The day has finally come I have lost a bet with Wheeljack so now I have to go into sub space to get readings for Preceptor and Wheeljack. I stare at the rip in space in time trying to dam it the deeps of the pit but it doesn't work I have a rope tied to an anchor in the floor for when I have to go to Cybertron, I hate going into subspace when I don't have a destination in mind it screws up you sense of balance. "Quit stalling Venatrix the sooner you go in the sooner you can come back and we can use the readings to make pockets for our human allies" said Wheeljack.

I give him my best death glare and Jump in, up became down left became right time was all yet nothing and the sickly colors that made limbo just made me want to hurl all the more; I hate these trips they suck. 'When I get back I'm going to kill Wheeljack and Preceptor maybe even get Ratchet to help me out now that would be funny and so worth it all.' My malicious thoughts were interrupted by a soft groan from somewhere, there is no direction in limbo; I look to see a human man trapped in a time slip. "Oh my lord, how the hell is he even alive or in one piece" I cry in surprise not caring if anyone was around to hear me. The last time one of the human in limbo got sucked in time slip well let's just say it wasn't very pretty and putting the guy through a meat grinder alive would have been a kinder fate. I rush over to the man a pull him out as fast as I can without causing more damage he looked like he had got in a fight with a pack of rabid cats and lost but other than that he didn't look too bad all things considered. ("Ratchet I need you to prep the med bay for a human that got stuck in a time slip full extent of his wounds is unknown.") Message sent I look at the man again, he groaned and opened his eyes and starts to struggle. "Hey calm down you just had a close brush with death and are hurt I'm going to talk you to a medic, my name is Venatrix what's yours?" "My name is Sirius Black I have to go help my godsons the death eaters are after him and Bellatrix was in the room when I was pushed through the vial pleas Angle of Death you have to let me go back and save him." My eyes bulged Sirius Black, WATH THE FUCK is Sirius Black doing in my pocket, unless the vial was a way into limbo; wait back up did he just call me an angle of death. Then is hit me the vial was called the Vial of Death in the book he probably thinks he is dead.

"I am no Angle of Death and you my friend are not dead, Harry is safe for now you rest and when you get better I will help you reunite with you godson." A look of peace crosses Black's face as he calms down and rest, what on Earth is Primus up to now. I swear that he likes to make my life harder than it needs to be just to piss me off. Holding Black tight I use my foot to tug on my rope to tell the bots to pull me out now it takes two seconds for them to yank hard on the rope sending me to the portal entrance at a faster speed then I would like but still manageable enough that I won't hurt Black more than he already is. Unfortunately for me the first thing Preceptor notices when I exit sub space is the blood on my wings from when I got Sirius out of the time slip it had scratched them they had already stopped bleeding but he still panicked.

"Oh dear Primus what happened to you Allspark?"

"I found a Human in a time slip I need to get him to Ratchet now he is still alive. Have Will and Epps meet me in my office in twenty minutes there is something they need to be aware of once I know if he will survive or not. Now out of my way" as soon as he moves she was of like Blurr, she arrives at the med bay in record time.

"What are his Vitals?"

"Strong heart beat the Bleeding on his skin has slowed but some are going to need so stiches, his breathing is irregular, and I have no Idea what his is like on the inside use your scanner on a high of a setting that is safe on humans his aura messes with electronics." I told Ratchet as I set him on one of the human sized coats that lined the med bay.

She watches in silence as hum of Ratchets scanners fill the med bay "he has a slight puncture to his left lung from a broken rib, he is severely dehydrated, is ten pounds under weight go get me and has lost to much blood. Get an IV and a bag of B positive for him well I repaired his lung and patch him up once that is done he will need rest I don't want him to be move for a week at the least. I don't care what the suits say he is going to be staying here until I say otherwise."

"Got is Hatchet!" Ratchet Growled as Venatrix ran off to do his bidding fi anyone else had said that to him they would be sporting a new dent in there helm. "Here you go one vampire special and a bag of liquid food, do you want me to hook him up before I go Debrief Optimus and Lennox of our guest?"

"That would be nice thank you Ven." Said Ratchet not even looking up from his work as she place the needle in Blacks arm.

Venatrix exited the med bay and groaned; we had just gotten the Yu-gi-oh People back home why can't I ever catch a break I mean seriously, Sirius Black what's next Death Eaters?