Ok so hello, I am SupernaturalHPfreak. Thats pretty much what I am. This is my first fanfic so yeah...

I cant promise Ill continue this story so dont put any hopes on me.

A study in MAGIC... By Dr. John Watson.


Voldermort the most feared wizard of the age walked down the cobbled street with barley a sound. Pointing his wand at the lock he muttered a spell. "Alohomora" The door swung open at another command and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named entered the house.

A man barred his way to the stairs. Mr. James Potter pulled out his wand but before he could so much as think of a spell to use he was hit with the killing curse in the chest. Voldemort frowned at the man, he had expected much more from the head of auror office. Stepping over him Voldermort let Naggini slither of his arm and onto James Potter.

"Dinner Nagini"

There were some sickening sounds from behind Voldermort as he climbed the stairs to the nusery. Lily Potter was huddled next to her son by the crib.

"Not Harry! Take me!"

Lily pleaded. Voldermort laughed. A sound which didnt seem to fit him well. It was more of a chocking sound though. He waved his wand once and green light erupted from it, brightening the room with the evil glow. Lily Potter went down. Her body lifless and eagle spread. Voldemort looked down at the boy who was now staring at Voldermort with a questining gaze. Voldermort waved his wand once. The killing curse went on its way. Then everything went slow motion.

The spell found its target, the head. Instantly the hair and skin absorbed part of it. Harrys jet black hair turned lime green and a scar appeared on his forehead. Voldermort heard a child yeall for his mommy. That was the last thing he heard before the spell rebounded from the six-month-year-old hitting Voldermort in the chest. Voldermorts mouth opened in suprise and he fell.

Albus Dumbledore looked down at the child in his arms. The six-month-year-old. The poor boy hadn`t even been named. Dumbledore could feel the power radiating from the little boy. The boy was tiny even for his age. He had extreemly messy hair that pointed in completly different directions. For some reason the killing curse had rebounded on the boy after the dark lord had been killed and his jet black hair had absorbed the colour and was now an elegant dark green which made a very shocking appearance when the boy had his eyes open. Dumbledore stared at the pale forehead where a thin scar shone. It was the shape of a lightning bolt and Dumbledore couldn`t retain the urge to kiss it.

Slowly (with tears threatening to fall) he left the boy on the doorstep of the Dursley household. He placed a letter on top of the child and sighed, now all he had to do was wait. Wait until Harry Potter came to Hogwarts. With an almost soundless pop, Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of the age dissaparated. From the corner of a house a strict woman with a tight bun immerged from the shadows. She walked with no sound to the bundle on the doorstep and picked up the small and fragile child. As her Headmaster had done, Minevra McGonnogall dissaparated from Privet Drive.

McGonnogall appeared at a corner of a house on Bakerstreet. No one was about, the street was comletely deserted. McGonnogall walked to the house that bore the sign: 221B. Carefully McGonnogall left the boy on the old muggle building door step. Then on top of the bundle she layed a letter down, then she dissapparated.

In the morning John Watson would walk out of the house and almost trip on the little child who would sleep on quietly.

Right now its in third person but the next chapters will be Watsons point of veiw... Then again it will be third person...