Alright friends, this is my first Hetalia fic (posted at least) so please be nice! I got the idea after reading another fic that had the idea Italy got hit with the spell. I couldn't resist the plot bunny after a long night of unrest, so this is what came of it. Enjoy!

Germany woke to the faint early morning light seeping into his room. He predicted it was around ten to six. The time he normally woke every morning. He turned off his back and onto his side to spy the analog alarm clock that sat on his dresser. It read 5:51, which meant he was right, as he was every morning but something was off, a little different this morning and he couldn't place what it was. He reached to turn off the alarm which was set to six and sat up in bed. The covers rustled as he propped his back up against the head board of his bed. He saw that his ditzy Italian ally wasn't sleeping in his bed today and Germany thought he must have had sweet dreams that night. He put his hands to his face, rubbing the sleep away and felt different. Literally. When had his face become so thin? He had sworn he had kept to his regular diet, with the exception of whatever carb-filled dishes Italy made from time to time when Germany let him, but honestly that wouldn't change his head so dramatically and would definitely not make it thinner! He brought his hands down for inspection, maybe it had something to do with them. What he saw there were not the hands he had gone to bed with. In fact, he blinked a few times to make sure it wasn't the sleep in his eyes, he had never had hands so dainty before in his life! What the hell was wrong with him? What had he eaten last night? Germany found himself wondering if Italy had put anything extra in the pasta he had made last night.

"Was das…?" His voice felt different, weird like something was pinching his throat but still felt natural. Germany felt his face again and couldn't believe what he was feeling. Slowly his hands slipped into his hair to find it had grown. Too much to grow over night. And he also came to note that his boxers and undershirt seemed to be a bit baggier than when he had put them on. Something had happened to him last night. Something bad and at that moment Germany did the one thing that came to his mind, something that he would never have dreamed of doing in his whole life. He screamed.

Italy did indeed have sweet dreams that night. Italy dreamed that Germany was playing football with him. The field was large and surrounded by flowers. The nets were made of woven ivy and the field lines were marked in clovers that were a brighter green that the dark luscious grass. Germany was wearing a tight white T-shirt, which showed his muscles brilliantly. Italy was happy to have such a strong manly guy around to save him every time he got himself in trouble. The german man had a smile on his face as he passed the ball to his ally. Italy giggled and laughed while he ran for the ball. Suddenly his dream changed and the air became cold. The luscious green ground froze over and covered itself with a deadly frost while the leaves on the ivy turned brown and crumpled, falling and turning to dust in the wind.

"Germany! Help!" Italy turned to his friend to find a look of terror on his face and his mouth opened. A shrill high pitched noise came from him that Italy had never heard before. His own scream was silenced before it started as he was swallowed by blackness.

Italy awoke sitting up straight in his bed, squeaking a yelp as he did. He found himself panting, his shoulders and chest heaving to let air into his lungs.

"Germany!" He squawked as he blinked, thrashing his head around. Then he heard it. The screaming, it was real! It sounded like it was coming from Germany's room, and to Italy that was great news at the time because that was where he was headed anyway. He hurried down the hall and threw open the door to see a distraught and confused looking young woman sitting upright in the bed. Italy looked around the room.

"Germany?" The girl looked at him and he smiled back, his focus now turned to the woman. What was such a pretty girl doing in Germany's bed?

"Hello pretty lady! What are you doing in Germany's bed? I've never seen him bring girls to the house before! What's your name?" Italy couldn't help but notice the stark similarity between the lady and Germany. Her hair was the same colour as Germany's and was straight and kept back (though now there were more than a few pieces gone awry that hung in her face in an adorable way), their eyes were the same colour too, they even wore the same thing to bed!

"Uh…" The confused look never left the girl's face and she seemed not to be able to speak at the moment, so Italy decided that he would have to talk enough for the both of them.

"I'm Italy Veneziano, it's very nice to meet you!" Italy rushed into the room and took the lady's hand giving it a soft kiss. "You are very lovely, I can see why Germany would want you to stay in his bed. He is very protective you know! You look a lot like him too did you know? You could be his little twin sister! Oh are you his little sister? He never told me he had any more siblings! If you're his sister than I could see why he would want you to sleep in his bed, so he could protect you even in the night! We are going to get along just great I can tell! Even though I don't know who you are I like you already, maybe because you remind me of Germany! Not to say that you aren't very lovely yourself of course! Where is Germany anyway?" Italy had been so busy trying to charm the girl he had forgotten the original reason that he came to Germany's room and started looking around again.

"Italy!" The gruff but female voice caused him to snap his head back to the woman in the bed. "It's me Italy. It's Germany!"

Italy's brow furrowed. This beautiful lady couldn't be his big strong Germany! Could she?


The reason Italy was acting so oddly must have been because of what had happened to him. After getting Italy to calm down Germany ran to washroom, slapping the light switch and turning on the light. He caught his reflection in the mirror and his jaw dropped. Her jaw rather. Italy was right, he was a girl!

"No way!" she shouted at her reflection. Her hand threw to her throat. This couldn't be his voice! This wasn't, it was her voice. How was she supposed to give orders with a voice like that!

"Oh mein GOTT!" She ran her fingers through her long hair which was still partially stuck to the top of her head form yesterday's gel. She ran her hands up and down her arms and then to her... chest.

"Germany? Is it really you? Since when were you a pretty lady?" Italy poked his head in the bathroom, his eyes were full of confusion and a little intrigue as they ran over the german.

This can't be happening. How can this be happening? What the hell is happening? Germany's thoughts were frenzied and fast. Italy had started babbling about him actually being a girl when Germany went up to him. She put her hands on either side of the Italian's shoulders and said, "Italy you are not helping!" It was then she noticed their difference in height. Italy noticed too.

"Germany! Look I grew overnight! We're almost the same size now! Isn't that great? Now you won't have to lean down when I kiss you!" Italy started bobbing up and down with happiness.

"I don't think that's it Italy." Germany turned back to her reflection, sizing herself up. Yep it was definitely her who had shrunk. Great. My troops will really take me seriously now.

"…and now we can get great deals on vacations because we can go together and get all the good stuff that comes with package deals and-"

"ITALY! Shut up!" Germany burst out at the annoying Italian who was already giving her a headache.

"Oh yes you are definitely Germany!" Italy had a slightly frightened look on his face but soon reverted to his happy self.

Germany raised her hands to her face and rubbed her temples. What was she going to do? And more importantly, who had done this to her, and how?

The previous night, around 1:00am

"There that should do the trick..." England held the newly dried scroll up and began to read the words he had written there. After the first recital the chalk-drawn circle in front of him stared to glow a purpley-white, and after the second his black cloak started to blow in breeze his sorcery created. A smile spread across his lips as he said the lines one last time-

"Hey British dude!" America burst in, flinging the door nearly off it's hinges as he did. "What's goin'on?"

"America! What are you doing here?" He had even done it in his own house this time! Why was that babbling git in his basement?

"I came for a visit!"

"Why? We're having a meeting here tomorrow anyway!" England turned around to fume at his former charge as his glowing circle loudly poofed. "Great look what you did! You git!"

America took a look around his surroundings. His expression changed to one of kind of being creeped out as he said, "Um.. I'll just wait for you upstairs... Actually I'll just come back tomorrow. Later dude!" He shut the door behind him and England could hear his heavy footsteps up the stairs. Letting out a sigh he returned to his ruined circle.

"I wonder if it worked." He still held a vain hope that is spell to turn France into a girl had worked. That sissy had already surrendered so it would do any harm to the allies. England swept passed his ruined chalk circle to the crystal ball on the other side of the room. God, how does America manage to mess everything up? Removing his hood, the kingdom raised his hands above the crystal orb as he murmured a dark spell and the ball glowed with life. He conjured the image of France. He laid in his bed, the covers just covering up his naked body in the right places.

"Damn!" England's fist came down hard on the wooden table, rattling everything that sat on top of it. I guess the spell didn't work. He returned his eyes to the peacefully sleeping man (and he was definitely a man) in the bed for just a moment. The spell was almost finished when America had barged in on him, maybe it had worked, just in the wrong place? England decided he would check on all the other nations before he quit his work. His fingers moved across the crystal and he murmured more spells from his lips. Just when he thought everyone was done, he remembered the Axis. He checked on Japan first, no signs of unrest there, then Italy. He was almost fooled. Italy really did look like a girl, but then he shifted in his sleep, revealing his bare chest. Definitely still a man.

"Maybe it didn't hit anyone," England wondered aloud as he switched the image in the orb to Germany. England gasped and nearly dropped his hands as he saw the clear as day image of Germany in bed. He had long blond hair, a thin face and his clothes looked three sized too big. England smiled to himself.

"Well. I think I've just discovered a new military tactic."

I hope you enjoyed! I hope to have another chapter added by the weekend so sit tight! there is definitely more to come! Review ^3^