"Jess Mariano, you are the most infuriating man on the face of the planet!"

He bit his lips together, nodding, an unquenchable twinkle in his eye, "It's why you love me," he smirked.

"Actually-" she started to object, but he quickly pressed a knee-weakening kiss to her lips. As he pulled away his eyebrows flashed upward with an expression that might have been described as simultaneously giddy and mocking if he hadn't put such effort into holding it in.

"Don't finish that sentence!" he warned, teasingly. Rory rolled her eyes, bluer than blue and lit with an internal incandescence that quietly sustained Jess through years of struggle, and smiled a smile that divulged the secret that she did love him all the more because, rather than in spite of his "infuriating" ways. His chin dipped down, and his eyes with it, enjoying this victory with characteristic modesty. He was such a contradiction of cockiness and humility...something she could never explain, but had always sensed, and had always drawn her to him. "What time'll you be home?" He asked, eyes still shining, lips still toying with a smile, but tone and subject turning to more serious matters.

"No later than seven," she replied, a mirrored, quiet smile on her lips. He smirked more substantially, looking at the floor and mulling over the strange sensation of staying at the house while she went off to work. He'd enjoy the opportunity to spend time with the kids, and get things done around the house that he normally didn't have time for, but another part of him hated having the day off when she didn't. He nodded lightly.

"Nice to have a woman who brings home the bacon," he teased once again. She raised her eyebrows and her head along with them nodding slowly and uncertainly before settling on a course of retort.

"Yeah, well, as long as I can keep you barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen," she stuck out her lip to maintain a quasi-serious expression. Jess shook his head in dismay.

"Chauvinist!" he muttered, pulling her toward him and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You know that men are actually more content being submissive and having a good woman show them who's boss."

His brow creased in seriousness and he nodded at her *wisdom.* "I'll go out and buy a skirt."

"And a handbag that matches your shoes," she nodded.

"Mmmm," he nodded, kissing her again. She broke the kiss to speak.

"And a string of pearls. You can't forget the pearls!" She melted into the kiss.

"I'll make sure to wear them while I'm vacuuming..." the kiss continued with pauses for mumbled speech, "...and making the tuna casserole..."

"...and the jello salad..." she added.

"...right, the jello salad..." he nodded into her lips.

"...I've gotta get to work..." she groaned.

"...bacon to earn..." he agreed without letting her go.

"...lots of bacon..." she agreed.

"...and pickled pigs feet..."

"...and pickled-What?" she giggled.

"Well, if I didn't spoil the mood, you'd never be able to get out of here," he joked. This sent Rory into a giggle fit that had her almost toppling out of her 2-inch pumps, grateful that Jess' arms still held her upright. "Get to work, crazy lady!"

She nodded, taking a step backward and twisting the doorknob. "Don't burn the souffle."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

Rory grinned and walked out the door.