
Chapter Eight: Bewilderment

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

So this is what it feels like to be home. Laying in silence, I took the comfort of my surroundings in.

Wow, I thought to myself. My head does not feel nearly as heavy as it did a few minutes ago. Maybe opening my eyes did do the trick. Blinking my eyes to look around I felt a wave of relief at the familiarity of everything. The dimly lit room was the medical ward, and it was decorated with various objects that their family had collected over the years. Mixing a bit of home with the machines was Splinter's idea. He thought that it will make the room look more comfortable and less intimidating. Which was true, it made staying in the ward bearable for long periods of time.

Before I could even think, the pain from the rest of my body began to hit me. My limbs felt like meat on a hot grill, and my body felt as though it was stuffed with needles. Ouch, I inwardly sighed, something tells me that I am not going to like what I see. Glancing down, I noticed that my body was covered in bandages and there was a cast on my right arm. My left left was suspended in some sort of sling, and my shell has a clamp on it. I couldn't get a clear view of my whole body from this position, but from what I could tell, I must have looked like complete shit.

"Great" I choked out in a barely audible voice. I knew that I was going to be out of commission for weeks, maybe even months. I stared silently at the ceiling for who knows how long, unsure of what to do next when I heard the rustling noise, and the familiar voice again.

"You're awake now," said the unfamiliar voice, "I knew you could do it!"

The voice did not belong to any of my brothers, my father, or anyone that I knew, unless someone somehow got a radical voice change. It was somewhat higher, and the accent sounded a bit different. Looking around frantically, I didn't see anyone at first. While glancing around the room again, my eyes passed the spare bed only to shot back there in absolute disbelief.

Of all the crazy things that I had experienced over the past few days, this was by far the weirdest. Words could not explain the confusion I was feeling. Fear blocked my throat, and I tried desperately to swallow it down, but it felt like swallowing a boulder. This was not possible, it was so not possible. Feeling my breathing hitch up and perspiration gather on my forehead I couldn't help but to feel terror wash over my body.

I was trapped and defenseless. Cornered in a room with something that should have never been here. Do my brothers know about this. I couldn't help but to wonder if my brothers were aware about this situation or not.

"Hey, calm down will ya!"

How in the heck was I supposed to calm down? Sitting on the spare bed grinning in the corner of the ward, was the teenager that I saw on top of the building. The teenager that I followed when he jumped off the building. The teenager that I was searching for when I was trapped in the world. He was sitting there, happy as a clam, looking at me as if nothing was strange about his presence.

How the fuck was this happening?

Frantically as I struggled to futilely to move my limp and injured body. I didn't know whether I was trying to put as much distance between me and that boy, or go over there and wring his neck.

Crud, I thought silently, I can't even get my fingers or toes to twitch! Where is the chick from Kill Bill Volume One when you need her?

Taking a break from my useless efforts to move or make an audible sound, I glanced at the teenager who was still sitting on the spare bed with that same snarky grin on his face. Now that there was light, and I wasn't risking my life to save him, I could actually see what he looked like. He was of average height, with a very lean but strong build to him. He had the fairest skin that I have ever seen on a person, much like the moons reflection on a clear body of still water. Am I a master poet or what? His hair was a very light shade of blonde, only a few shades darker than his creamy skin.

The most prominent feature however, were his eyes.

His eyes were very large in comparison with the rest of his face and had a 'doe' like expression to them. They were blue, the same shade as my eyes, but held an icy haunted look to them. Wow, I thought while mentally rolling my eyes, I'm describing him as if he's some dreamy character in a romance novel. Come on Mikey, get it together dude!

Okay creep, what's with the staring? I spat mentally, this creepy jerk probably finds my struggling funny

"No, actually I do not", the teenager replied without losing his cocky smirk.

Okay this is so weird, he did it again! How does he know what I am thinking?

As I turned my head to face the teen, I initially wanted to give him a piece of my mind. I had a million questions to ask him, and I wanted to know the answers to them. However, when our eyes met, I couldn't help but feel a slightly calming feeling run throughout my entire body. The tranquil sensation quickly vanished once the boy moved off the bed, and silently sauntered his way towards me. His lanky limbs appeared to move to a rhythm that only he could hear. His grace and poise were remarkable.

No! Go back to the other side of the room dude and stay away from me!

Feebly, I desperately tried to put up some form of struggle, anything that would alert my brothers that I was awake and in potential danger. I felt my heart speed up, and my breathing come out in short irregular breaths. Suddenly, he stopped above me and stared at me with his piercing cold azure eyes.

"Hey," he spoke with soft authority, "calm down."

Calm down! I screamed internally as I continued my struggle for some sort of movement or sound, I don't even know you. You could be some crazy psycho turtle killer from a different dimension, and I am trapped in a room with you and completely helpless! We have enough of those already, just leave me alone.

"Dude," he spoke again a little more firmly, "I said calm down; I am not going to hurt you."

Stopping my strain, I gazed up at the teenager with questioning eyes. I guess if he wanted to hurt me, he would have done it by now or while I was out. He wouldn't have waited.

I hope your reading my mind now weirdo, I thought as I scrunched my eyebrows together, Okay dude, if you're not here to hurt me, then who the hell are you, how did you get here, and what do you want, ?

He stared down at me with that same cheshire grin and his creepily calming blue eyes for what seemed like forever. He never blinked, his face never twitched. He was so shockingly still.

Wow, this guy is just as good as Leo is when it comes to staring.

Maybe he can't read my mind afterall. People can't read other peoples, or turtles, minds. The guy probably just had a few lucky responses, like that lady on Long Island Medium.

Calming down a bit more, I took a deep breath in an attempt to slow down my rapid breathing.

I am probably just freaking myself out and over thinking things.

Closing my eyes, I instantly snapped them open at the sound of the kid laughing. Looking up, I noticed that he finally broke his gaze upon me and was shaking violently with unsung glee.

What the heck is so funny? I thought as I continued to stare at the teen in confusion.

"You", he replied still laughing, still clearly tickled pink.

Moi, what is so funny about me? Man, I really wish I could talk right now!

Straining again against the pain I was feeling throughout my entire body, I managed, with great effort, to make a slight grunting noise that succeeded in distracting the mysterious teenager from his laughing fit.

Great Mikey, the first sound you make was a pathetic grunt. It wasn't even a good solid grunt like the ones Raph can make. Kicking myself mentally, I got lost in my self pity until the sound of the teens voice got my attention.

"Sorry for laughing, man, it's just that your face gets all funny looking when you are trying to figure something out."

Funny looking when I try to figure- you jerk, so you can hear what I am thinking! I am going to need some answers. Who are you, and why did you try jumping off of that building? Why are you not hurt? Why are you in my home? Where are you from? What the heck is going on?

"Alright, alright, just calm down and give me a minute" he replied suddenly.

He quietly stood up, and smoothed out the shirt he was wearing. Walking to the other side of the bed, he gently turned my head to that our eyes were leveled. In a voice not much louder than a whisper, he introduced himself, and my world shattered.

"My name is Sven, and it's a pleasure to finally see you again, Mikey."

(A/N) I hope you all are enjoying yourselves so far!