What, you thought it was over? XD There's a reason why the story didn't say "complete" until now... That, and because I wanted to see you guys freak out. MUAHAHAHA*cough*ACK*dies*


M a n y y e a r s l a t e r . . .

"Hey guys!" America yelled, forcing everyone to look at him in the conference room. "I have a special gal I'd like ya to meet!"

Emerging from behind the pristine white doors, I stepped forward, my hair now long and flowing opposed to its past short cut, and my walk much more graceful than the haughty trot I used to travel in.

"I am known as the Philippines," I introduced myself, smiling at everyone politely, and catching the gaze of a man who was previously drinking tea, which now resided on the floor, its contents staining the rug. "I will do my best as a recognized nation, and I hope to get along with each of you."

Taking my seat next to Canada (who in turn never really had a recognized seat at all), the conference started. But throughout the whole meeting, I couldn't help but not pay attention as I was too busy thinking about the familiar Englishman who sat across from me.

At the end, everyone left the conference room except the man and I. After a while, we finally caught each other's eye.

"I never knew you were a nation, Malaya," Arthur broke the silence, his voice calming and gentle; unlike the pirate I once knew whose voice was lighthearted and passionate.

I shrugged. "I never knew you were a nation either, although I suppose it makes sense with you being an English pirate and all," My tone rivaled his, still hinting at the old, sarcastic and headstrong tone I used to carry.

He quietly laughed to himself. "You changed- you may still carry the voice of your old self, but you certainly have become more refined."

I rolled my eyes. "I could say the same for you."

His eyes narrowed, and he picked up his fallen tea cup. "What happened to Joseph?"

My lips pursed, and I looked down. "He died of old age."

I heard a soft clacking of shoes become a bit louder as Arthur walked to my seat, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I'm terribly sorry."

I shrugged his hand off. "I appreciate the gesture, but I don't need it. I'm over it, anyways. He was a best friend to me, and I loved him. But that was it- nothing more, nothing less."

"Then why did you leave me?"

His words hung in the air, causing unbearable tension before I broke the silence.

"I had to, Arthur. He put so much effort in trying to get me back, and he was my best friend. I couldn't abandon him like that."

Bitterly, he said, "So it was a decision of pity?"

I stood up from my chair, looking at him in the eyes. "It was a decision of rationality, Arthur. He was my trusted and loyal right hand man, and he never let me down once. Joseph was a good man, and I indeed had loved him. It was only fair that I came back to him, to repay him for all that he has done for me, and my crew."

His gaze hardened. "I see your point. However, you knew that if you had stayed with me, I would have been all that and more."

I shook my head, tearing my eyes from his. "Yes. But what truly made my decision was the look in his eyes when he found me, and when he cried on my shoulder, never wanting to let go. In my heart, I knew that was the right thing to do at the time."

"I quote you said, 'at the time.' You don't think that was the right thing to do now?"

I shook, staring at the floor. "We wouldn't be talking like this and be in this stressful situation if I had refused him. However…" I looked back at him with a sorrowful smile. "I do suppose it was the right thing to do. Either way, we managed to find each other again."

He pulled me into his familiar arms, and I buried my head in the crook of his neck. "It is sad, though. It's because we won't ever be the same. We won't be able to rival against one another or sword fight… there will be no more adventure."

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong," He whispered, and I faintly traced the familiar, sweet scent of his choice of alcohol. In his old fashion, he suddenly ran and tore a mantle off of the wall, carrying two crossed swords. Ripping them off of the display, he threw one sword at me, which I caught with ease.

Surprised and excited by the sudden change in events, I smiled. "I thought you had gotten soft."

Arthur, with a familiar glint in his eyes and a smirk, pointed his sword at me in a challenging way. "You still have a lot to learn about me, love."

Mirroring his expression, I raised my sword as well. The two of us raced towards each other, blade clashing against blade, familiar moves used against one another.

I stopped his advance midway, and pushed both of our swords up so I could see his face better. When I looked closer, I saw that there was still a small scar on his right brow bone. "I see you've gotten taller, Malaya!"

"Either that, or you've gotten shorter!"

The blades ripped from each other and met again. Pulling my sword away, I moved sideways and to Arthur's surprise, kicked the sword from his hands, sending it flying towards an unsuspecting Canada who came back for his pet. Not falling for the same trick thrice, I continued my fight, paying the running nation no mind.

"Ah, for once your focus is consistent!" He laughed, ducking my thrust and rolling for his fallen sword, continuing his slashing at me.

"And now we shall see who truly is the better swordsman!" I laughed as well, with a step to my feet.

Our familiar dance continued, and I quickly barraged him with strong wields, finding with a smile that my skills have never rusted since the pirate times.

Soon, I was once again the victor. "I guess we haven't changed," I said, his sword halfway across the room and my blade pointed towards his chest under me.

However, I hadn't expected him to trip me from under and rip the sword out of my hands as I was caught by surprise.

The blade dangerously hovered over the small scar that ran through my neck. "Yeah, I guess we haven't. You still have quite the small attention span."

His legs straddled mine in a familiar way, and we stared at each other for the longest time.


"Yes, Malaya?"

I took a deep breath, and found myself lost in his emerald eyes once more. "…what did I steal from you that you could never steal back?" I whispered, already knowing the answer.

I heard a soft, familiar chuckle and he whispered into my ear again, his breath still somehow accented not only with tea, but with rum. "My love, love."

A smile grew on my lips, and I whispered back. "Well I guess we're even, then."

Throwing the sword away from us, he stood up and offered his hand.

Taking his hand, he pulled me up hard, and he captured my mouth with his.

His hand moved to the small of my back and I closed my eyes as he did. I moved my hand to his cheek, and we were suddenly back to that last moment on his ship- to that last kiss.

However, we were interrupted by a muffled snickering.

Our eyes locked to two nations, France and America, who stood at the entrance, certainly entertained. Or rather, amused.

Finally, America couldn't hold it in any longer. He let out a hearty laugh, and bellowed, "OMG DUDE, THAT'S TOTALLY AMAZING, MAN!"

France laughed as well. "I never knew that you could pull something like this off, England, oh-ho-hon~!"

Quickly, I moved away from Arthur, who had also released me. The two nations still laughed at us, and I looked at Arthur with a raised eyebrow and a murderous expression.

Getting the message, he nodded with a smirk and the two of us quietly got our swords.

In perfect unison, the two of us charged at the nations who had mimicked Canada's flee.

A pirate's life never ceases.

So, I hope you guys liked this story~

^_^ You may have liked the ending before this (although I sort of doubt it) but if you didn't then I hope that you liked THIS ending much better.

Also, this is just a STARTER.

I already have a couple one shots written on paper as rough drafts, for the MAIN event as a Valentine's day special~

Yes, that's right. From February to whoknowswhen (probably until summer) I'll be posting up lovey dovey one shots, based on the album of MY choosing, Red Roses by AJ Rafael~

All leading up to another story that was the BEGINNING of Malaya.

And if you have your history right, you'd probably know that it has a little something to do with Spain~

And Romano, of course.

Because Romano is beautiful.


Anyways, you guys click on that little button you rarely notice and sub as I take you on the fantastical journey of my version of the Philippines~