Disclaimer: I do not own Gallagher Girls. I know don't we all wish we do though

Cammie's POV

I was running for my life. Dramatic but true. My name is Cameron Ann Morgan, to my friends I'm simply known as Cammie or Cam, to my mom I'm called Kiddo, my aunt calls me Squirt, Zach (My Blackthorne Boy who I left behind) calls me Gallagher Girl, and if we ever meet in the field call me Chameleon. I can blend in just about any environment.

I've run from all these people in my life and not just them my entire school. They'd probably send search teams looking for me. It's sort of a primary thing to do at my school if one of us goes missing. What else would a school for spies do when it happens? Did I forget to mention that, well it's true the people of Roseville, Virginia think that the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women is just a school stuck-up, bratty, and straight up mean girls. Any time they see us outside of school we're given the Gallagher Glare. Don't ask me how it started it's just always been called that.

Anyways I ran away from them. The CIA is probably looking for me. But I'm known as one of the best pavement artist there is (That means I blend hence my codename). I'm being chased by an ancient terrorist organization called, the Circle of Cavan, Ioseph Cavan was the leader and founder of it. The CoC is responsible for the first attempt of assassination on Abraham Lincoln (the one you don't hear of) and many other assassinations. Ioseph was killed by the lovely founder of Gallagher Gillian Gallagher herself. After she killed him using his own sword (It hangs in the halls) she opened up a school for girls to learn the skills it takes to be a spy. There weren't many now but where did you think the CIA got most of their woman spies, seriously.

My dad, Matthew Morgan, went MIA about 7 years ago. After that my mom, Rachel Morgan formally Cameron, got the job which she still has as Headmistress of Gallagher. My dad was said to have been caught by the CoC, he had something they wanted and now they think that I have it. So I left, I couldn't put my family, friends, and school in-danger because of me, it had to be done. Worst part oh your gonna love this, Zach you remember him calls me Gallagher Girl, he's actually very sweet. He has dark brown hair which covers his beautiful bright emerald eyes. He's always been there for me but after this I'm not sure how much I trust him. That's because his mom is the leader of the CoC. The mother of the guy I'm in love with wants me captured and dead.

Oh. My. God. That's the first time I've ever said – well thought that I was in love with Zach. I guess I can't deny it I really do love him. Well I ran away from him. It was his idea but he wanted us to run away together. To get off that radar, well I've done that on my own and now I'm here in New York.

New York is perfect for a person like me, tons of people on the streets a day, I can hide in here for some time.

I've currently changed my appearance now. My once light brown hair is now black and my ever changing eyes are currently green. My outfit has gone from everyday wear to high on the fashion market. Living with Macey McHenry (Yes. THE Macey McHenry the Senators Daughter) was my roommate. Oh how I miss her, and Bex my best friend since seventh grade, and Liz the only person I know who can curse in over 14 languages yet when she messes up she chooses to just say 'Oopsie Daisy.' I wonder how my mom is. Or even if Mr. Solomon woke up yet. It's been almost 3 weeks since I last saw any of them and they've been hard but I realized that this is what the field will be like. Having to venture out on my own every now and then.

Anyways I was walking around New York and realized I needed a place to stay for the night. I looked around for any hotels and I literally couldn't find any. It's New York for Pete's sake there has to be one freaking hotel here. I have to do this. It's risky but I have to. I have to find a house for me to stay in. I looked around the houses that looked like someone was actually home. 139.82 feet away was an old brownstone house along the street. The lights were on and I saw movement. It was risky, I could've been putting these people lives' at stake. But it was important, if I slept on the street there was a more likely chance for the CoC to see me out there. And people in New York see this every day. Who's to say one of them would help me.

I made split-decision and started walking to the brownstone house. It looked about 3-stories tall with about 5 windows on top and 4 in the middle. The sides held none and I couldn't see the back. I made my observation in about 2 seconds maximum. I managed to make myself look like I was admiring the building as I made my way to the door. I was standing on the doorsteps about to ring the bell, knock the door or anything. I kept on thinking what would happen to these people would they be able to stand it. Can I seriously put them in trouble. I made a guess split-decision and knocked on the door. I waited just about 5 seconds (It was really 5.32 seconds – oh yeah like you care).

The door opened up to reveal a boy about my age, but you wouldn't know unless you were as skilled as me, he tall for his age which I said to be around 16 maybe 17 like me. He had light brown hair about as long as Zach's and light brown eyes to match. He was very cute or as Bex would say 'He's bloody gorgeous.' His face took one of confusion for a quick second before it vanished to an impassive mask. I could still see he was questioning my presence.

"Um Hi." I said gaining confidence. "Can I stay her for the night?"