A/N: Somehow I felt like writing a continuation for this today.

Hope you like it as much as I think I do *smiles*


Chapter Two: To see what was there all along

Sleep does not come anything remotely related to easy that night for Burt. So after the two hour mark has been passed he gets back up, gets a drink of water from the kitchen downstairs before he walks back up, passing Kurt's room.

It had been a hot summer day, with clear azure blue skies from sunrise to sunset, so it is no real surprise to find the house, otherwise quiet, filled with the sounds of the four other inhabitants soft breathing. All bedroom doors wide open to allow fresh air to flow in freely through windows, and travel between rooms.

With the air gently flowing, it is still too warm by far for anyone to feel cold, but Burt does shiver regardless. The thoughts he has been carrying inside for the last hours anything but warming.

So about to reenter his bedroom he turns away again, needing to see for himself that his boys are safe, all three.

Finn, is tangled in his sheets in a way that looks impossible, and '…uncannily like some of the poses Mike and Schuster have had him try lately for Glee,' Burt thinks, almost smirking despite himself.

A small smile on his lips as he turns away from the image of Finn drooling on his pillow, limbs a creative mess to say the least, Burt's temporary lift in mood fades again quickly as he takes the first steps towards Kurt's room.

There he finds a picture that could not be more different.

The boys are lying under a thin sheet, Blaine on his back, left hand gently buried in Kurt's hair, who is using Blaine's upper body as his pillow. 'Searching out…needing to hear Blaine's heartbeat.' Burt knows.

Kurt had slept the whole first three months after his mother's death like this at his father's side, scared to lose all the love he had left in this world. The one person he had left, he had still been sure at the age of eight, would always love him, always protect him.

And just like this, tears already stinging at his eyes, Burt flashes back to standing right in this spot this afternoon, can see nothing but his son, looking so small, knife tightly clasped in his right hand, eyes meeting his, big and scared, as Burt had called out his son's name in shock and weakly, "Kurt."

'Finding you like that, Son, I…,' and now, standing here Burt's tears finally come, full force.

Tears the man standing now frozen in the darkened hallway had been fighting back all afternoon and evening.

Burt feels arms wrap around his middle from behind him a moment later. "Honey," Carole's voice is soft and calm.

"How did I miss something so huge? How do I…, Parents shouldn't be able to fool themselves into thinking their kid is fine just because he has good grades, and a boyfriend who loves him so unbelievably much as Blaine proves every time the world comes crashing down. The world is not all rainbows and bunnies now, just because they have each other. Especially for them. I should have seen that before."

Carole moves in front of Burt and pulls him into her arms completely now.

As Burt, buries his tearstained face in her soft hair smelling of blueberries and vanilla, Carole hums tenderly, "You are seeing it now, and you will be…you are already a better dad for it. You want to know what Finn told me only months after you and I had married? He told me he could not have thought it possible, ever, how much safer, how much more loved he felt now that he has you in his life. As for Blaine: Blaine wants to be here, for all of us. He loves us too you know, not Kurt alone."

"Thank you," Burt, speechless and utterly overwhelmed himself still, murmurs into Carole's hair, hugging her back with all the love he had never thought he would ever feel again after Kurt's mother had passed away, so long ago now.

"Any time, Honey."

Together they watch on a while longer, watch Kurt and Blaine '...rest their minds, forget their worries, their hearts resting close together, beating with hope' - Burt dares to think.