Sorry i havent done anything with this one in a long LONG time! this IS the last chapter and sorry for not telling you guys that. i really did like this story and now im sort of glad it's ending because i. . . ok im gonna be honest, this story was a LOT of work and i have other projects i need to work on. thanks for anyone who read and review, the final onward for this story starts . . . NOW!

Stan is pacing, a tension in his body, rippling through his broad shoulders, up and down the length of his body as he thinks of the situation that his best friend and secret love could be in. Is he alive? Is he dead? Is he being slowly murdered? Is he calling his name, hoping he will come around and be his hero?

Stan's lungs close up at the thought if the beautiful redhead screaming in agony his name aloud. He pictures the boy huddled on the floor, blood seeping onto the tiles, escaping from its pale membrane. He has a million scenarios in his mind, and none of them is what he wants to think is happening. Each second ticking away on the clock on the wall is another crack being added into his sanity. He feels his mental stability breaking as the images pile on, one by one, into his mind. He doesn't want to think Kyle is hurt or worse, dead. Why hadn't he insisted on going on the first mission? He should have known something bad would happen once he began to feel uncomfortable. Now Stan wishes to go back to the moment and let himself be captured, no matter what the consequence may have been.

Kenny was in no near of distress that Stan was in, but he was worried. Kyle was his friend, and he had no clue what would happen to him, or what has happened already. Now he wished he knew who the people were so he could listen to their thoughts. Then he realized the people must be too far away to hear because he couldn't even hear Kyle when he attempted. He felt so enclosed, so blinded without his hearing abilities.

Cartman on the other hand only looked frazzled because he was almost in Kyle's position. He had never cared for the attractive Jewish boy, in fact, he had tried multiple times to get him killed, but he knew that his friends would never let him die and without them, he was nothing. So he listened as Stan suggested, more like demanded, that the rescue him.

"It's too dangerous, we need a plan first-" chief began but Stan cut him off, a low growl forming in the depths of his throat.

"No, I'm sick of you. You're the reason he got taken in the first place, now it's our turn. Come on guys,"

His body twitched in angry spasms as he walked out and you could almost see the form inside of him trying to burst out of its shell. Stan could hardy control the monster that waited in the depths of his skin. He stormed right out, his steps swift and getting faster as he began to run. Kenny followed in suit and finally, Cartman waddled out, shouting "Ay! Wait up assholes!"

The chief just watched them leave, not taking a single step or making a single noise to stop them. Suddenly, he slightly smiled and rubbed a non-existent dirt off of each palm several times "They are learning" he spoke aloud to himself and just watched as Kenny swung a blackened arm, a film of night stretching and reaching over Stan and back to Cartman. Once they were covered, it shot up like a lightning bolt in the direction of the cavern.

Once they were there the sheet disintegrated, leaving a shocked Stan and an angry Cartman "What the fuck Kinny! You know I hate when you do that!" the fat boy shouted while Stan was trying to get his nerves back to proper function.

"Shut up fatass they'll hear you! And this way we can help him sooner and maybe we can deal with the group leader too" Kenny whispered rationally. Once Stan heard that they could help Kyle, his eyes narrowed in anger toward the people who took his precious friend away.

"Lets go," and he slunk eagerly into the cavern.

They let Cartman lead. They knew it would slow them down immensely but he was the only one who knew where everything was in the cave Kenny lent the shadows to help disguise them and tapped into thoughts.

'I hope he's okay, if they hurt him I swear I'll kill everyone here!' probed through Stan's mind.

Cartman's was the same as he'd say on the outside 'damn Jew always got to fuck shit up. God I hate him.' Kenny rolled his eyes.

He listened to the strangers thoughts to hopefully find something about the missing friend.

'god my wife is a bitch. Maybe I can kill her with the Americans'

'This plan better work or I swear I . . .'

'how could they have let one escape! These guard are fucking stupid!'

Suddenly a familiar mind tickled his mind.

'No! Oh my god it fucking hurts! Where the hell is Cartman? Did he bring help, oh my god it BURNS!' KYLE!

"Guys!" Kenny hissed "He's this way" he started for a corridor, but neither of them followed.

"Kinny I've been here and I'm telling you the bad guys were here," he snapped, pointing to an opposite entrance.

"Trust me alright!" he exclaimed, hearing the agonized unspoken words, not having any clue what was really happening.

'OH MY GOD!' he screamed mentally and Kenny flinched.

"Why? Kenny how do you know?" Stan asked, panicking.

His mouth opened and closed, not ready to tell the secret. H had to choose though, expose his lies or follow Cartman and allow Kyle to get tortured more.

'WHY WONT ANYONE HELP ME?' and suddenly, with those thoughts, Kenny knew he had to come clean.

"Guys I've been lying. I have another ability. I can sort of hear people's thoughts" he waited for the outbursts.

"Liyah" Cartman snorted. Kenny got pissed.

"Want me to prove it, fine! Stan, you're in love with Kyle, and Cartman, you're in love with Wendy!"

They started at him shocked, then Cartman muttered "Damn freak. Lead the way,"

Kenny began to lead and Stan caught up with him "What's he thinking Kenny, is he alright?"

Kenny turned to him gravely; his eyes saddened "You really don't want to know,"

He flinched.

Kyle's thoughts just continued to probe Kenny's dark mind 'Stan's going to save me, I know he will!'

Kenny smiled "Kyle's thinking of you, he truly believes you will save him,"

Stan's eyes narrow in determination "And I will, I promise you that"

Suddenly scream pieced the air "OH GOD PLEASE NO! ANYTHING BUT THAT!"

The boys raced, trying to reach their captured friend before whatever was about to happen, happened.

"HELP! HEEEELLLPPPPPP! SOMEBODY!" And they found themselves looking in on a room.

Kyle was secured to a pole, his arms taped around the back so he couldn't escape. He yanked and tugged against it but it held fast. He had no clothes on and was trying desperately to cover himself by crossing his legs. His skin that was normally covered was even paler than the skin normally exposed, which was a hard thing to top. He looked even paler than usual with the blood that coated him. He has long gashes all over his body, lacing and twining with each other in a criss cross of agony and they still leaked blood onto the dirt floor. His body contorted to the pain all over and he couldn't help flinching from the sudden rise of pain and then decrease and relaxed slightly, only to flinch once more. A large man with tan, dirty looking skin and beady eyes was grinning at his futile attempts to escape. He had a whip strapped to his camouflage bely, which was still covered in blood. In his hands, a nice shiny revolver, pointed downward as he slid a single bullet in one of the slots. The with a grace that shouldn't be included in an act so terrible, he spun it, letting it land at random to whichever slot it decided.

Stan nearly threw up. He knew the game they were playing, and he knew the terror that must be slicing through Kyle's brain.

Kyle was screaming and still attempting to get away, staring in horror at the silver weapon. He hadn't noticed the people standing at the door, and neither had the man, who was pointing the gun in the middle of Kyle's forehead, his finger resting on the trigger.

Before anyone could stop him, Stan suddenly burst out of his skin, his clothes lying as a shredded cloth pile on the ground as the ferocious tiger leapt at the man. He landed on his back and without thinking, sunk his teeth deep into the back of his neck, digging harder and harder until finally he heard a snap and the wriggling man lay limp.

Kyle gasped and pressed himself against the pole, not understanding that this was his best friend. He struggled once more, gasping out "no! No!" over and over, trying to convince the 'tiger' that he wouldn't want to harm him.

Suddenly the tiger's head looked up and caught the redhead's eyes and they both stopped everything. Kyle stopped his struggling and his panicked breathing and broke out into joyous tears. "I knew you'd save me," he smiled, his tears beginning to drip down his chin. "Thank god!"

Stan prowled behind the pole and sliced the tape off and Kyle rubbed his wrists, which were raw and bleeding from his struggles. He hugged the tiger Stan and they rested their heads against each other's shoulder, one smooth like marble, one a bog striped furry mass.

"fags" Cartman groaned and Kenny punched him. Suddenly tiger Stan walked over to the man and lifted his leg.

"Ew, gross dude don't piss on him!" and yet Kyle laughed and felt his heart warm for the first time in a while. His body was covered n gashes and was bleeding but he had never been happier than right then. Stan walked away and Kyle lifted his arm, and with an open palm, shot a green laser, completely obliterating the man into a disgusting bloody pulp.

They began to run to leave the terrible place, but an alarm sounded, loud and causing the cavern to be shed with red light. Kyle cursed the blood trail he left behind him. When the left they found the opening surrounded by similar looking men.

"Halt! There is no point in running, just give up," The largest man, who had been leading the meeting, commanded clear and strong. They all understood he was the leader.

"Come on let's kill them," Kenny offered, but Cartman whined.

"What! We can't just kill them, we don't know the plan, and what superhero doesn't know the evil plan before killing the bad gahs?" he asked, pouting as though someone has just taken his last cheesy poof.

"Seriously Cartman? They just tortured Kyle, I'm pretty sure it's safe to say it's bad" Stan, who was still a tiger, snapped. They all stared at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Dude your talking. Like a normal person." Kyle explained.

"Oh, yeah, I guess I can also just transform parts of my body and not the whole thing, like my voice or my arm, oh well, Attack!" and the people jumped on them.

Kenny began to let a black film cover the earth and with a jerk, let it shoot up where at least 5 enemies were standing. A chunk of the earth lifted where they were just standing, forming a hole. When they fell into it, he let it slam back down, and a spurt of blood wept from the edges. Cartman cocked his arm and began firing at will at the many enemies that surrounded him, but not hitting many.

"Come on fat boy, shoot like a man!" one taunted him and suddenly his pupil widened.

With a battle cry of "I'M NOT FAT I'm BIG BONED!" he launched much more accurate shots, and grinning madly as the people began to fall around him.

Stan launched himself at the people, clawing at anyone who tried to get close to him. Soon his body was spattered in the blood of other men and his claws were stained crimson. He ducked and curved his body with the grace of a wild animal as he slashed through flesh.

Kyle was hovering above the men, his body bobbing slightly and his hair a wild mass around his face, flying wildly like a glorious auburn mane around his blood coated face as he launched with both his eyes and his hands, slicing people constantly. He grinned as he got revenge; a glow of payback illuminating his fully green eyes every time a torso slid off of a person's hips.

They kept going but every time more people would run out. The boys were getting tired; each slice of claws slowing, each beam of laser losing its glow, each gunshot less accurate, and soon Kenny realized he must kill the leader. He soon found him standing in safety upon a hill, glowering down at the fighting people.

He thought evil things and he saw the man's face contort. Kenny realized in shock 'I can control his mind.'

With a grin, he sent evil pictured into the man's mind, but not the ones a normal person would think of. He thought of small children and loving parents and friends, and with each, thinking 'have you ever been loved?

The man screamed and pressed his palms into his temples, but still did nothing, finally he couldn't stand it.

He thought hard and concentrated. A black film covered his eyes, much like Kyle's except the held a nothingness in them. He slowly started walking down into the battlefield. Kenny felt his fight but knew he couldn't give up. It was a mental fight, and they were both strong. The leader occasionally managed to take a step backward but soon he was in open ground.

Kyle glanced around and saw the man and knew exactly what was going on, 'I must kill him'. This was the man who ordered the slow and painful torture and he loaded a large green bomb and with a fierce cry, launched it so hard it made him launch back and slam into a tree. But it did its job, soon there was just a pulp, just like the other man, and soon the people realized there was no leader and retreated into the cave.

Kyle fell, completely passed out. The place on the tree trunk where he had hit was an outline of his body and Stan ran over and nosed his body, not caring about the blood he got on his nose. Kenny raced over too and Cartman just lolled over at his own pace.

Stan's neck did a small shift and suddenly he spoke with his human accent "We need to get him to chief.

Kenny pulled a black film back over them all and they were back in Headquarters.

"It's don't but Ky's seriously hurt. Can you save him?" Stan asked in desperation.

He just nodded and took him into another room. Stan tried to follow but he was ordered to stay.

For the next week or so, Stan doesn't even know how many days, he just paces, trying to will Kyle to be healthy again. Finally at the end, he's allowed to see him. Stan races in.

Kyle is dressed in all white and has many bandages covering all over hi, some even with small patches of red. A gauze wrap is circling his head and his eyes are fully emerald green and glowing. "Hey Stan,"

"Hey Ky, uh, you're not going to shoot me are you?" Stan asked, but truly he's just glad his friend is safe.

"oh yeah Chief said that I should keep the focus of inside me and that it would help me heal. He was right I feel completely better, but when I do this my eyes stay like this until I'm finished. Sorry if it's freaking you out."

Stan Wants to say it, but he's afraid he will push Kyle away from him, but when he thinks of Kyle dying and never knowing, he would feel even worse "No, it's beautiful"

Kyle turned his head to look fully at him "Really?" he asks. His eyes begin to glow brighter.
Suddenly Stan can't hold himself together any longer. His tears pour over.

Kyle sees it too "Stan what's wrong?"

"I, I almost lost you dude, I almost never got to see you again or hear you again or tell you . . ." And his voice catches in his throat as another sob escapes.

Kyle's eyes widen "tell me what Stan? Is everything alright?" his concern escalates.

Stan turns his head to the beautiful healing boy "Kyle, I . . . god damn I didn't think this would be so hard to say. I-" Suddenly Kenny bursts in "GOD DAMMIT STAN SAY IT!"

Stan turns and shoot back at him "I AM GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" laughing, Kenny obliges.

Stan finally swallows and says "I love you,"

Kyle's eyes fill with tears that fall over. They have a green tint but the father down they travel the more clear they become "I love you too," and they share a passionate kiss.

Cartman and Kenny are watching and suddenly they can't stand not telling their own love's their feelings.

They run to separate rooms and Kenny calls Butters "Hiya! Who's this?"

Kenny swallows "Butters it's me,"

"KENNY! Oh lord where have you been? Why did those men take you, are you okay? They better be nice or I- well I don't know what I'll do but they'll be in for it gosh darnit! Is-"

"Butters can you shut up forf a few seconds I have yo tell you something," He interrupts, but is laughing inwardly at his adorable act on trying to be tough. "I love you Butters,"

Nothing, no words over the phone for the longest time. Kenny i9s beginning to think he's hung up when suddenly a teary voice chokes out "I love you too Kenny,"

Kenny smiles and thinks 'I know' "I'll be back soon; I just wanted you to know. Bye baby," and he hangs up, wishing that Kyle hurry the fuck up and heal already.

Wendy doesn't pick up the first time Cartman call's but the second time she snaps out "What?"

"Wendy it's me," Cartman tells her.

"Me who?" She asks, not sounding like she's in a good mood to be bothered.

"me Cartman," He clarifies.

"Cartman? Where the fuck have you been! Everyone's wondering where you guys got taken to,"

He smiles at that "I've been around, but it doesn't matter, Wendy I really like you okay. I have for a long ass time." He waits fro her response.

"I hate you," is what she says and Cartman's heart deflates, until she says "But I love you too," with a smile in her voice.

"Really?" he asks, hardly believing it.

"Really, really. Come see me when you get home fatass. Bye," and she hangs up, but Cartman heard the laughter in her voice and feels elated.

A few days later, Chief calls them all over "you all may go home, the whole thing is over, but remember you can tell anyone about your abilities and call me if there's any questions"

"Thanks Chief," They all say in unision, Stan and Kyle holding hands. They all sit in the waiting area as they take off.

"Well another crazy ass adventure huh?" Stan laughs, smiling as though he has no sorrows.

They all agree, laughing as well and hardly believing how well everything turned out.

"Everything is going to be good, everything is going to be all right," And they all agree to Kyle's words now.

Kyle and Stan snuggle while Kenny and Cartman think about their lovers, hardly able to wait to see them. They never expected something so insane to happen to them, but they are all glad it did, otherwise they might have never been able to get up the courage to admit their feelings.

And now, everything was perfect, and that's all that mattered.

hooray happy ending! i kind of expect that from Cartman and Wendy's relationship, like thats how they'd be with each other. anyway hope i didnt dissapoint. thanks to everyone!