Hi again, so this is my second chapter in a day.

I hope the spelling was okay.

By eleven o`clock the train was crowded. Not many people went to the back so James figured he was going to be alone for the trip. He liked being alone, to read his books and write the cases down that Sherlock Holmes, John and him solved.

The train was traveling in five minutes. Soon a girl knocked on the door. She had extraordinaly bushy hair and huge teeth like a rabbit. She nodded to the seat.

"Is it free." James nodded and went back to his book.

The girl started chatting. James ignored her.

"...what do you think?" James looked up and blinked twice.

"Sorry?"She cast him a look of dislike.

"I was asking you what house you were going to be in?"

"ah, well no idea." And he went back to his book.

Hermione Granger was a very know-it-all type of person. She had read all the books needed for the school year and some other ones for reading.

She had asked the other boy about which house he thought he was going to be in and he had ignored her. Finally Hermione decided he was just a know-it-all as well and was just cramming some more knowledge now. Suddenly his head popped up.

"Your parents, dentists?" Hermione nodded slowly wondering how he knew that.

"Yours?" She asked. "What do they do" Nosy git, thought James.

"Consulting detective." Hermione stared. She had never heard that particular job.

"What do they do."

"When the police have quit on a certain case, which is always, my dad goes and solves it, allong with me of course, which is always." She stared.

"Youre a detective?"

"Yes of course, the second consulting detective in the world, my dad invented the job, Ill follow in his footsteps."

"Oh" The boy went back to his book. Hermione stared at him, this was definitivly the wierdest child she had ever seen.

"What is your name?" James shrugged.

"James Holmes, you?" She gasped and pulled out a shaky hand.

"Hermione Granger." She looked at him with awe.

"Excuse me?"

"Is your father Sherlock Holmes?"


"Its just your father solved the case about my grandmother, she was killed by some murderer and your dad solved the case." James frowned.

"Sorry but I think you messed up your facts, my dad and I work together, we solved the case together like always. And the murderer was Moriarty, Jim Moriarty, my dads worst enemy."

"Oh, so, you are like your father too, that type of madness?" She seemed to have realized what she had said only after she said it. James frowned.

"In a way yes."

"So you can tell where I have been for the summer?" James studied her for a second.

"Yes, yes I can."

"Tell me then."

"Its simple you were in Spain, Barcelona." There was a long pause that followed. Hermione seemed stunned into silence while James continued searching her.

"H-How" James shrugged.

"There are signs of a trace of salt down your hairline which signify you were in the ocean. Notice the salt is slightly brownish, you only get that in the mediterranean so that narrows our search. Then there is your tan. During the summer there have been several floods in the mediterranean, notice they were in the west part so that narrows it down to Spain and France. Then there is your curly hair, hair becomes curlyer in humid places. Now in France it is dry and in Spain... Madrid could have been an option but... It is also dry there, so our last option in Cataluña, the capital there is Barcelona, I presume you were in Barclona. Now, there is a much easier way to find this all out..." He gestured to the suitcase on which the plane sticker was still on there.



Hermione glared at him. James shrugged.

"Its easy."

This chapter was shorter sorry. Just a note. In Spain there is a Rigeon called Cataluña, and Barcelona is the capital of it so...

Bye Ill uptade as soon as I can.