Russia walked up to the secretary, "Da, you're not Carol." Russia said curiously. "Erm…no…no I'm not, Mr. Canada had to fire her because she wasn't doing her work properly, and was exercising unprofessional displays in the work office with co-workers." You said a bit nervously not looking at the man.

"Ah, let me guess she slept with America."

"Oh, so you know?" You looked up and flinched, gulping and turning white with fear. A vision of a blurry figured flashed through your mind for a fleeting second.

Russia tried to act like he didn't care about you flinching at him, it was natural for a male or female to wince when they first saw him, but it was getting pretty annoying. He looked over you, and noticed that you were pleasantly plump, or as others would say fluffy or even sturdy. She definitely must have a taste for food, but knows how to keep her figure from going overboard. He thought with interest.

"Of course I know, I'm Canada's boss, would you mind telling me if he's in?"

"R-right, yes, yes he is. Go right on in." You said as you pressed a button, paging Canada. "Sir, Mr. Russia is coming in to see you."

"Thank you _." The voice said from the machine.

Russia bypassed her, trailing his fingers along the desk as he left. You sighed in relief, and went back to work.

"So you finally decided to fire Carol?" Russia asked.

"Yes." Canada said sadly as he looked up tiredly and cleaned his glasses.

"So, what are you going to do about your brother?"

"America? Well since he's in an equal position as I am, I can't quite do that." Canada said.

"You could if you took the promotion I offered." Russia chuckled.

Canada smiled, "I could, couldn't I? Though that's not the point, you're more equipped to dealing with people like him than I could ever be. You're intimidating and people both fear and respect you, they listen to you. I would do anything for a little bit of that."

Russia laughed lightly, "Anyways, speaking of intimidation, that new secretary of yours seems pretty frightened by me."

"Oh, it's not just you trust me, she's uncomfortable around all men."

"I see."

"So, are we still catching the football game this afternoon?" Canada asked.

Russia smiled, "That's what I came to ask."

Canada nodded, "I guess it's settled then. It's your turn to come over to my house, so I'll be supplying the snacks, while you provide the drinks."

"Okay then, I'll see you later." Russia nodded and left, he came back through the door he had come from.

You heard him coming and kept your eyes trained on the scream, typing a mile a minute. Russia extended his arm to you, to shake your hand but you jumped.

"I'm sorry, did I startle you?" He asked.

You nodded, and then hesitantly shook his hand, with a firm grip then pulled away swiftly.

Russia was itching to ask you outright if he frightened you but he believes that Canada may be correct in the whole you're uncomfortable around all men. But he decided to just keep an eye on you, and see if you really did flinch around all men.

You watched the big Russian man leave, you wondered what he and Canada had been talking about, but since it didn't concern you, you weren't going to dwell on it. You hated how you acted around men, but it wasn't personal, it was natural instinct for you.

Later at the end of the work day, Canada asked you if you would like to do overtime for some extra hours, and you nodded, "Yes, thank you Mr. Canada."

You stayed at the office and worked your extra hours and then went and found your car, and drove home, your general nature made you well aware of your surroundings and you had a sense that you would make it home alright.

You hated stopping at the red lights, since it made you so paranoid but you continued home anyways and as soon as you parked, you locked the door, with a key and a dead bolt.


Russia plopped onto Canada's couch with Canada's favorite drink and his own vodka. Canada took his drink and they both sipped at the drinks, and watched with some eagerness at the game.

But soon enough they were screaming and shouting at the screen like most men, urging their players on, even if the teams were miles from here with no possible way of them hearing the strange duo of friends.

"YEAH! WE WON!" The sandy blonde and the beige haired man shouted happily high-fiving each other with a strong satisfying smack that stung the smaller man's hand. Though he didn't care, it was nice to have a friend that both protected him and actually paid attention to him.

Throughout most of his life, he was ignored and was in the shadow of his older brother, the best that ever happened in his life was Russia hiring him, for being himself, a respectable, hard-working man who put his work before his own emotions.

He wasn't hired because he was 'America's little brother' as everyone always called him in high school. No, he was hired because he was suitable for the job, and he felt a great sense of pride that it was he who was able to keep a job. In fact, it was him who ended up hiring America because he needed the job so bad.

"So, Russia, did you fire America?"

"Nah, I'll give him one more chance, before I do, but you don't have to worry my young friend, you're immune." Russia chuckled.

Canada smiled warmly, Russia wasn't just his boss the big Russian man was his friend. That's why he refused the promotions; to prove that their friendship wasn't the reason he had a decent position in the business.

"She's pretty, very pretty."

"Hmm?" Canada said as began putting up the food.

"_, you're new secretary."

"Oh, yes she is, isn't she? She's an old friend of mine from high school; we weren't exactly the most popular of people as you can understand."

Russia nodded, he did understand, when he was in high school himself, he had been an outcast. Everyone feared him and he was rejected from all the sports because the coaches thought he'd accidentally kill one of the students.

Russia didn't mind too much, on the norm, he had a very gentle nature. It was probably for the best anyways because if he had been allowed on and got angry, someone would've gotten hurt.

He stretched and helped Canada carry the rest of the goodies into the kitchen, "Well, I should be on my way. Have a good sleep Canada." Russia said.

"Oh, yeah, get some well deserved sleep too Russia." Canada said, the Russian nodded and left.

You were writing in your journal, something you always did every night before going to bed. You kept it with you at all times, because it among other journals, were the last presents you ever received from your mother, before she died on your tenth birthday.

Your mother knew how much you loved to write and she knew when you wrote you tended to write a lot. So your mother had went out and bought you a very large box of journals, notebooks and composition notebooks.

You were at the end of your supply; after all, it had been nearly nine years, since your mother's death. So this was the last journal of your mother's birthday gift. So you were hoping to have many amazing experiences this year. That way, this would be the most sentimental and you could believe your mother would be happy that you had something good happen in your life…for once.

So far it was good, you had written about the chance meeting with Canada, an old friend from high school. Talking to him about how your life has been since then and getting a house nearby and looking without success for a job. Which it was then that he had offered you a job, saying you were a hard worker. Even though you highly doubted that since you worked just as hard as everyone else.

You shifted your pen to start a new sentence and thought of today at work, and then you wrote, It's only been a few days since I started working at this business with Canada, but I finally met his boss…he's very…well…he reminds me of know what I mean, Mom. Russia seems to be decent enough as a guy but…well…as you well know I won't ever look at a man the same way again, never again.

You sighed and closed the book; your phone played your favorite song, Fireflies by Owl City. You smiled, you knew who it was, the only man you knew you could trust, Canada. You clicked the talk button and answered, "Hey Canada."

You could hear him sigh in relief when you answered, "Good, so you're doing okay?"


"All doors and windows locked?"

"As always."

"Curtains closed?"

"Of course."

"Alright, I don't think I'm forgetting anything."

"Canada, thanks for being concerned for my welfare."

You could hear him chuckle, "You're my oldest friend _, I don't think I would've survived high school without you."

"I feel the same way."

"Well, I made my evening check up, and remember, you're a very beautiful, intelligent young woman who is independent and you shouldn't live your life in fear of him."

"I know, you say that every night."

"And I will continue to do so, until you know that what I'm telling you is true. I want you to be able to wake up in the mornings go to your mirror and say those exact things with pride."

You smiled and bit back tears, but you couldn't help sniffling, "Thanks Canada…I'll see you tomorrow."

"You bet, good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite."

"Ditto." You said then hung up and turned off your lamplight.

You cowered in the kitchen, "No! How did you find me! How did you get here! Why do you continue to find and haunt me! I don't want you in my life anymore!" You screamed, tears pouring down your cheeks. The blurry grey shadow like image of a man stood before you. His arm rose as he spoke, "I will always find you, you are a part of me that you can never get rid of. You say you don't want me, but you have to have me, I'm everything you're life, I am the reason you live on. I am your entire life. You don't know life aside from what life I gave you. I haunt you because you know that you can never accept yourself, because of the truths I told you. You're a hideous, grotesque, fat monster, a mistake born into a world that hates you. You can never amount to anything in life, because you're so low. You can't do anything right, you're useless, worthless.

Then the beatings continued, as you screamed and begged for mercy.

"NOOOO!" You screamed jerking upright in your bed, your body drenched in cold sweat, you turned to the alarm clock, it was still two hours before you had to get up and get ready for work, but you didn't care. You got up, and got ready for work.

Canada walked in and saw you, "_? You're in early; you don't usually get here until five minutes after I do. How long have you been here?"

"Two hours." You answered, taking a sip as you continued to type, with your headset on. You looked up at him with a sad smile.

"Nightmare?" He guessed.



"Guessed right."

"I see…is it your first?"

"No, I've had that same dream before, I get it once every month, it's been happening ever since I left home after graduation."

"That would explain why you never told me."

You nodded and sighed, shrugging, "Yeah…At least it won't come again until next month." You said.

"There you go, whether what you said is the truth or not, that's looking on the bright side of things." Canada said with a smile.

You nodded, "Would like me to get you make you some coffee?"

"Would you? That would be great _."

You got up and then he asked, "Wait, you said make wouldn't there be-?"

"I've already had three cups."

"Oh…Is that nightmare really that bad?"

"You have no idea."

"Wow, I can only imagine."

"Well, I'll get your coffee to you shortly."

Canada nodded, and walked into his office.

You headed in to the kitchenette part of the Staff Lobby, and started pouring and making Canada's coffee how he liked it. As always it was two spoonfuls of sugar, with three of those little containers of Amaretto coffee creamer, as you were stirring a voice chuckled.

"That would be your third cup this morning, da?"

You jumped at the sound of his voice so close by that the coffee cup dropped from your grasp and shattered across the floor. You spun around with your hand on your heart, startled.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you _." Russia said.

"I-it's alright, I'm just a little jumpy in the mornings." You said and then quickly gathered up the broken pieces.

"Don't do that, get a cloth or a broom, here, let me help." He said grabbing a cloth to help but you backed off entirely.

He looked at you oddly, as you said, "No-no its okay Mr. Russia, I got it, you've got better things to do than help a stupid jumpy intern." You laughed nervously, without humor.

"I-I never said you were stupid though, you seem very orderly and intelligent."

"No, no I'm not; I'm below average at everything." You said self-consciously.

"B-But that's not how I see it." Russia said, with a sad expression.

"It's okay really, don't worry about me, I've got everything under control."

"Well here's the broom and dustpan just in case." He said and then with a soft, sad expression, he left.

You breathed easier again, and finished cleaning up your mess. You returned with Canada's coffee minutes later.

"What happened, you were gone for at least twelve minutes." Canada said worriedly.

"Its fine Canada, I just…Mr. Russia startled me, and I broke a coffee mug and had to clean up the mess, I'll pay for it I swear."

"Hey, whoa it's okay. Things like that happen." Canada said soothingly, with a reassuring smile.

"Y-yeah…okay…if you're sure…But I will pay for the coffee mug, when I get my paycheck…Heh, I don't think I need more coffee for a bit huh?"

The two of you laughed at this and you went back to diligently working.

As the day went on, you realized that Russia and Canada had a fondness for each other, as if they were friends outside of work. At least, that's how it seemed to play out. Canada and Russia were very comfortable around each other and talked and laughed a lot.

Later that afternoon, Prussia came up in his light silver business suit with his usual white polo button up shirt and crimson-red tie that matched his eyes perfectly. He grinned as he winked at you, which made wince lightly and look down sheepishly, "What do you want Mr. Prussia?" You asked, having remembered what Canada had told you about him, in order for you to recognize the albino man.

"Is Canada in?" He asked.

You nodded and beeped in, "Mr. Canada, Mr. Prussia is here to see you." You released the button so Canada could answer, "Thanks _, let him enter, please."

You turned to the man and answered, "He's ready for you, go on in." Prussia tinted pink and just chuckled, nodded and closed the door and you went back to work.

Suddenly the machine by your side came to life, and after a second of Canada not saying anything, you turned the volume down to a low enough volume, and listened carefully. Allowing yourself to do something that you didn't normally do, eavesdrop, "Prussia, not now, besides I can't kiss you while I'm sitting on things." Canada insisted, "Besides I'm working and you should be too."

"Aw, come on Cany." Prussia teased in a light persuasive voice.

"Prussia, please, back off, I just fired Carol for having…inappropriate actions in the work place. It's unprofessional, and I'd prefer to keep our love life separate from our career one."

Prussia sighed, "Alright Can, I respect your decision and I von't try anything on you at vork again."

There was a kiss, and then Canada spoke, "Thanks Prus." You could hear the smile in his voice as he said those two words.

The button clicked off, and Prussia walked out and you pretended you were none the wiser about what had conspired in that room. As you watched the silvery-white haired man leave, you allowed yourself a small smile, thinking, those two are a good match. Everything was starting to click in.

There was the fact that he always wore nice, coordinated clothes, and why his father was so affectionate and always worrying about Canada. After all, gay men were very heavily ridiculed. You thought back on your past, you knew about Canada's father both before and after the separation…

France had gotten a divorce with his wife when he revealed that he was gay. Afterwards, France got together with his previously widower, bi-sexual, partner, and,as far as you knew,France was still with that same significant other, England, the father of America from his own previous marriage. Their relationship is very topsy-turvy, but as far as you knew, France was still mostly the skirt and England the pants.

Back to Canada though, like father, like son. You supposed. It definitely explained why Canada never pursued you. Then another thought came to mind, is the fondness between him and Russia the same as him and Prussia, or is it purely bromance with Russia? Then you gave up, those matters didn't concern you.