"Dammit, Zexy!" I growled, as I pried open the boy's mouth. "You need to eat!" The boy was practically a skeleton-and I wasn't going to watch my best friend waste away. So if he wouldn't eat on his own-well, then I'd just have to feed him.

I didn't really mind doing it-it gave me an excuse to make perverted jokes and see that beautiful smile of his. So for most of the half-hour lunch, I sat right next to the adorable slate-haired boy and shoved things in his mouth and yelling "Take it like a man!" and "Don't let it sit! Swallow, swallow-don't you dare spit, boy!" much to the amusement of the people who passed by the staircase during lunch.

I met Zexion freshman year-he'd been a friend of a friend, and I hadn't really cared all that much for him; he wasn't particularly attractive before I knew him, but once I got to know him, I guess I...'fell' for him. The way his teeth were crooked and how when you touched him he made the strangest, most unpredictable noises in the universe. How when you wiggled your fingers he'd bust out laughing, how he always wore the same thing, everyday-black high-waisted jeans covered by a baggy black t-shirt and as many as two hoodies-how he seemed so hard to make happy, but all you had to do was smile and poke at his face and he'd start smiling against his will.

I realized early on that I was, undeniably, and fully, head-over-heels with the boy.

The problem?

Well, for one-Zexion didn't date guys. He was straight. Or, maybe a better term would be asexual. I know he's kissed a guy though, so I think he might not be completely straight.

For two, he had no self-esteem, and didn't believe that anyone could ever love him. And for that, sometimes I want to just smack the guy, 'cause I'm not that secretive about how I feel about him. Anyone could tell just by looking at us that I really care about him-why else would I take the time out of my day to pry his jaws open and shove food in, forcing him to chew and swallow? I could just as easily let him starve-but I don't. Because I know that if I don't do this, no one will. I don't want him to wind up dead-he's my best friend. We might not be that close, but I still love the guy.

The third reason? Because I love him so much that I will wait forever. Even if he never sees my love-that's okay. Because I know it exists. I've always known. Even if he can't see it-won't acknowledge it, it's there. It's deep and churning inside of me like the ocean, and it's tearing me apart, but I'll wait out the storm.

So I've resorted to telling him telepathically, "Zexy, I love you. I always have, and always will. Even if you don't want me-even if I'm not good enough-I'll still be there, waiting for the day when you don't need me, the day when you're okay. And if that day never comes, I will live out my entire life, just sitting beside you, heavy-in-my-heart, showing you what I feel through these staring contests and day-making jesting ways."

I don't think he notices.

A/N: I know this doesn't seem very Demyx-y in that over-hyper sugar-crazed way we fans like to cast him, but I think that everyone has a deep side, don't you?

Did I just project my problems onto Demyx? Yes, yes I did.