AN:I own nothing.

This was a prompt given to me by lonelylady89. I hope you enjoy. I think this will only be three to five chapters long.


Unknown to Rachel and Quinn; every time they had some sort of confrontation Brittany was there to witness it. It saddened the blonde every time she saw Quinn make Rachel sad when underneath Brittany could see that Quinn wanted to do the opposite. She would catch the glances the two would shot at the other when they thought no one was looking. It saddened her more when she would look at Santana.

She knew her best friend cared about her. But she wasn't the type to talk about her feelings.

When Quinn confronted Rachel about getting close to Finn Brittany saw the jealousy. But not about Finn straying. The jealousy was because Finn was getting to spend time with the girl and be close to the diva. She could see the longing in Quinn's eyes when she would cast a glance at Rachel.

When they sang "Keep Holding on" she noticed the looks between Rachel and Quinn. It pained her that day. Seeing Quinn, her friend, so broken and Rachel was being Rachel. The one she keeps to herself. The selfless, caring and supportive and patient Rachel. The one Brittany knew in kindergarten and elementary school. She missed that Rachel. She used to help her with math and was patient with her.

When Rachel came to school in that dress after Kurt's makeover that Quinn told him to do so she could babysit with Puck, Brittany saw the lustful look that passed over the blonde's face before she ran off to find Puck.

When the truth about the paternity of the baby came out Rachel was the first to go after Quinn. Brittany just knew. She just knew that Rachel was trying to get Finn away from Quinn and she hadn't expected Puck to get in the mix. When she spotted Rachel talking to Quinn about some sacks thing that Jewish babies get from their parents she knew it was to try and scare Quinn away from Puck.

When the glist came out Brittany knew who did it. She just wasn't going to snitch. When Rachel asked for help with her video she agreed with Santana. She was hoping to ask Rachel about what she had noticed but she didn't want to with Santana there. Santana would have made it a big thing.

When Rachel's mother came back into Rachel's life Brittany saw how bad Quinn had wanted to be there for the brunette.

When Jesse and the rest of the Vocal Adrenaline jerks egged Rachel Quinn was the one to put together the secret plan to get them back. Quinn had gathered, the boys, herself and Santana and they mixed eggs into the many colored slushies. Not only would they be stained but when it dried it looked like the boys jizzed themselves and on the girls. So not only were they humiliated by the fact that they had performed a great funk number which they could never get down, but they were cold, wet and when they dried they were embarrassed by the jokes and laughs they got by students who were still in the school as they made their way out.

Rachel was shocked to say the least and so was Mr. Schue.

Then there was when Sam came into the picture. She could see the death glares directed at the blonde boy. Brittany found it cute at how jealous Rachel got just by seeing the two together. She also found it amusing that Rachel had made it point to insult them in some way. Ken and Barbie was her favorite. But didn't Ken have brown hair?

Then Brittany was thrown from her obsuriviving? Obscuring? Observing! When Santana and her actually talked. It was almost too much. She really didn't want to hurt Artie but was she a bad person for wanting to make Santana feel the hurt she put her through for years? She didn't know the answer to that but she did feel bad. She didn't like hurting people.

Brittany would never tell nor did she actually know why she was in the auditorium that day while Rachel and Quinn were supposed to meet to work on their original song. She could see the love hidden in Quinn's eyes and the hurt in Rachel's. She could tell that Quinn hated putting it there. She watched closely and sighed when Quinn raised her voice. She wanted to chase after Rachel when she left crying but as she got up to leave she heard a sob. She turned to look at the piano and saw Quinn slumped over it with her elbows on the now closed key cover thing. Her head in her hands and shoulders shaking.

Brittany knew better than to intrude. She wanted to make things right for them. Make the two see what was right in front of them. But instead she slipped out of the auditorium and headed home.

When Finn broke Rachel's nose Quinn looked ready to rip his balls off. Brittany wanted to hit him but she knew Finn wasn't the most coordinated of the whole group.

Then Nationals happened.

Quinn was fuming. She was pissed that Rachel was always going back to Finn. Brittany wondered why the two weren't together they made it so obvious. But people just don't pay attention like her.

Brittany frowned deeply when she saw the hurt and shattered look on Quinn's face when Finn kissed her after the duet. Stupid Finn! She thought. Always in the way!

When Santana was fuming she was somewhat ok with her going after Finn. But she was more focused on Rachel and Quinn was the first to hold her back.

That brings them to now. Everyone pressures Quinn. Rachel is always patient with her.

But even now they are arguing. Rachel is back with Finn. Nothing new. Quinn is single and broken. Even if she was blonde and back with New Directions and Brittany was now part of the Troubletones Brittany felt she had to stand by her friends and get them to be nice and become friends if not more. She hoped what she had planned would bring them as close as can be.

"Maybe if you would just shut up and let others speak we wouldn't always end up with disagreements!" Quinn shouted as Brittany walked into the choir room.

"I'm sorry if you can't keep up. We need to win. This is our final year to get it right!"


Both arguing girls didn't notice Brittany or the fact that she had grabbed and locked their wrists in a pair of handcuffs.

"What the hell?" Quinn asks tugging at the restraint only to bring Rachel's hand with her.

"Ow! Don't do that!"

"Or what?" Quinn challenged.

"Brittany we have class." Rachel said with pleading eyes.

Brittany just shook her head and waved the key. "I'm not letting you two out of those till you are friends." Brittany walked out.

The rest of the occupants in the room stared wide eyed at the linked pair.

This was not going to be pretty.

review please. :)