Double D's Diary

(If found do NOT open and return it right away!)






Chapter #1: The Beginning

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Today was certainly, and interesting day. Ed and Eddy tried to come up with the worst scam ever! Bunny hopping, I mean, seriously, who would pay a dollar to dress up as a bunny and hop around a crappy obstacle course for 60 seconds (1 minute)! And just as I said: "Eddy no one is going to fall for this stupid trick!" And yet again, I was right, then, Eddy growled and stormed off with Ed to his house so they could watch horror movies, sometimes, I really do not know what to do with those guys.

They also tried to steal Sara's diary yesterday, it was very obvious that Eddy forgot the serious beating that we all most got from her the first time he stole her diary! He must have if he was plenty willing to do it again! Eddy chased after Ed to Ed's fridge and boom! There it was, Sara's diary sitting on the table, Eddy could not seem to resist, Ed and I chased him out of the house begging him to put it back when Kevin came, yes, Kevin, he came, took the diary away from Eddy and out it back. Then, he called Sara, "You might wanna get home." He whispered into my ear, not mean or rude but... Kind, all most in a protective tone, I remember feeling my face burn from my blushing.

He walked me home and helped me with my chores! And then I got to make homemade pizza, it has been a long time since I made homemade pizza, and I never get to make it for Ed nor Eddy because they always either order or buy it from the store. So I do not get to make it often, but I was very pleased to make it for Kevin, I have had a crush on him for so long! And I know that this book knows it because I have written it in here so many times I cannot even count!

Anyway, so Kevin and I had pizza together, Ed and Eddy went home to watch a horror movie, so Kevin and I ate and talked, it was very weird, but it felt so nice! I mean, he was so nice! His eyes, his smile, his laugh, his facial expressions! And his hat was off, so I could see his bright orange hair! His bangs, like mine, and Ed's, covered his eyebrows, the length ending right underneath his chin. I really want to tell him how I feel about him, but what would Ed and Eddy think! What would everyone in the Cul-De-Sac think! What would he think! Besides, I can hardly talk to him without stuttering, or my body shaking like a baby's rattle!

Double D set down his book and pen to think about what else happened between yesterday and today. Nothing much, yesterday, he, Ed, and Eddy came up with the worst scam ever, all most stole Sara's diary, he had homemade pizza with Kevin, and today, well, nothing has happened so far today because he's just woken up from being asleep, he sits in bed staring at the clock that showed: 5:06. He yawned, if only he didn't stay up so late that night! He had to clean the entire house because Ed and Eddy destroyed it when they came over yesterday! It had been a busy 3 days, today, they had the worst scam, yesterday, they were nearly murdered for Eddy being stupid wanting to steal Sara's diary, and the day before that, they slept over and made a huge mess of his house!

Setting his diary down, he closed and locked it up with the little lock and key that he had, he took his shower, pulled on some clean clothes, put the small silver diary key into his pocket and placed the diary onto the desk, he then, made his bed. He started by cleaning all of the bedrooms (which were all up stairs), he would pick up whatever trash there was, make the beds, vacuum, clean the windows, the tables, wash, dry, and put away dishes, wash the floors, the T.V, and every single crack and corner he found. Once that was done, it was 12:03. 7 hours and 3 minutes spent cleaning his house, normally, it only took 5 minutes or less. But Ed and Eddy made such a huge mess of everything, it took so much longer! And if Ed doesn't stop smashing himself threw everything then Double D and/or his parents will have to spend a fortune to fix everything!

Once that was done, he ventured out into the "wilderness" to the store to buy groceries for his home. There he met his friends Ed and Eddy.

"Hey sock head!" He chimed happily as he pounced on his friend.

"Oh, greetings Eddy." He replied weakly, Eddy wrinkled his nose, "What's wrong with you!" Double D, taken aback, smiled.

"My apologies Eddy, I am just tired and have been cleaning all day so far." He explained with a smile as he dropped the last of the groceries into the basket, which was so full it was hard for him to carry.

Eddy grinned greedily, "So what're ya doin'! Gettin' all that food!" He asked as Double D shook his head and set the basket down to relax his now sore arms.

"No, Eddy. This is for my home, Mother and Father sent me a check so I could pay the bills and buy whatever we NEED for the house, now shoo you, I have business to attend to." He replied trying to end whatever Eddy was starting right there. Eddy, irritated and wanting to get down to HIS business grabbed Double D's arm and pulled him towards him, carefully though, carefully, so that he wouldn't hurt his weak friend.

"Now, are ya gonna help us or not!" Double D raised an eyebrow.

"Help you with what Eddy?" He sighed and smacked his face.

"With our new scam!" Double D sighed knowingly, but shook his head.

"I am much to busy for that Eddy, December is next month, and Mother and Father will be coming home. So please, let me attend to my business." He replied walking away from them, Eddy growled but allowed his friend to walk away from them.

Ed frowned, "Double D isn't gonna play with us today Eddy!"

Eddy grumbled, "No Ed! He's too busy for us today!" He snapped frustrated not quite sure how he's going to make his new plan work.

Double D, striving to carry his basket with him around the store collecting the things that he needs, he slowly turned around to see his friends leave the store.

GreatHe thought, I probably should have left with Ed and Eddy, oh well, I have work to do continued to wonder around the store constantly checking the list he made making sure to get what he needs and whatnot. Bump! "Oof!" He had bumped into Kevin! Quickly trying to get to his feet and pick up everything that had fallen out of his basket, he scrambled and clung, his body suddenly shaking. "I am SO sorry Kevin! I did not mean to bump into you!" He apologized frantically trying to help the other boy pick up his groceries.

Kevin, surprised, looked around, and then smiled and laughed, "Hey, it's OK!" He replied bending down to help Double D pick up his stuff. Double glanced over at the taller boy shocked.

"Wh-why are you helping me?" He asked.

"Why shouldn't I? Am I not supposed to?" He asked with a nice smile. Double D blushed, he liked Kevin's smile. He liked his smile! It was a smile that he has never seen before! Everyday he sees the mean, mischievous, grossed out, or ready-to-beat-you-up smile. But this time... It was different! It was... Happy... Friendly!

"I see, well, I apologize, I was not trying to be rude, and I apologize for bumping into you-"

"Hey, accidents happen! OK?" Kevin replied friendly as he finished putting Double D's things into his basket as Double D finished putting Kevin's items into his cart.

Double D's blush deepened as he nodded, his entire face burned! From his forehead and ears, all the way to his chin! His ears and cheeks burned the most, it felt as though someone has just lit them on fire!

"So what're you doing in the store this late?" Kevin asked.

"Oh, groceries, just seeing what I need. Mother and Father might be coming home for Christmas this December."

Kevin smiled, his orange hair looking as the it was on fire as the sun shined on it! His bangs covered his eyebrows, the length ending just underneath his chin, curving inward, his bright hazel-grey. Double D has all ways liked Kevin, Double D moved to the Cul-De-Sac when he was 7-years-old. He didn't develop the crush until his 8th birthday, when Kevin bought him a present and told him not to tell anyone because it would cramp his "style". Double D promised, and no one ever found out, every year in his birthday, Kevin all ways gave him a present and told him the same thing: "Happy birthday Double Dork! And don't tell anyone! 'Cause it'd cramp my style!"

Like all ways, Double D would promise Kevin, and he never did tell anyone, not even Ed nor Eddy!

"I see, I heard from your d-friends that they're never home, that true?" Kevin asked, not to be rude, just out of curiosity, Double D nodded.

"Not that they do not want to be! It is just that... They are very busy with work, you see, before we moved here, we used to be very poor, living in the city and all." He blushed and his his face for a brief moment, Kevin frowned.

"You OK?" Double D nodded as Kevin lightly laid his hand on Double D's shoulder.

"It is just... I have never told anyone this before, not even Ed and Eddy. And they are my closest friends!" He replied a bit shocked.

Kevin laughed, "And yet you manage to tell a big ol' bully! Haha! That's OK, I won't tell anyone." Double D laughed.

"I am not afraid of everyone knowing, especially not such a silly matter such as that one!" He giggled the heat in his face only increasing, "I have just... Well, never told anyone. Kind of funny huh?" Kevin smiled and removed his hand.

"I guess so!" He chuckled putting his hands behind his head, "So what other secrets do ya have! That you'd like to share of course!"

Double D smiled and shook his head, "None! I have nothing to hide Kevin!" He replied quickly walking away, "I better hurry up so I can head to the next store, before it closes!"

"You're going to another store?" Kevin asked in disbelief.

"Yes. In this store, I have bought food, which I need, in this next store, I am going to buy presents for Mother, Father, Ed, and Eddy." He replied happily. Kevin grinned as he took Double D's grocery basket from him, Double D frowned and blushed as he lifted his arms as if to take them back or asking to be picked up. "What are you doing!" He asked a little nervous watching the bag cautiously as if Kevin would drop it.

"Helping you carry it! It looks like your arms are about to snap!" He commented, "You're really weak!"

"I know that all ready!" He snapped, not angry, just embarrassed, Kevin laughed.

"All right, all right, no need to get your panties in a bunch!"

Double D blushed as he walked to the counter with Kevin, feeling more embarrassed, "I do not wear-"

"Whatever! I was just kidding! You take everything much to literal." Kevin replied with a warm, welcoming smile, "Well, I better get going. Before my mom has a 'heat-attack'. See ya later Double D!"

Double D gasped and slowly waved his hand as Kevin waved and walked away.

He said... "Double D"! He said my name!He thought excitedly as he checked in with the counter.

Kevin helped his mother with the rest of the groceries. Walking out of the store, he turned his head and saw Ed and Eddy running to Double D's house, now, he knows that they normally barge in and destroy everything their friend owns, however, they never did it when he wasn't home, and Double D certainly isn't home now, so why are they heading over there? He decided to investigate.

"Hey Mum, may I go... Hang with my," He gulped feeling instantly disgusted with himself, "Friends?" His mother smiled and nodded. And away he went! He chased after the two idiots and beat them to Double D's door.

"What're you losers doing here!" He scoffed. Ed smiled, his dark red hair waving in the wind, Ed had dark red hair, bangs covering his eyebrows, the length ending underneath his chin like Kevin's only his layers stuck outwards and spike-y at the ends (Kevin's layers were spike-y too), his eyes are a shining emerald green, he wears blue jeans, a white and red stripped T-shirt, and a green sweatshirt (sort of like the cartoon, only, it's in anime, they're all in anime). Eddy's soft, silky, shine-y, black hair brushed back neatly, his bangs went to the right, wearing black shorts, and a white T-shirt what a black cross on it.

Kevin didn't wear his old hat anymore, he let his bright orange hair show, wearing a dark green sweatshirt, black jeans, and a black T-shirt with a white skull on it. Double D, still were his beanie bag hat, wearing black jeans, a white polo, a black tie, and black wrist bands around both of his wrists, on weekends he wears black shorts with a red T-shirt, and long white socks. His friends, Ed and Eddy, were the same thing just about, all year long. These new outfits and hairstyles, come from Hot-Topic, for their old clothes, they grew out of, and they all have new hairstyles, except for Double D of course.

"What're you talking about! We all ways come here!" Eddy growled back, "And what're you doin' here anyway!"

"I came here to keep you two away from Double Dorks' house while he's not home!" Kevin argued back, Ed gasped and nodded.

"That's right Eddy! Double D's not home yet! We just saw him-"

"At the store I know! But who cares! I mean, he's our friend right!" Ed nodded and opened his mouth to say something, but Edd shut him up by talking before he got the chance to speak, "Now stop worrying dude! I'm just going to see if he has food!" Eddy fibbed as he shoved Kevin out of his way.

Ed, not longer talks in the annoying way he used to, he's actually smartened up quite a but! I mean, don't get me wrong, he's still a dumb ass! He's just a smarter dumb ass.

"But Ed-!"

"Shut it all ready! Come on Lumpy, I mean, really! How many times have we broken into Double D's house?"

"A thousand times but he was-"

"At home, whatever. It's not like it's any differ-"

"Yeah it is actually, Double D's not home, so what you're doing is not only illegal, but no one's here to watch you and make sure you don't touch anything you're not supposed to!" Kevin bickered back as he went to grab Eddy's arm, only to miss. Eddy rushed inside the building Ed following close behind him, Kevin, chased in after them.

"GET BACK HERE DORKS!" He yelled chasing after them in the huge empty mansion. Kevin looked all around, the place was so big on the inside! How? How could a place looks so small on the inside but be a freakin' mansion on the inside! The place was packed with items, clothes, the finest clothes, dressers, hairstyle equipment, the kitchen was huge! The living room was huge, there were giant bathrooms everywhere, and in 3 rooms he found grand pianos! Every room was so full of so may things! Yet... No people, it seemed so... Lonely.

"How the hell-!" Kevin began but ended once he saw Ed and Eddy standing by a doorway.

"Huge huh? It took Ed and I forever to figure out the way around! But after a year for me, and 3 years for Lumpy over here, we memorized the map, turns out Double D still had the building plan and whatnot. So we memorized it, and walla! We know our way around! Sure is big on the inside though huh?"

Kevin nodded silently as he approached them, "How did they have the money for all this?" Double D said that they used to be poor! And live in the city!He thought dumbfounded.

Eddy shrugged "I guess his' parents are workaholics or something, they work all the time, they're never home. I don't know what they do either, Double D doesn't say. He doesn't say anything really." He explained sheepishly as he sat on Double D's bed.

Kevin stood for a moment looking at the teenagers room. Everything had a label and was cleaned, and I mean clean, the room was completely spotless! Even of germs! You could look at the entire room with a magnifying glass! Or a microscope! You would find not even the slightest speck of dirt!

"He sure... Likes it... Clean..."

"Yeah, I wonder how long it must've taken him to clean all this! And get it all this clean!" Eddy complimented.

Ed shook his head nervously, "We shouldn't be in here Eddy! Not without Double D!" He warned, "Let's leave!"

Eddy sighed, "No!"

Kevin wrinkled his nose, "Why not!

Eddy scowled and narrowed his eyebrows as he got up and carefully searched the room not to ruin or dirty anything even though he knew that Double D would know somebody was here, the boy notices everything!

"I'm lookin' for somethin'!" He snapped back.

Kevin slammed the bathroom door on Eddy's hands (Double D has a bathroom in his room).

"Ow! Bitch!" He snapped.

"Then stop snoopin' threw people's stuff, and get out of Double Dorks' house!" He demanded.

Eddy scowled and pushed Kevin away, "Why the hell do you care! You all ways beat us up anyway! 'Double Dork' too! So, really, what the hell dude!"

Kevin frowned, the room became still and quiet, as if they were the only thing that presently existed. The room felt as though it was spinning into a black hole, Kevin pinched his eyes shut for a moment to collect his thoughts, opening them he shook his head.

"Because... Look, I know I'm a jerk, but this, this isn't right, especially not to your own friend. Dude, that's just... Not cool."

Eddy looked away, "Well, too bad, he's not your friend anyway, so just go away."


Ed sat on Double D's bed and held into his head. "You guys this isn't good!" He yelled worried as he tugged on his hair.

Eddy looks on Double D's desk! "There it is!" He chimed happily picking up the book that read:

Double D's Diary

(If found do NOT open and return it right away!)

Kevin's eyes widened, he grabbed Eddy's wrist and twisted it slightly, just enough to make him dropped the locked book.

"What the hell are you doing! That's private and personal property Eddy!" He nearly yelled.

Eddy kicked his arch-nemesis in the groin. Kevin gasped and stepped back holding onto his groin, "Cheap shot!" He growled.

"Whatever!" He snapped turning to the lock in the diary, "Damn! Locked!" He frowned as he ran to the kitchen, Ed and Kevin chasing after him.

"Eddy stop!"

"NO!" Kevin screamed at the top of his lungs as he pounced on Eddy knocking him down the stairs, the two rolled down, down, and down.

"OW!" Eddy shrieked the back of his head hitting the floor hard, he strived to pick himself up, succeeding he forced himself to get to the kitchen, he quickly grabbed a small hammer from the counter, where Double D all ways left it.

Ed and Kevin raced each other into the room, "Why! Why are you doing this to your friend!" Kevin asked frustrated, confused, and angry.

Eddy growled, "Because, there's something wrong with him! Don't tell me that you haven't seen it! Somethin's buggin' him! And whatever it is he's not going to tell us! He's distracted and seems like his really hurt!"

Kevin gasped his chest moving up and down, breathing hard from running around. That's right...He thought, He had been acting funny, distracted, hurt, scared possibly... I asked him about it yesterday before he went home. He told me everything was OK, but then again, he could have lied. But Double D... Lying? It just... Doesn't seem possible...He took a deep breath thinking on what to do, Then earlier today...


"Hahaha! So is there any other secrets you wanna tell me!" He had said laughing, Double D had look so nervous, his face looked so red and worried, as if he was really distracted and thinking hard about something. But he smiled, his face still red, "None! I have nothing to hide Kevin!" He had replied smiling nervously, and then he had walked away quickly, very quickly.

End Flashback

Could it be that he is hurting? Or worried about something? Could he be distracted by something awful that could have happened? Is he OK? What am I going to do?Kevin thought, all the questions racing through his head, racing through his heart. Ed and Eddy stood there quietly watching Kevin as if they were Hawks.

"What!" Kevin snapped, his teeth gritted, his fists clenched. Eddy's light blue eyes remained the same. Cold, and full of worry and hate.

"Are you in? Or what?"


"Don't act stupid. You sound concerned. Look, if you really care about Double D, then you can stay... If you want. But if you don't care, then get the hell out." He said calmly and boldly.

Kevin stood there in shock and dismay, but he really didn't know what else to do. He sighed and walked up to Eddy ripping the hammer out of Eddy's hands.

"Fine. But let me do it, otherwise you'll break something." He snapped bitterly.

"Whatever." It was quiet after that, his heart pounded so hard! It pounded so hard it felt like his heart was going to explode! Pounding so fast that it was skipping beats! Never had he been so nervous of something or someone.

Double D, so kind, so smart, so germ-o-phobic, so clean, so pure, so innocent... So kind! So freaking innocent!Kevin felt his face brightening at these thoughts, felt his face sting at these thoughts.

Eddy rolled his eyes, "Just open the damn thing all ready!" He snapped, "I'm not gonna wait here all day-!"


Eddy's light blue eyes widened, Ed's emerald green eyes grew small, Kevin's light hazel-gray eyes became small, his pupils large, his heart pounded! Boom! BOom! BOOm! BOOM!

The small silver lock fell off the diary with a small: "Clang!" Taking a deep breath, he stepped back dropped the hammer to the floor. Eddy grinned a little bit and nailed Kevin in the shoulder.

"OK then, psycho! Don't you think it was a tad bit over-dramatic!" He teased, Kevin scowled, releasing a low growl from the back of his throat. He felt hazzy and dizzy. His head and chest hurt, he wished, in a small way, that he didn't come to Double D's house rescue. Eddy picked up the the small white book.

He took a deep breath, "Here it goes."

Ed whimpered, "Eddy-"

"No Ed." His friend hushed him quietly.

Opening the book he paused before reading it out loud, "By the way. Whatever is said and/or read STAYS between us, got it?" He commanded glaring at both boys.

Ed nodded.

Kevin took a deep breath trying to calm his pacing hurt, "Yeah."

The three boys embraced themselves, Eddy held tightly onto the book, his hands slightly trembling.

"Here it goes."