"

I desperately wanted to speak up, but I couldn't. To them I was a ghost. The younger me stayed quiet as well. He looked lifeless.

Glancing at my father I noticed a glare. It was directed at ME. Not mini me, but ME. Everything else disappeared except for me and my father surrounded by black. I stared at him and he stared back.

He pulled out a gun and aimed it at my forehead. My eyes widened in terror. He wouldn't. He set his finger on the trigger. " It's your fault." He whispered, but I managed to hear it before he pulled the trigger.


I shot up. It took me a few seconds to realize where I was. I was in Antonio's room, on his bed. It was dark outside.

Something next to me moved and my head shot down towards whatever it was. "Lovi?" It was the tomato bastard. Wait. In BED with ME was the fucking TOMATO BASTARD!

"W-W-W-What the hell!" If it weren't for his arm around my waist I would have jumped out of bed. Damn bastard!

"Lovi~ I was tired~ And you looked so peaceful I couldn't help but also want to sleep soundly~"

"Forget it! Do whatever you want! Bastard!" I laid back down and faced away from him. Stupid idiotic moron! Now I won't be able to sleep! My hearts going to explode! I'm gonna KILL YOU!


Antonio's POV the next morning:

It's morning! I sat up straight and looked around the room, surprised to find Lovi still asleep next to me. Aww~ So cute~ Lovi~ I started petting his head, careful not to hit his curl. That would be bad. Even though I want to- no! BAD ANTONIO! Can't let him know how I feel about him!

I felt Lovi move and looked down at him. The way he had moved his arm just barely lifted the right sleeve. I noticed something on his wrist. Cuts?

To get a better view, I carefully lifted his arm up to me and pulled his sleeve down. There were healing scars from cutting! Little adorable Lovi has emo scars! And not only that! There's also a burn scar that doesn't look self inflicted.

What's happening to my Lovi!


Back to Lovi's POV:

I wake up to see the tomato bastard checking out my scars! Shit! I shot up and pulled my wrist away.

"W-W-What are you doing dammit!" I held my wrist up defensively. Antonio looked darker than usual, almost… angry?

"Lovi. What happened to your wrist?" He was staring straight into my eyes. I glanced away trying to think up some excuse but to no avail. "Tell me. Now."

My eyes started to tear up. Not like there was any reason though! It was just sort of bright and my eyes hurt so tears started coming out is all dammit! CHIGI! Shut up! "N-Nothing happened!" Wow. Good lie. Really. Nice one.

I started to break under his gaze. "Lovi. NOW." That's when I broke, spilling more than just tears but also everything that had happened since my father had arrived.

By the time I was done I was still crying and had my face buried into Antonio's chest. I glanced up to see his reaction. At first he looked like he was about to get hit by a fucking truck, but his expression slowly turned to one of anger.

"Where's your father now?" I stared at him. Why did he want to know?

"At home. Why?" I watched as he stood up and walked over to his closet. He pulled out a giant ass axe.

"Because I'm going to kill him." I jumped up and ran over to him.

"No! You can't do that! He may be an ass but Feli loves him and he loves Feli so they can live happily! Plus you're not thinking straight! And would you put the axe down!" His expression softened slightly and he put the axe down.

"Then I'm going to go have a very adult like conversation with him. MAN to MAN." With that he walked out of the room and I fallowed. He ran into the morning streets in the direction of my house. I stayed behind, not wanting to be a part of their fight.

After about ten minutes I heard a knock at the door. I opened it with full force, intending to yell at the bastard. When I opened it, however, it wasn't Antonio but instead my father.

"You told him, didn't you." It was more of a statement than a question and I just stared at him.

"W-What?" I had told Antonio, but if he didn't know that I would rather him not find out until the cops came and took him away.

"You told him!" He pulled me out of the house and threw me on the floor. He pulled out a gun.

My eyes widened and tears started to stream out. This was NOT happening! It has to be a dream! There's no way he would ever MURDER someone! That would get his hands dirty!

"If I'm going to jail anyway I might as well finish you off. It's revenge. You killed my wife, so I'll kill you." He set his finger on the trigger.

Out of nowhere Antonio ran up and smashed his fist in my father's mouth. My father went flying and that was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.


I woke up being held by the bastard. He had his arms wrapped around me and we were sitting on his front porch.

I looked around and saw my father being taken away by police. What the hell happened? When did the police even show up? My head hurt and I really didn't feel like thinking.

I felt something brush my ear. "Your safe now" I turned my head around to meet with Antonio's. Bastard. It's not like I'm scared or anything! Definitely not dammit!

A few feet away I heard a 've~' so I looked up to meet my brother. Who was apparently also with the damn potato bastard and grandpa. "Lovino!" Feli and grandpa snatched me out of Antonio's arms and started squeezing me to death.

"D-Dammit! L-Let go! A-A-Air!" They seemed to get the picture and loosened their grip.

"We were so scared when we got that phone call fratello! We thought you were dead or something! I don't know what I would do if I lost you as well!" Did they not tell them about, I don't know… MY FATHER GETTING ARRESTED! Shouldn't they be more worried about him?

"I can't believe my son in law would actually do that…. But all the same I'm glad you are alright! I would just roll over and die if something had happened to my grand babies!" There it was again. That killer hug. Not to mention now the big baby was crying.

I looked around and noticed Francis, Gilbert, and Matthew were there. When the hell did they even get here? And why!

"The awesome me got a phone call from Antonio so I had to check up on my birdies friend! Being the awesome boyfriend I am and all!" Oh god no. They're… ugh… Matthew! Why the hell! Forget it… AND WOULD YOU STOP BLUSHING!

Francis grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Mon chere~ I am glad to see you are alright. But if you want, I could make you feel even be- ACK!" That, my friend, is the sound of Antonio kicking his friend across the yard.

Before I could laugh at Francis, I was pulled inside. "Bye bye mi amigos! Have to go now~" The cheerful Spaniard closed the door and sighed. When he looked at me he turned a bright pink. What the hell?

"H-Hey Lovi…. Let's sit down, si?" I nodded and fallowed the tomato lover to the couch. When we sat down he grabbed both my hands in his and turned ten shades darker.

"L-Lovi… I-I…. well…. You see…. The thing is…. I-I-" "Spit it out bastard!" So what? I got annoyed. Big deal. It was OBVIOUSLY important! So it's not MY fault he was taking forever! Not to mention my chest was pounding, making it more difficult to concentrate.

He locked his beautiful bright green eyes with mine. Before I even knew what happened he pulled me into a kiss. I froze. My heart stopped working and I couldn't think straight. There's no way. Right?

He pulled back, face flushed. I stared at him and a blush slowly spread across my face.

"Lovi…. I love you! Ti amo Lovi!" My mind kept repeating his words over and over again. I noticed him staring expectantly at me, as if waiting for me to either accept his confession or turn him down. My face heated up and I embraced the idiotic Spaniard.

"I love you too…. bastard" I buried my face in his chest and tried to hide my ever growing blush.

"Ti amo Lovi~" He wrapped his arms around me and we sat like that for what seemed like forever.

A/N: IT'S DONE! Haha stupid father should get the death sentence…. Notice how NO ONE cares that the father was sent to jail? Not even Feli hahaa~ Well anyway! Sorry this whole story thingy was so short… I had intended for it to be around 10 or 11 chapters but then I started to feel like I was stretching it out way too far and there was like NO progress what so ever…. Especially when I hit a writer's block…. Well anyway! Please review and comment~ Love ya guys lots~

I'll try my best on the next story as well! X3 Any questions bout this story feel free to ask! Like someone had asked why Antonio wasn't fired for bein clingy and stuff since he's a teacher….. my answer would probably have to be because that school is awesome and once they reach the age of consent they can do whatever they want~ XD

(If Lovi had reported him though then that would have been a different story~ Haha~) Thanks for reading! X3