A/N: this is another fic I was working on last year, but I had problems continuing with it after this chapter. Yet I love the idea too much and I wish to continue it so I am posting it at the request of my friends and I hope with enough feedback and suggestions I can continue it. This is based on an idea I had of someone wishing to change what had happened in the series, especially when the future didn't quite turn out as well as Lelouch had hoped so here is the chapter and please enjoy.

Chapter 1

Daddy's Little Girl

(May 5th 2017 A.T.B)

It was close to nine o'clock at night as a cool wind was blowing across the grassy fields surrounding the Toromo Agency in Cambodia otherwise known as Area 13 to the Holy Britannia Empire. Inside one of the storage warehouses sat a large semi trailer carrying what appeared to be a large replacement water heater unit complete with a tank, but this was merely a clever deception to hide what the device really was.

Standing in front of the a metal box was woman judging by her curvy figure wearing a full black body suit ideal for infiltration purposes complete with a belt containing tools and a few extra ammo clips including a holder for a hunting knife and a radio with a wire running to her head where underneath the black mask she wore was a microphone and earpiece linked to the small device.

As she worked the control panel a warning appears on the computer monitor followed by a female electronic voice speaking.

"Warning…once accepted the silent countdown will begin…are you sure you wish to continue?"

The woman pushed yes on the control panel as a silent countdown for twenty minutes began.

"Thank you…this is the last warning you will receive. The Field Limitary Effective Implosion Armament will detonate in exactly t-minus nineteen minutes and eighty seconds."

Closing the control panel and locking it the woman left the container and proceeded towards her objective which was her planned means of escape as well before the F.L.E.I.J.A. warhead detonates. As the woman stealthy made her way through the research facility avoiding detection by the soldiers guarding the facility a flood of memories came to her sudden after activating the silent countdown for the warhead she had just activated.

(Kaminejima Island; December 15th 2037 A.T.B.)

Two women were present inside an underground research facility had been constructed in secret and hidden from the rest of the world, a world that now laid in ruins everywhere, but hope remained for the world in this facility where a incredible break through had been made. The creator of the magnificent device that had been freshly built not too long ago was pleased with its successful activation. Now the chance to correct so many mistakes and tragedies was within their grasp.

"So your Time Machine is finally finished." A young fifteen year old girl asked with long waist length black hair wearing an Ashford Academy uniform.

"Yes…finally we can change the past and correct so many things that went wrong and change the future from the apocalyptic path it was sent towards as a result." An aged Britannian woman replied; she possessed black hair that flowed over her shoulders with some signs of gray hairs around her ears wearing a pair of large glasses wearing a lab coat with a single piece uniform underneath.

"I agree…we have to change the past…for the sake of humanity we must." A new and third voice clearly female spoke.

The heads of the two women turned and saw the third woman who had come to join them, but she was in terrible shape. A number of broken swords were seen sticking out of her back while the rest of her body was laced with a large number of bullet holes. But despite these extreme injuries it didn't hinder the woman one bit, but the clothes she was wearing had become completely soaked in her own blood to the point that the one purple and gold lined body suit she had been wearing had become red matching her hair color. The black cape she had been wearing was ruined as well.

In her right hand was a sword, an oddly ornate blade with a gold tipped blade and a dark pink blade with jewels within it, but the once ceremonial sword used by both the 99th Emperor of Britannia and the man who assassinated him was completely covered in blood as well too.

"OH MY GOD MOM, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" The young student called out in horror at the appearance of my mother as tears began forming in her eyes as she ran towards her mother.

"I am ok sweetie, but I understand why C.C. likely hated being immortal…I can't die, but I still feel the pain from these injuries. But you can bet that didn't stop mommy."

"Then you succeeded…you ended the madness." The scientist asked.

"Damn right I did…I killed hundreds of their soldiers before I reached them and finally executed the traitors…but…" The red-haired woman had said with triumph in her voice, but as she continued on it died down the further in she got until she was unable to continue her sentence.

"But the damage has been done…the human race is effectively finished."

"Yeah…there are some survivors, but with the damage to the environment and the fact humanity as a whole has been knocked back to the Dark Ages humanity will die a slow death."

"We have a chance…the machine its working."

"Thank you so much Nina…"

The redhead said addressing the Britannian girl she had known since her days as a student at the Ashford Academy. Nina Einstein the creator of the most terrible of weapons had now for the first time in her years of guilt ridden existence ever since her days as student had truly created something that would help humanity.


The young girl cried out while she embraced her blood soaked mother in a tight embrace completely ignoring the fact that she was covered in blood. The woman returned the hug holding her daughter closer to her while tears began to form in her own eyes as well.

"I love you Shirley, but…I need you to change now ok…I left you something special."

Wiping the tears from her eyes the teenage girl nodded before she hurried off to change.

Alone the redhead and Nina began to chat while the scientist brought out a bottle of champagne and two wine glasses.

"This will be very hard for her." Nina commented.

"I know, but there is no other way. I can't go back and neither can you, but what happens to this timeline once someone does…well…I am happier knowing she'll go."

"If they survive the future should turn out to be much better."

"I hope so…I am counting on it, but there is no way Lelouch could have known that everything would go so wrong years after his death."

"But we will fix it all Kallen…his lies will become true reality."

Kallen Kouzuki sighed, but a sense of renewed hope reappeared in her eyes. "I hope so, but my daughter will see to it. Although I regret I won't be there for her…"

"I understand, but I wish I could have been there for her too…I would have liked to see Lelouch's reaction to the fact that Shirley is your daughter as well as his."

Nina's attempt to lighten Kallen's mood worked as she started laughing before adding.

"Forget Lelouch's expression I would have liked to see my past-self's reaction to that little revelation."

"Oh good point!"

The two women burst into laughter, but it was interrupted when Shirley Lamperouge returned dressed in the new outfit her mother had prepared for her. It was similar to the flight suit her mother Kallen had worn during the Second Battle of Tokyo years before, but instead it was designed to possess elements from Zero's own two-piece body suit such as being white with gold outlines around the edges and the joints. The collar of the body suit redesigned to include a more fashionable collar to allow a white cravat while under it was a sleeveless black turtleneck with a pull up collar to cover up the lower half of the wearer's head and the suit was divided into an upper coat with the lower half possessing combined high-heel boots.

Then finally worn over her shoulders was a white cape lined with gold possessing a black interior.

"You look excellent Shirley, but you'll need this to complete it." Kallen noted with a smile before using a towel Nina handed her to clean off her hands before opening a box sitting on a table in a corner of the lab where contained inside was a white spiky mask with a black visor identical to the legendary mask of Zero.

"This is just like Zero's mask…"

"It kinda is, but I had the suit and the mask redesigned since you'll be going into the past to avoid confusion between the two of you. I am passing the mantle of Zero to you my child…just as your father passed the mantle onto another I took up the mantle to stop his successor after he betrayed the legacy…now I am giving it to you to correct the past and create a new and better future for the world."

"But I don't know if I can do it…"

"You won't be alone…this is something Nina and C.C. created together a couple years ago." Kallen replied trying to comfort the young girl while giving her a small black metallic sphere lined with gold possessing a single red-mono eye on it.

"What is this?"

"This has been codenamed Puck; however he is really an artificial intelligence unit. With help from C.C. we have created this A.I. with the memories of your father so he has more or less been digitally resurrected."

"So my dad who I never met has been brought back from the dead and reduced to a metal fish bowl." The dark purple haired woman said mockingly taking the inactive sphere into her hands.

Nina and Kallen couldn't help, but laugh.

Back in the present…or rather the past for Shirley Lamperouge as she had reached the secret research hanger where her target and escape vehicle was waiting for her. From her vantage point behind a few large supply crates she saw six guards separate into three groups near her target the large experimental Knightmare Frame dubbed the IFX-V301 Gawain.

Lying behind her was a Britannian soldier she had managed to sneak up on from behind and drive a knife through the bottom of the man's mouth into his brain ending his life instantly.

She was on the second floor overlooking most of the storage and research hanger where the gigantic Knightmare Frame was stored…she had a clear shot to the cockpit, but Shirley knew she would need to evade the bullets of the guards below.

'Five minutes…I got to hurry!'

Taking a deep breath she readied a pair of grenades before pulling the pins and throwing them at the two groups of guards before she began her mad dash across the catwalk towards the Gawain. Armed with the assault rifle she took from the guard she killed she brutally gunned down a guard that stepped out onto the catwalk just as the grenades below her went off killing some of the guards below.

At that moment the alarms went off, not because of the grenades that just went off, but rather because of the other guards she had to kill to reach the hanger had been found. The exploding grenades had now merely provided the means of the other soldiers in the facility of finding their unexpected visitor a lot faster.

Shirley fired blinding to some of the surviving soldiers as she reached the open cockpit of the Knightmare Frame. Once inside she closed the cockpit and began using the machine's stolen activation key and a set of override activation codes that had been hacked from the Toromo Agency's mainframe to activate the massive Knightmare Frame.

The machine came to life as Shirley took the controls and began moving the machine to rush out of the hanger crashing through the doors as the guards behind her was shooting in vain at the fleeing experimental machine. Pulling back on the lever the Float system of the black Knightmare Frame activated allowing the Gawain to take to the sky.

"What the hell is going on? Why aren't the automated turrets and anti-air batteries working? SHOOT IT DOWN!" A Britannian officer on the ground screamed.

"Sir…I don't understand it, but communications and defenses are disabled."


In the air flying away from the Toromo Agency…Shirley Lamperouge removed her mask as she was trying to put as much distance between her and the agency as she could after pulling off such a daring heist. In the mountains a safe distance away from the now doomed agency the Gawain landed near an old abandoned stone house with a partially collapsed straw roof.

Walking inside she saw a three laptop computers that had been set up and connected to a mobile satellite transmitter along with a diesel power-generator providing power for the entire set up, but linked to the equipment was a certain metallic sphere.

"Thanks for the help Puck…I got the Gawain and right about now the Toromo Agency is history."

In the distance the familiar growing pink sphere resulting from a FIEJIA bomb could be seen as the entire Toromo Agency had been now wiped off the face of the Earth.

"Very nice…one of our priority targets has been destroyed, so that leaves our other remaining targets."

"Yeah, but with the Gawain after some modifications we can hit the next target as soon as possible before anyone can realize its importance." Shirley replied as Puck disconnected himself from the computers as Shirley began packing up the equipment before moving to uncover two spare batteries hiding behind the house under a camouflage tent built to specifications according to the specs of the Gawain stored within Puck.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves…let's pack up and get out of here."

"Sure!" Shirley replied as she went to work while her mind wandered again into memory.

A few moments later Nina brought out a large metallic briefcase with wheels on the bottom as Kallen spoke with her daughter once more…for what would likely be the last time.

"Inside the suitcase is jewels and other gems you can sell and batter with to get started…anything else you need is inside and stored within Puck's memory banks." Nina explained.

"I understand, but mom…why can't you come?"

"It's because two of the same people cannot exist in the past and since you are not even in existence back then you are the only one who can go."

Kallen replied while she was saddened knowing that once her daughter leaves for the past this timeline she and Nina are in now will cease to exist along with them, but her daughter would become part of the timeline in the past so she will be fine and no matter what changes she will not be affected.

"Shirley, please remember what we talked about when you encounter my past self."

Nina replied while knowing what was going to happen soon…the scientist wasn't in the least bit afraid…in fact she was looking forward to what she considered was liberation from all of the sins she has committed. She was even more assured by the fact that Shirley would also see to it those sins would not be repeated.

"I understand…hopefully it won't come to the…alterative."

"I know, but please do whatever it takes to prevent it." Nina spoke with dead certainty in her voice.

Now with suitcase in hand and the mask of Zero upon her head and an inactive Puck under her left arm the frightened teenage girl stood before the activate time portal knowing it was a one way trip.


"I know…I love you. I know you will succeed because you are my daughter and his as well. He was able to change the world, so that means you can change the future." Kallen replied with tears in her eyes while she hugged her daughter before kissing her forehead. "Good bye…"

Kallen shoved her daughter through the portal while Nina tossed the suitcase she had let go of while she and Puck passed through the portal ensuring the items she would need would make it to the other side since contained within Puck's memory banks were the design and specs to create FIEJA bomb, but the specs contained were modified along with the designs contained to fulfill very specific purposes…once fulfilled the data would delete itself completely while it was impossible to copy the data from Puck to ensure that once the bombs served their purpose no more could be completed thanks to the additional safeguards and protocols put into place.

The portal closed as the generators that had sustained it burned out leaving the two women in darkness, but Nina quickly lit a candle she had nearby for when it happened.

Kallen went for the campaign bottle and retrieved their glasses.

"It should be happening any moment now." Nina said as a smile appeared on her lips.

"Yeah…" Kallen replied as she poured herself and Nina one last glass. The immortal redhead began chuckling to herself before raising her glass up. "To the new future Shirley will make…"

"Cheers!" Nina replied before gulping the entire glass down in one shot before throwing it to the ground, but soon Nina collapsed as well. Kallen looked upon the lifeless form of her friend knowing that with everything now finished she let go and allowed the disease that had been eating away at her for the past six months finally claim her.

"(Sigh)…Rest now on peace, Nina Einstein. God knows that you deserve it…" Kallen said sadly as she knelt down to close the eyes of her friend. "Soon, all of our greatest regrets and sins shall be washed away. . ."

Standing back up to her full height Kallen looked at the closed time portal.

"I hope I made you proud Lelouch…just like you…I destroyed the world, but our daughter will remake the future and the world anew."

Kallen mused as she gulped the entire glass herself before tossing the empty glass to the ground just as the world around them began to turn white. Neither one was afraid since both knew this would happen, but yet they accepted the end gladly knowing with the end of this timeline a new and better future would be born.

"Hey Shirley…snap out of it!"

"Huh!" The girl replied coming out of her daze where she had become lost in her memories. "Oh sorry…"

Shirley was back inside the cockpit of the Gawain had finished packing up their equipment and setting charges to dispose of the rest of it they couldn't carry with them inside the black Knightmare Frame. The Gawain rose into the air as the machine headed towards the Pacific Ocean where a specially modified transport ship was waiting.

"You can't be dazing out like that…we got work to do. Now that you have pulled the trigger we need to accelerate the plan and destroy the next targets quickly."

"I know, but we'll succeed."

"What makes you so sure?" Puck replied with a cocky tone of voice.

"Because I am the daughter of the Demon Emperor Lelouch vi Britannia and Kallen Kouzuki…they each possessed the mantle of Zero before me and now I am the new Zero. I will destroy the world and recreate anew as my father did for the sake of the future…I am Shirley vi Britannia the Fourth Zero!"

With those words the Gawain flew off into the night disappearing into the clouds.

A/N: change has already come in one form and more shall happen as Shirley, Lelouch and Kallen's little girl from hell who is as smart as the father and as deadly as a warrior as her mother, the best and worse all wrapped up in one nice package. Naturally Kallen and Lelouch are the pairing and Puck is without doubt an artificial intelligence construct of Lelouch's mind recreated and containing key information and technical specs to aid her. Anyway please review and tell me what you think and I am open for suggestions.