Title: Happy Birthday
Characters: Rin, Yukio
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: K
Warnings: none
Summary: In their own way, both Rin and Yukio have perfect façades. Yet, when it comes to upholding them in front of the other, Yukio is better. And even then, when it comes to Rin finally breaking, his brother is powerless.
Disclaimer: I don't own Ao no Exorcist, neither Rin nor Yukio (sadly xD)

Rin let the door shut itself behind him as he took a step forward, his hand gripping Kurikara so hard that his knuckles were white. He looked around on the roof of the dormitory, walking towards one of the railings, and finally, he sat down, letting his head drop forwards with an exasperated sigh. It being winter, and already in the evening, it was below freezing, but he didn't really feel the temperature, despite only wearing a shirt and pants. He hadn't even bothered to pull on socks.

It was the twenty-seventh of December, and Rin just wanted to hide. He hadn't even wished Yukio happy birthday yet — he would do that later, of course, but for now, he just couldn't face his younger twin.

This was their first birthday that they spent away from the church — away from their father. It had used to be such a happy occasion… all it held now was bitter memories and regret. Even if most of the time Rin could be blusterous and carefree, there was a little part of him that could never, ever forgive himself. And on such a special day, he just couldn't avoid all the memories he managed to suppress the rest of the time. Yukio had been right — the old man's death was his fault, and his alone. And now, even though his mind kept screaming at him to keep his resolve, to keep moving forward — his heart wavered.

"Nii-san, do you think it is right that we were born into this world?"

Well, now Rin wasn't so sure of the answer himself. Of course, it was okay for Yukio — Yukio was perfect, he had never made a mistake; wherever Shirou was now, he was definitely proud of him — but Rin was full of faults; he was just a wretch altogether.

He suddenly remembered the last time he had heard someone say "Happy Birthday" to him — it sent a jolt of pain through his chest, a bitingly bitter shock-like feeling, as he remembered his father's features twisted into the insane grin of Satan. And before he could even realize, the tears just started flowing, just like that last time.

If there was one thing, only one single thing that he wished he could take back, they were the words he had said to Shirou.

But there was just no way now. No way back — only forward.

A/N: This little drabble is actually the beginning of one of my favourite roleplay threads with my awesome friend, Jackie. She and I run a roleplay group called Aoi Honoo (Blue Flame) on tumblr (yes, shameless self-advertisement, lolol), where I play Rin, and she plays Yukio, and this was my thread-opening post. Since I didn't get her permission to publish the entire thing (since half of it was written by her, of course), this is just a teaser, but I'll gladly message the link to the entire thread to anyone who asks. (Hint, hint, yes, I'd love it if you reviewed, even if you only say you liked it and would like to read the rest.)

If anyone is interested in roleplaying with us in general (we still have the majority of the spots open, and the applying process is really easy!), the link to the roleplay group is on my profile!

Love you all~!

